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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Quantity of games per year and per system with exclusives as well (according to Wikipedia)


Which was your favorite time period for gaming ?

5th generation (1993 - 2000) 9 25.71%
6th generation (2000 - 2006) 9 25.71%
7th generation (2006 - 2013) 7 20.00%
8th generation (2013 - 2020) 5 14.29%
9th generation (2020 - now) 5 14.29%
XtremeBG said:
LegitHyperbole said:

Well they're most certainly off as they are. That is no reflection of the last ten years to put in a graph, it makes it look like the industry is shrinking when infact it's growing massively via digital stores. The yearly data suggests stagnation which isn't true. 15k Games on switch alon, all three digital stores would cause damn near a cliff wall on the graph with how high the numbers would be when the graph gets to 2017 and onwards. 

It's better than nothing. I don't have full data for everything from one source, to be able to take it and put it.

I also added more in my previous post, go check. For me it's stagnation yes. There were plenty of games to play back in the previous gens, now the big games you can count on fists of your hands. So for me its not so true to believe it. Of course there maybe more mini games or indees but the big games for sure are less than before. And it's logical, big games took 5-6-7 years to develop nowadays, before it was only 1-2 years, in rare cases goes up to 3 years. If I can't take the data for everything from one legit source, my source remains wikipedia. The stores aren't an option since there isn't store for everything, and the amount of delisted games for the previous gens is big. And if we talk about digital stores there is PC too, how you can measure that ? it's impossible. One store does not tell the whole story.

Maybe wikipedia does not too, but at least is one source for everything, and I don't have better one than that.

You only want to believe that. That listing on the stores prove you wrong, there is no stagnation. There is insane growth for PS and Nintendo. If you need proof look at Sony and Nintendos financial stats over the last few years. That ain't inflation, that a 30% cut on massive amounts of software being sold on these platforms. 

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LegitHyperbole said:

You only want to believe that. That listing on the stores prove you wrong, there is no stagnation. There is insane growth for PS and Nintendo. If you need proof look at Sony and Nintendos financial stats over the last few years. That ain't inflation, that a 30% cut on massive amounts of software being sold on these platforms. 

The profits are bigger because the gaming becomes way more mainstream then before, and it does so with each following year. Also you have subsribtions and microstransactions now more than ever. It's not because the big titles are more. Also I haven't said the numbers are accurate, but the source is the best I could find for all the data. And based on my personal experience with gaming, I do believe the ratio difference between the numbers, since the big games were a lot more before than they are now, as I said it's even logical, every big game is now developing for double sometimes even triple the time of before. Indie games are also way less than their most strong period from the 8th gen. Exclusives games data, also shows the same trend. Also I don't trust that now all of a sudden there are systems with 10 000 games, while just a few years before they were 2-3k at most. If the 10k games is true then for sure those previous systems should have more than what's on the chart. There is no way everyone would be happy with the previous gens about the games, and now most of people complain on the web everywhere there are no games the last few years, and the number of games is 3-4 times more for each system. Other thing in the PS store is that it counts demos trials and dlc-s for games, I am not sure if this is the case now with the PS5 section there, but the PS4 one, few years ago was like that. For example I had bought around 30 full games on the store digitally but on my library it said 200+ games because of all the demos, trials, and dlc's I've downloaded before that. So I really can't trust sony's store, the microsoft one was the same with the XB1. So it proves me nothing. Again, there can't be 4 years of that gen and PS5 have more games than whole full gen of 8 years and people saying all over the web that there are no games, and they are way more than a full generation. My stand on the topic is the same. this gen is a shame in terms of numbers of games to play in comparison to previous gens. So I trust more the ratio comparison that wikipedia gives than the store for PS5.

All the data from 1 legit source for every year and system. The data from the stores we can take does not cover xbox, does not cover all of nintendo, does not cover everything from PS after 7th gen, and there is no way to get PC data too. It will be way more innacurate than one source which have data for all the years and consoles on one place. It may be accurate for PS5 games for example, but it won't be as accurate for another platforms which are dead. I choose wikipedia as source, if you can give me better one, for every year and console, you are welcome, if not, this is my choice of source for the data.

If you do not agree with my point of view, you can make yourself charts, comparisons, and a new thread with data from the digital stores. Mine is this, unless I find source for everything touched here as years and consoles.

Last edited by XtremeBG - 5 days ago

My sales comparison threads:

Ultimate Showdowns: JP 2023 / JP 2024 / 2024 / 2023 / 20222021

Lifetime Showdown / Historical Showdown / YOY Charts / 140M+ Club Chart / Quantity of Games

XtremeBG said:
LegitHyperbole said:

You only want to believe that. That listing on the stores prove you wrong, there is no stagnation. There is insane growth for PS and Nintendo. If you need proof look at Sony and Nintendos financial stats over the last few years. That ain't inflation, that a 30% cut on massive amounts of software being sold on these platforms. 

The profits are bigger because the gaming becomes way more mainstream then before, and it does so with each following year. Also you have subsribtions and microstransactions now more than every. It's not because the big titles are more. Also I haven't said the numbers are accurate, but the source is the best I could find for all the data.

All the data from 1 legit source for every year and system. The data from the stores we can take does not cover xbox, does not cover all of nintendo, does not cover everything from PS after 7th gen, and there is no way to get PC data too. It will be way more innacurate than one source which have data for all the years and consoles on one place. It may be accurate for PS5 games for example, but it won't be as accurate for another platforms which are dead. I choose wikipedia as source, if you can give me better one, for every year and console, you are welcome, if not, this is my choice of source for the data.


LegitHyperbole said:



My sales comparison threads:

Ultimate Showdowns: JP 2023 / JP 2024 / 2024 / 2023 / 20222021

Lifetime Showdown / Historical Showdown / YOY Charts / 140M+ Club Chart / Quantity of Games

LegitHyperbole said:

While metacritic makes for a cool graphic and gives us a general idea it's far from accurate, it remains acrurate up until a certain point from what I can find around the PS3/360 there must be digital games that aren't being counted.

Over 10,000 games were released for ps4. 171,000 people from 8,000 developers. 6,000 more than PS2 seemingly accurate figure

Nintendo Switch has near 11,500 games.

2,700 so far on ps5.

While Xbox SXS figures are difficult to find.

Eh, I think Moby counts variants. Cover changes and regional versions. PS2 has 4k games and Switch is nearing 5k. Switch does have the most games of any console ever made. Wikipedia is more trustworthy on numbers.

Bite my shiny metal cockpit!

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Yeah, sorry OP, but the amount of games releasing has never been higher, to the point of everything becoming white noise - just because you don't want to go through hassle of hunting down digital store numbers and go with your "gut feel" that there are fewer games, doesn't make reality any different.

The vast majority of games that release as digital only are trash. Literal shovelware that deserve to be forgotten the moment a store closes down.

People that can't see the point of OP trying to count legitimate games instead of shovelware are too young to know anything about the topic and should remain silent.

Leynos said:
LegitHyperbole said:

While metacritic makes for a cool graphic and gives us a general idea it's far from accurate, it remains acrurate up until a certain point from what I can find around the PS3/360 there must be digital games that aren't being counted.

Over 10,000 games were released for ps4. 171,000 people from 8,000 developers. 6,000 more than PS2 seemingly accurate figure

Nintendo Switch has near 11,500 games.

2,700 so far on ps5.

While Xbox SXS figures are difficult to find.

Eh, I think Moby counts variants. Cover changes and regional versions. PS2 has 4k games and Switch is nearing 5k. Switch does have the most games of any console ever made. Wikipedia is more trustworthy on numbers.

You either count all games or don't bother. A game is a game and there's a lot of movie tie in games on the older generations which are little more than shovelware if that's an issue. I think it's digital games that Moby is counting and Wiki is not counting them in full. You can go to PSN right now, all games and I bet you'll be at 3,800 before you're half way down the list. Hell go to the store here and see. 9770 listed on this regional store 9991 games on another store. Far closer to Mobys numbers. 

Last edited by LegitHyperbole - 5 days ago

Cerebralbore101 said:

The vast majority of games that release as digital only are trash. Literal shovelware that deserve to be forgotten the moment a store closes down.

People that can't see the point of OP trying to count legitimate games instead of shovelware are too young to know anything about the topic and should remain silent.

So don't count film tie in games in older gens then, it's not like those consoles didn't have their own versions of bloat and shovelware. Many of these shovelware and mobile ports are more fleshed out games that games back then when you have stuff like E.T. count all games or then graph means fuck all only to reinforce the bias the OP has to make it seem like the industry is stagnating. It's clearly not, if anything it has the problem that there are too many games and too little players. 

Also, that's the most condescending line of text I've read on this site. Ridiculous. 

Last edited by LegitHyperbole - 5 days ago

LegitHyperbole said:
Leynos said:

Eh, I think Moby counts variants. Cover changes and regional versions. PS2 has 4k games and Switch is nearing 5k. Switch does have the most games of any console ever made. Wikipedia is more trustworthy on numbers.

You either count all games or don't bother. A game is a game and there's a lot of movie tie in games on the older generations which are little more than shovelware if that's an issue. I think it's digital games that Moby is counting and Wiki is not counting them in full. You can go to PSN right now, all games and I bet you'll be at 3,800 before you're half way down the list. Hell go to the store here and see. 9770 listed on this regional store 9991 games on another store. Far closer to Mobys numbers. 

I wasn't arguing about physical or digital. And stuff listed in a digital store is counting DLC sometimes as a game as it's software. So the numbers are off. PS2 has 10k games? No. I promise you as a physical collector it does not. That would have been mentioned on retro forums and such.

Bite my shiny metal cockpit!