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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Battle of the 8th gen losers: Wii U vs Vita vs Xbox One


I think the best is...

Wii U 36 56.25%
Vita 14 21.88%
Xbox One 14 21.88%

This is a tricky one for me; I didn't own an Xbox One or a Vita, but I have played a lot of the former's games on Switch and PS5.
I did own a Wii U, and while it did have some excellent games, the droughts between them were terrible.

Xbox One has more good games, by a country mile, just by virtue of having good third party support. On the other hand, it lacks worthwhile exclusives, so the PS4 made it feel kind of redundant. Wii U justified its existence somewhat with the likes of Mario Kart 8, Splatoon, Tropical Freeze, etc, but if you weren't into Nintendo games or wanted a primary console it was a poor choice.

The Vita never held much interest for me, as I'd rather play on the TV.

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IcaroRibeiro said:

Xbone has a great library,  it blows Wii U and Vita easily 

Is redundant yes, but it can play 90% of the best games released last gen and great state, often better than PS4. The amount of hate this system gets is totally unwarranted

Little bit off-topic: (I ask this as somebody searching for games to play...) Any games that come to mind for XBOne? Specifically, exclusive titles.

Responding to OP question: I only played Wii I may be a little biased Lol. MK8D, Mario Maker, Splatoon, SSB4, Captain Toad, SM3DW, DS Virtual Console works beautifully with the second screen, Bayonetta 2,...need I keep going? Certainly Nintendo's worst line-up of any system they've ever produced, though far from weak.

curl-6 said:

This is a tricky one for me; I didn't own an Xbox One or a Vita, but I have played a lot of the former's games on Switch and PS5.
I did own a Wii U, and while it did have some excellent games, the droughts between them were terrible.

Xbox One has more good games, by a country mile, just by virtue of having good third party support. On the other hand, it lacks worthwhile exclusives, so the PS4 made it feel kind of redundant. Wii U justified its existence somewhat with the likes of Mario Kart 8, Splatoon, Tropical Freeze, etc, but if you weren't into Nintendo games or wanted a primary console it was a poor choice.

The Vita never held much interest for me, as I'd rather play on the TV.

I'd say PlayStation TV but unfortunately many of Vita's true exclusives and even non-exclusives with unique features were never supported due to Sony not finding workarounds on DualShock 3 or 4 for Vita's touch screen and rear touch pad. 

And yes, Wii U droughts were ungodly since very few have the money or interest to buy every Nintendo release and a lot of third-party games (many of them digital-only on Wii U) were either meh or shovelware. 

Xbox One is often very redundant in the face of its competition and PC, not to mention Series X/S. 

Lifetime Sales Predictions 

Switch: 161 million (was 73 million, then 96 million, then 113 million, then 125 million, then 144 million, then 151 million, then 156 million)

PS5: 115 million (was 105 million) Xbox Series S/X: 40 million (was 60 million, then 67 million, then 57 million. then 48 million)

PS4: 120 mil (was 100 then 130 million, then 122 million) Xbox One: 51 mil (was 50 then 55 mil)

3DS: 75.5 mil (was 73, then 77 million)

"Let go your earthly tether, enter the void, empty and become wind." - Guru Laghima

I like Wii U because of Super Mario 3D World, New Super Mario/Luigi Bros. U, Splatoon, Super Mario Maker, and Mario Kart 8.

But that's not enough for me to put it's library above Xbox One's.

In the end, Wii U. It did have Xenoblade Chronicles X and Hyrule Warriors. NES Remixes were also great and Wii U Gamepad has incredibly good D-pad. The 2D Mario games were rather mediocre, but still something that the others didn't come even close. However, the use of two screens was a pain for most of the time.

Ei Kiinasti.

Eikä Japanisti.

Vaan pannaan jalalla koreasti.


Nintendo games sell only on Nintendo system.

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RolStoppable said:

For three systems that were so bad, the question should be framed as, "Which one was the least bad?"

What becomes apparent in threads like this is that the legacy of any console will be defined by which games it had, so all the blunders of hardware design and in marketing that were being talked about ad nauseum during the lifetime of these systems get pushed in a dark obscure corner. Given how these consoles were treated by their manufacturers, this is a very easy ranking too.

1. Wii U - The release schedule for it was very barren, but it had unforgettable standout titles, so owning one still wasn't a waste.

2. Vita - Lacking standout titles, it at least managed to serve a niche with its exclusive games.

3. Xbox One - It had a much bigger library than the two systems above, but the money for it was better spent on either a PC or PS4 which had the same games, but so many more benefits. The Xbox One was the poster child for redundancy until the Xbox Series came along. When you can skip a system and never have to give it a second thought again, that's pretty damning.

It seems that in the modern times wating for games plays a bigger part in owning a console than actually playing them. In retrospect, it's easier to judge how much fun you actually had playing the games instead of waiting for the messiah for the system to come.

Ei Kiinasti.

Eikä Japanisti.

Vaan pannaan jalalla koreasti.


Nintendo games sell only on Nintendo system.

Yeah the Wii U has a fair few excellent games now, but actually owning one during its time was constantly frustrating and consisted mostly of sitting around waiting through months of nothing for the next worthwhile release.

The fact that the Xbone had way, way more games makes me hypothesize that it would have been a better primary console. On the other hand, I can think of almost nothing on Xbox One that I'd consider worth playing that's not on PS4/Switch.

Really comes down to exclusives vs third party.

The Wii U and Vita both had great games, many of which ended up on the Switch, PS4, and PS5.

The Xbox One didn't really do anything that the PS4 didn't do better. Might as well not have existed.

firebush03 said:
IcaroRibeiro said:

Xbone has a great library,  it blows Wii U and Vita easily 

Is redundant yes, but it can play 90% of the best games released last gen and great state, often better than PS4. The amount of hate this system gets is totally unwarranted

Little bit off-topic: (I ask this as somebody searching for games to play...) Any games that come to mind for XBOne? Specifically, exclusive titles.

Responding to OP question: I only played Wii I may be a little biased Lol. MK8D, Mario Maker, Splatoon, SSB4, Captain Toad, SM3DW, DS Virtual Console works beautifully with the second screen, Bayonetta 2,...need I keep going? Certainly Nintendo's worst line-up of any system they've ever produced, though far from weak.

I think all their best games were released on PC and other consoles later. Ori, Hellblade 2, Flight Simulator (this one I strongly advice playing on PC)

For Series X Valheim seems pretty good, my BF played the early access and I liked what I saw, I'm waiting for the proper release 

curl-6 said:

Yeah the Wii U has a fair few excellent games now, but actually owning one during its time was constantly frustrating and consisted mostly of sitting around waiting through months of nothing for the next worthwhile release.

The fact that the Xbone had way, way more games makes me hypothesize that it would have been a better primary console. On the other hand, I can think of almost nothing on Xbox One that I'd consider worth playing that's not on PS4/Switch.

Really comes down to exclusives vs third party.

I would rather spend $300 bucks with some droughts and get 10 amazing games through 4 years than spend $500 in 2013 and, after a full generation, go to a Gamestop and just see a shelf of mediocrity.

Bite my shiny metal cockpit!