Let's see your strength regimen man.
Bench 3x6
Incline Bench 4x8
Dumbell Curls 3x8
Bar Curls 4x8
Preachers 4x8
Hammers 3x8
Basin Cable Curls 3x10
Flys 4x12
Dips 4x8
Cable Rows 3x15/15/12
Lat Pull Downs 3x8
A few notes: I don't always utilize all the curls. Typically I favor dums and hammers over others, followed by Basin and maybe Preacher if I'm feeling particularly masochistic.
I've neglected Dips as I don't often feel it's worth it. Maybe that will change.
I hate Deadlifting - it's so unrewarding for such a concentration intense motion. That will likely never change.
"You should be banned. Youre clearly flaming the president and even his brother who you know nothing about. Dont be such a partisan hack"