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Forums - Gaming Discussion - The 15th Annual Greatest Games Event - The Discussion Thread

Darashiva said:


  • Details the events of a secret offensive during the second Europan War.
  • Takes place at the same time as the first game in the series.
  • Much of the game is set in the frozen northern reaches of the continent.
  • Much of the overarching storyline of the whole series focuses on a race of valkyries and their powers being used, or abused, in the war.

Even the first hint clearly say it is a Valkyria Chronicles game, but as I don't know enough of the series I am not sure which one. So I left it for others. So much for that... I take a random guess and say VC4.

3DS-FC: 4511-1768-7903 (Mii-Name: Mnementh), Nintendo-Network-ID: Mnementh, Switch: SW-7706-3819-9381 (Mnementh)

my greatest games: 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023, 2024

10 years greatest game event!

bets: [peak year] [+], [1], [2], [3], [4]

Around the Network

Current list -

47 - Space Station Silicon Valley
- Robotic animals take each other out in a title from the developer of one of the biggest franchises of all time (which is currently awaiting its sixth numbered entry into the series). The developer was going under a different name at the time of this game’s release though.
- You have to take control of these robotic animals to do combat, solve puzzles, and get to each level exit.
- A 3D puzzle platformer of sorts that saw release on a Nintendo console, with a poorly received port also being put out on Sony hardware.

46 (incorrect guesses - Psychonauts)
- The playable character is like the antithesis of Freddy Krueger
- A top down Zelda-like game exclusive to one of Nintendo’s rivals in the 5th gen.
- Seen by some as a spiritual successor to an isometric action RPG released for the Genesis, this game itself had a sequel which, aside from the name, had no real ties to its predecessor.

- Several of the multiplayer modes and control schemes in this game are references to the IP the game is part of.
- Those references being names of films / books, and names of female characters, respectively.

- For the first time in this sub series, a playable character has different initials than all the others.

- Both the good and bad guys are feline fine with this power up.

- Obtaining the collectibles in this direct sequel is not quite as frustrating as the first game in the series.

- Whether or not this game has a subtitle depends on the region of release. If you remove the subtitle, then it shares its name with two other games in the series.

Last edited by drbunnig - on 27 November 2024

UnderwaterFunktown said:
Farsala said:

50 correct

49 incorrect, think more recently

48 correct

41 not quite, very recent too

39 correct but I think only one let you begin with that digimon

35 correct

49) I think I know which one you're refering to but had to google the name: One Piece Odyssey

41) FF7 Rebirth then

Correct on both.

Mnementh said:
Darashiva said:


Not only is Control the most fun game to simply play that Remedy has ever made, the combination of gunplay and magic powers works wonderfully, but it also features one of my favourite settings in all of video games to date. The Oldest House is wonderfully cryptic and strange place, and the wider world it begins to reveal during the story as well as the various side quests and optional collectibles. I also found the characters far more well-rounded than in previous Remedy games, Jesse Faden being a great main character driven by an excellent performance by Courtney Hope. The rest of the cast is great too, a particular highlight being Ahti the janitor, and the voice actors do a great job leaning into the slightly off feeling of the whole game. Finally, I'd be remiss not to mention the Ashtray Maze, one of the single best levels in any video game in recent memory. Combined with the track "Take Control", it's a genuine highlight in an already excellent game.

Control is a good game and I like the creativity of some stuff, like the level literally called Jesse Faden starring in "Swift Platform". and I hate platforming as I suck with that.

But if you like the vibe of Control, you should know it is clearly inspired by an internet thing called SCP. When I played Control and got the first document describing an artifact I sat there thinking: this is literally an SCP, which makes the Federal Bureau of Control the SCP Foundation. Wikipedia has an explanation and you find the SCP in the SCP-Foundation Wiki. Be aware that SCP is completely community driven, nobody owns it, it is by not one author but many, it has no real canon, although the SCPs clearly have a vibe or tone - something that Control copies. Some SCPs are better, some are bad, but some are amazing. Good examples are SCP-294 or SCP-426. So if you want more of the tone of Control you find it there.

Not related to SCP or Control, but similar in vibe is the novel House of Leaves by Mark Z. Danielewski. (see Wikipedia or buy). And of that book I know only because (to get back to videogames) because of the Doom-WAD MyHouse.wad:

Can recommend all that if you want to dive deeper into strange stuff.

I'm aware of SCP and I've read a few things about it here and there, but never really taken a deep dive into it.

Mnementh said:
Darashiva said:


  • Details the events of a secret offensive during the second Europan War.
  • Takes place at the same time as the first game in the series.
  • Much of the game is set in the frozen northern reaches of the continent.
  • Much of the overarching storyline of the whole series focuses on a race of valkyries and their powers being used, or abused, in the war.

Even the first hint clearly say it is a Valkyria Chronicles game, but as I don't know enough of the series I am not sure which one. So I left it for others. So much for that... I take a random guess and say VC4.


drbunnig said:

Current list -

- Robotic animals take each other out in a title from the developer of one of the biggest franchises of all time (which is currently awaiting its sixth numbered entry into the series). The developer was going under a different name at the time of this game’s release though.
- You have to take control of these robotic animals to do combat, solve puzzles, and get to each level exit.
- A 3D puzzle platformer of sorts that saw release on a Nintendo console, with a poorly received port also being put out on Sony hardware.

46 (incorrect guesses - Psychonauts)
- The playable character is like the antithesis of Freddy Krueger
- A top down Zelda-like game exclusive to one of Nintendo’s rivals in the 5th gen.
- Seen by some as a spiritual successor to an isometric action RPG released for the Genesis, this game itself had a sequel which, aside from the name, had no real ties to its predecessor.

- Several of the multiplayer modes and control schemes in this game are references to the IP the game is part of.
- Those references being names of films / books, and names of female characters, respectively.

- For the first time in this sub series, a playable character has different initials than all the others.

- Both the good and bad guys are feline fine with this power up.

- Obtaining the collectibles in this direct sequel is not quite as frustrating as the first game in the series.

- Whether or not this game has a subtitle depends on the region of release. If you remove the subtitle, then it shares its name with two other games in the series.

47: Space Station Silicon Valley?

Darashiva said:
drbunnig said:

Current list -

- Robotic animals take each other out in a title from the developer of one of the biggest franchises of all time (which is currently awaiting its sixth numbered entry into the series). The developer was going under a different name at the time of this game’s release though.
- You have to take control of these robotic animals to do combat, solve puzzles, and get to each level exit.
- A 3D puzzle platformer of sorts that saw release on a Nintendo console, with a poorly received port also being put out on Sony hardware.

47: Space Station Silicon Valley?

Yes, that's the one. Really good game - I still hold out hope that it'll be revisited in some form in the future - more people need to know about this gem.

Around the Network

47- Liu Bei and Mei Sanniang (Strategy), Himiko, Zhuge Liang
46- Liu Bei, Sun Quan, Cao Cao (Tactics), Yuan Shao, Gongsun Zan, Sun Ce
45- Ace, Trey, King
44- Andrias Rhondarson, Fredret Lester
43- Alain, Josef, Scarlett
42- Adel, Rozalyn, Tink
40- Lann and Reynn, Bartz, Squall
39- Hagurumon, Palmon, Terriermon
38- Luceus (Aurora), Yangus, King Doric
37- Lazarel (Teresa), Desdemona, Terry
36- Jack, Jed, Ash

#37 Backpacker 2

I do not think this game saw a general release in outside of a few markets in northern Europe. This game gets into my best ever list for one simple reason, it is by far the best educational game I have ever played and the only game in that category that I wanted to play for fun. The main premise of the game is to travel the world and collect certs for different jobs. Each city you visit can be explored to find the cheap or expensive hotel, the shop or different sightseeing's. The game released in 1997 and most of the "exploration" is point and click on a map to get different postcards with information or question. But it was full of pictures o high quality and needed two CDs to pack everything. 

This game struck a strange lightning in a bottle where the style was cool in a game built around different questions. When searching for a job one needed to scan the newspaper with a magnifying glass. Even if the jobs are mostly just questions on the topic around the job they also incorporated more interactive tasks like sorting fruits, building electronic connections, mix correct drinks or hunt deer. 

Each time you visit a new city a melody is playing with music from that location giving it an almost immersive experience. If you fail on your jobs, stay at to expensive hotels or buy very unnecessary stuff in the giftshop you can make a phone call home begging for some extra money, but don't overdo it or your mother will simple tell you to handle it on your own. The first installment in the Backpacker series was okay as well but everything dies with the third game, they removed everything that was great with the game without adding anything great and new. Since this game was only released in a small part of the world and for an older version of Windows, actually playing it today is difficult. But in my memory it will stay for ever.

Farsala said:

47- Liu Bei and Mei Sanniang (Strategy), Himiko, Zhuge Liang
46- Liu Bei, Sun Quan, Cao Cao (Tactics), Yuan Shao, Gongsun Zan, Sun Ce
45- Ace, Trey, King
44- Andrias Rhondarson, Fredret Lester
43- Alain, Josef, Scarlett
42- Adel, Rozalyn, Tink
40- Lann and Reynn, Bartz, Squall
39- Hagurumon, Palmon, Terriermon
38- Luceus (Aurora), Yangus, King Doric
37- Lazarel (Teresa), Desdemona, Terry
36- Jack, Jed, Ash

40: World of Final Fantasy

Guessed by @Darashiva

Just thinking of this makes me really feel just how... ancient it is. Like sometimes I'll think of a game from say 2014 and be like "how has it been 10 years already?!" but Portal truly does feel like a different time. The whole running gag with the cake. The internet going crazy over GLaDOS, I remember how people would put her voice into just about everything. The overwhelming love for the cube with the heart stamp. Still Alive being ridiculously popular to the point where it got into Rock Band - another thing that feels ancient now, lol.

Yeah, it's been a while. Going through the Portal games for the first time, all that time ago, was a pretty awesome experience. They're great games.



Change YoY: -1   My Rating: 9.2 / 10

My history with the Monster Hunter series is relatively short. The only title in the series that I'd played to any notable extent before World was Monster Hunter Tri on the Wii well over a decade ago, and I never actually owned the game myself. I just never found the series that appealing for whatever reason, and the same was true with Monster Hunter World. In fact, it was my wife who got the game originally, not me, and she was the one who played it through while I just largely ignored it for several years. It wasn't until late 2022 as I was looking for something to play I thought I might as well give it a chance. After all, I could certainly see the appeal with the general concept of the series, even if in the past it hadn't managed to hook me.

As you can probably guess by its ranking, I ended up absolutely loving the game. The setting is wonderfully varied, with the different zones having a very distinct atmosphere and look of their own. The visuals and music are excellent as well, and even the story and characters, while essentially serving as just an excuse to go out and hunt, are surprisingly engaging even if not the most memorable. Yet, it is of course the gameplay and the monsters themselves that serve as the true stars of the game, and both elements are fantastic. I played the game for nearly 150 hours, and I never got tired of the core gameplay loop of hunting materials to craft more gear so I could then go on more challenging hunts to get better materials and craft even better gear. It helps that the monsters are impeccably designed and exciting to fight against. Even just the base game alone would be enough to warrant a spot on my list.

However, I must also mention the game's expansion pack, Iceborne, which could almost be its own game entirely considering how much content there is in it. Introducing a new area to explore and several new monsters, it was essentially more of what I'd already learned to love, with the challenge level ramped up even further. It's one of the best expansion packs I've ever played, and serves as a great final chapter to one of the best games of the previous console generation.