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Forums - Gaming Discussion - The 15th Annual Greatest Games Event - The Discussion Thread

Current list -

- This sequel takes players outside of the United States for the first time, with competitions based in France and Mexico. That said, there are still plenty of American locations to visit.
- One of the bonus levels sees you dropped from a helicopter onto a small platform in the middle of the ocean, whilst the other gives you the opportunity to skate around Heaven itself.
- One of the unlockable characters in this highly rated 'extreme sports' sequel, which bears the name of the sport's most well known star in its title, is a web slinging superhero.

08 - Super Mario World
- 11 / 96 (for minimalists / for completionists).
- This game introduced a beloved character to the series. The main function of this character here was conceived as an idea for previous games, but the hardware at the time was not powerful enough for it to come to fruition.
- This game was a launch title for one of the most popular consoles of all time.

- The only game in this series in which the playable character has a sibling.

04 - The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess
- The hero from some of the previous games in the series appears to pass on his skills to the hero in this game.

- Taking flight for the first time.

- You will have faced more human enemies by the end of the second level, than you did in the entirety of the previous game.

- Dinosaurs running a relay, with a human as the baton.

Last edited by drbunnig - on 28 December 2024

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drbunnig said:

08 (incorrect guesses - Breath of the Wild, Super Mario 64)
- 11 / 96 (for minimalists / for completionists).
- This game introduced a beloved character to the series. The main function of this character here was conceived as an idea for previous games, but the hardware at the time was not powerful enough for it to come to fruition.
- This game was a launch title for one of the most popular consoles of all time.

- The hero from some of the previous games in the series appears to pass on his skills to the hero in this game.

8: Super Mario World

5: The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess

Clues for the final five!

#5 - If you played this game at launch in the US, you’d understandably think it was the third mainline game, not the sixth

#4 - This former GCN exclusive has been ported to several platforms and was remade just last year

#3 - This 2001 game kickstarted a franchise that was on top of the world through 2010, before its creators handed the reins to another studio that has done dubious work since

#2 - The director of this seminal immersive sim also directed a Disney game that was remade this year

#1 - This game and its direct sequel won overall GOTY on this site — only the second time a franchise has claimed the honor more than once

Last edited by Veknoid_Outcast - on 28 December 2024

LegitHyperbole said:
UnderwaterFunktown said:

I mean you got the right words in there but World of Warcraft 3 tho?

Lol. Warcraft 3 The Frozen Throne. WoW is the first thing that comes to mind when I think of Warcraft these days. 

That's the one. And with that my list is complete!

(still need to actually fill it out on the main thread but we'll get there)

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Veknoid_Outcast said:

Clues for the final five!

#5 - If you played this game at launch in the US, you’d understandably think it was the third mainline game, not the sixth

#4 - This former GCN exclusive has been ported to several platforms and was remade just last year

#3 - This 2001 game kickstarted a franchise that was on top of the world through 2010, before its creators handed the reins to another studio that has done dubious work since

#1 - This game and its direct sequel won overall GOTY on this site — only the second time a franchise has claimed the honor more than once

5: Final Fantasy 6

4: Resident Evil 4

3: Halo Combat Evolved?

1: Zelda Breath of the Wild

Around the Network
S.Peelman said:
Veknoid_Outcast said:

Clues for the final five!

#5 - If you played this game at launch in the US, you’d understandably think it was the third mainline game, not the sixth

#4 - This former GCN exclusive has been ported to several platforms and was remade just last year

#3 - This 2001 game kickstarted a franchise that was on top of the world through 2010, before its creators handed the reins to another studio that has done dubious work since

#1 - This game and its direct sequel won overall GOTY on this site — only the second time a franchise has claimed the honor more than once

5: Final Fantasy 6

4: Resident Evil 4

3: Halo Combat Evolved?

1: Zelda Breath of the Wild

Well done! 4/4

S.Peelman said:
drbunnig said:

08 (incorrect guesses - Breath of the Wild, Super Mario 64)
- 11 / 96 (for minimalists / for completionists).
- This game introduced a beloved character to the series. The main function of this character here was conceived as an idea for previous games, but the hardware at the time was not powerful enough for it to come to fruition.
- This game was a launch title for one of the most popular consoles of all time.

- The hero from some of the previous games in the series appears to pass on his skills to the hero in this game.

8: Super Mario World

5: The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess

Correct on both. You're on a roll.

No. 5 Bloodborne

360 hour. Platinum. Multiple playthroughs as well as multiple NG+. All Chalice dungeons. What a game, the vibe and world they built alone puts this game high up but add in the wicked addictive gameplay loop, great combat with a focus on aggression, amazing diverse weapons, looping level design, and bosses that are so well designed and you have a masterpiece. I never thought I would love to exist in a cosmic horror universe so much until I played this game, it almost feels warm in some weird kind of way. My first Soulsborne experience and I gave up many times at the start but so glad I pushed through to find this genre and have it click. These games have made me more patient, less prone to anger and givene a philosophy I use in life now to continue to persevere even if it looks so daunting that you cannot complete something, eventually you will succeed. I love this game so much right down to the tiniest of details like the sounds and even some of the minor flaws. They really struck on something so special with this game and I doubt a Bloodborne 2 will live up to this title.

No. 4 Sekiro

250 hours, two fresh playthroughs and all the way to NG+7. Platinum. I have to preface this by saying Sekiro with Japanese VA, I find the English VA to hurt this game more than it should anf this game could be interchanged with Bloodborne above cause they are so close and Bloodborne does things better than this game and vice versa but I have to give it to Sekiro simply because it is so finely tuned, doing away with the RPG mechanics allowed FromSoft to tailor the difficulty of this game to perfection anf it is very difficult but it's also unique, or it was unique until it started getting copied recently. The rythym game play means you can't get good at this until you put down the controller, have a night's sleep and come back once your brain automate the process which is something I can't say is good or bad but once it clicks, it feels fantastic and by far the most rewarding game I have ever played. Over coming the challenges of this game had me jumping for joy and still, it provides. I replayed this year for fun and to get the platinum something that was really rough since I used my skill points to level up so I had to play all the way to NG+7 to get good enough EXP and every playthrough wad a joy, some of the boss fights would still get me, especially the final bosses in their respective endings. I find this, thee best action game of all time and it will be a long while or a mircle before it is beaten. Story isn't much, it's serviceable but can easily be skipped without loosing much from the experience but the game, oh boy, is it some game. Perhaps the truest video game of the 3D age, What I would imagine 2d games would have evolved into had things shaped out differently and MGS never brought cinematic narrative focus to games. My No. 4 but with an added seal of shear excellence in what it sets out to do. I hope to see From Soft step out of the box again and provide us with a game that defies convention. This also has the Best boss in any game ever, Sword Saint Ishhin which is by far the best designed boss, in the best arena in the best game, I keep this game installed just to go up against him. 

Last edited by LegitHyperbole - on 28 December 2024

No. 3 clue: The second best CRPG ever created and was crowd funded.

No. 2 Clue: Thee Best CRPG ever created and was crowd funded.

More hints.

#4 Dark Souls

  • "...and with fire came disparity"


  • Galactic Terran-Vasudan Alliance (GTVA)
  • Humanity has been cut off from Earth
  • This space combat simulator ends in a cliffhanger that has never, and likely will never, be resolved.


  • "Count 108 years, and when the Moon That Never Sets glows red..."
  • "...the Moon Child descends to the earth to fill the world with holy bliss." So states the legend.
  • Sony's challenger for Final Fantasy on the PS1.

#1 Final Fantasy IX

  • Alexandria