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Forums - Politics Discussion - 2024 US Presidential Election

This thread needs the window open, get aired out and some good vibes.

Last edited by LegitHyperbole - on 09 November 2024

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I voted for Donald Trump for the third time. He is not perfect, but I think his platform was superior to Harris's.

No tax on tips and no tax on overtime are big. A lot of people in my family take advantage of overtime so not having that taxed is hugely beneficial for us. While I personally don't know anyone who works a tipped job at the moment, I think those people should also take home more of their pay.

12,000 jobs added in the U.S. in October is damning.
I myself went through hell to find a job earlier this year looking for a manufacturing job in chemistry. There are so many ghost jobs that it's infuriating.

I think Trump should ditch his proposed tariffs, though. They will only pass the cost onto the consumer.

I think people will be talking more about age limits for presidential candidates after this term.

Reagan was cooked by the end of his last term. Biden is not all there. Trump at age 81/82 probably isn't going to be pretty.

konnichiwa said:

I am from Europe and don't think I made an anti trump comment =p.

Sometimes I feel like I am one of the few who gets why people would vote for Trump.

I am sure like 90% of Europeans would vote for Harris but if you asked name a thing that Harris did the last 4 years what was great they will have a hard time naming anything.  It is the typical I will say Harris because I would be ashamed to say I vote Trump cause I don't want to be called an Incel/Racist/womenhater etc..

I know it was impossible but Michelle Obama would have been a way better candidate, She seems more honest and tried to help and if she wanted to fight she did it for a good cause like fighting against obesity and more..

Maybe because she's the vice president, so she didn't actually have any real power to do anything?

SanAndreasX said:
Signalstar said:

Maybe this is naive of me, but at this point I would rather the Republicans take the House as well. That way they have control of all the branches of government and both houses of congress. They would have to own everything that happens in the next 2 years. No blaming it on the Dems. I think this will better position the Dems to potentially take back the House and Senate in 2 years.

Having the House would be a symbolic victory at this point. They would have oversight authority into the administration but investigating Trump has proved to be a waste. Time to rebuild the party. We have to deal with Trump then post-Trump America.

Holding the House would mean that Democrats could block Trump's legislation. 

As for them "owning it" - I have lived in Oklahoma much of my life. Since 1994, Republican leadership has evolved into Oklahoma becoming a single party state as of 2008. Oklahoma ranks at the bottom of every indicator of the country - health, education, infant mortality. In addition, any business of any significance in Oklahoma ends up moving to Houston or Dallas, because Oklahoma is almost surrounded by Texas and cannot possibly hope to compete. The DFW metro, just 150 miles away from OKC, has nearly twice the population of the entire state of Oklahoma. Other than New Jersey, I can't think of another state that is a satellite of a larger neighbor to the degree of Oklahoma and Texas. The roads are complete shit, despite almost all of them being tolled rather heavily.

People in Oklahoma are not happy. They complain about the constant dysfunction.  But despite the fact that the Republicans have ruled this state to the degree which Viktor Orban's Fidesz party rules Hungary, they still blame their problems on a Democratic Party which has all but vanished.

Reminds me of how my now former neighbor (who was evicted because she couldn't afford rent after knee surgeries bottomed out her bank account and she couldn't work for a while... I hope she's doing OK, wherever she is ) once went on a rant on how it was Biden's fault her son couldn't afford his own place after college. I tried asking her if she had heard of the administration's plans for student loan forgiveness and SAVE, but she wouldn't even let me finish a sentence.

Fox News is a staple in so many homes here; all you need is a box and a set of rabbit-eared antennas. In my formative years, I drank a little of the Kool-Aid through osmosis. Media and propaganda matter.

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He's not going to reach January 20th, this is giving me JFK vibes. 

I just want to say for the record, I firmly believe that every single person who voted for Donald Trump is either evil or stupid.

That is all.

ALinkInTime said:

I voted for Donald Trump for the third time. He is not perfect, but I think his platform was superior to Harris's.

No tax on tips and no tax on overtime are big. A lot of people in my family take advantage of overtime so not having that taxed is hugely beneficial for us. While I personally don't know anyone who works a tipped job at the moment, I think those people should also take home more of their pay.

12,000 jobs added in the U.S. in October is damning.
I myself went through hell to find a job earlier this year looking for a manufacturing job in chemistry. There are so many ghost jobs that it's infuriating.

I think Trump should ditch his proposed tariffs, though. They will only pass the cost onto the consumer.

Well, if Trump has his way especially with regards to Project 2025 there is pretty much not going to be any overtime anymore because instead of having a 40-hour work week they will implement a 160-hour work month and that will be manipulated by employers so that they have to never pay anyone overtime they can overwork you for one or two weeks and then cut your hours the rest of the month to never be above 160 hours. 

sundin13 said:

I just want to say for the record, I firmly believe that every single person who voted for Donald Trump is either evil or stupid.

That is all.

Completely, agree not to mention they are also selfish jerks that don't care about their fellow human beings.

Nancy Pelosi says Biden’s delay in exiting race blew Democrats’ chances

- Had Biden left sooner, she noted, the party could have an open primary. Now they must ‘live with what happened’

Joe Biden’s slowness in exiting the 2024 presidential election cost the Democrats dearly, the former House speaker Nancy Pelosi said, days after Kamala Harris was beaten by Donald Trump.

“We live with what happened,” Pelosi said.

Pelosi was speaking to The Interview, a New York Times podcast, in a conversation the newspaper said would be published Saturday in full.

“Had the president gotten out sooner,” Pelosi remarked, “there may have been other candidates in the race. The anticipation was that, if the president were to step aside, that there would be an open primary.

“And as I say, Kamala may have, I think she would have done well in that and been stronger going forward. But we don’t know that. That didn’t happen. We live with what happened. And because the president endorsed Kamala Harris immediately, that really made it almost impossible to have a primary at that time. If it had been much earlier, it would have been different.”

Pelosi reportedly played a key role in persuading Biden to stand aside. But she has not sought to soothe his feelings. In August, she told the New Yorkershe had “never been that impressed with his political operation”.

According to Pelosi, cultural issues pushed American votes to Trump.

“Guns, God and gays – that’s the way they say it,” she said. “Guns, that’s an issue. Gays, that’s an issue. And now they’re making the trans issue such an important issue in their priorities, and in certain communities, what they call God, what we call a woman’s right to choose” regarding abortion and other reproductive care.