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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Do you prefer single or multiplayer games?


Do you prefer single or multiplayer games?

Single Player 410 84.89%
Local Multiplayer 46 9.52%
Online Multiplayer 27 5.59%

My reflexes aren't what they were when all I played was COD in 2007. I do like the odd COD title now and again even though I know I'm at a severe disadvantage with age and I enjoy FF14 online (although it's dangerous to my health to play that game) but mainly, I steer clear of multiplayer outside of racing simulators but I do find the trend single player and Multiplayer games being separate now a bit of a shame. Twas nice when you had MP waiting for you a a separate mode after finishing a really good game and you could choose to get invested or move on with your gaming life. I'd like the option again instead of having to pay full price for a Multiplayer game if I get an itch to play one and then have it be some disaster or loose traction. It's a dice roll I don't want to take, like no-one is gonna be on CoD Advanced Warfare now if I wanted to boot up that game for the maps.

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Single player and local co op for sure but nowadays most games suck so idk lol

APerfectCircle said:

Single player and local co op for sure but nowadays most games suck so idk lol

Yeah, originally I think I was going to go with a are you a retro or modern gamer poll But I wasn’t sure the best phrasing of it. Also figured it might end up one-sided, but in retrospect this is also extremely one-sided

I would say usually single player games that have multiplayer functionality.

I like being able to build in Minecraft by myself, but I also enjoy being able to do survival with other people.

I’d say I don’t prefer either tbh. I enjoy both equally for different reasons.

[Switch Friend code: 3909-3991-4970]

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Single player, because usually this is the kind of game with the best stories.

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My favorite game franchise ever not only has fantastic single player entries, multiplayer is iconic. Growing up, I really appreciated both aspects of a game. If you asked me this question back during the 6th and 7th gen, I would probably pick multiplayer. Now, I pick single player. My taste in games has expanded and multiplayer just doesn't hit the same.

Zelda, Pikmin, and Mario are all single-player experiences. I rest my case. (plus, NSO is non-functional.)

Single player of course. That can actually be fun.

Other people just ruin things. I get no fun out of online multiplayer at all. Never really have, the opposite of that actually. If you want to torture me and have me spill all my secrets, just force me to play an MMO. Local multiplayer is a bit better, because of the social aspect, but really still only for something super casual like Mario Kart.

Last edited by S.Peelman - on 21 July 2024

S.Peelman said:

Single player of course. That can actually be fun.

Other people just ruin things. I get no fun out of online multiplayer at all. Never really have, the opposite of that actually. If you want to torture me and have me spill all my secrets, just force me to play an MMO. Local multiplayer is a bit better, because of the social aspect, but really still only for something super casual like Mario Kart.

Depend if the game was made with local coop campaign in mind from the start - I always tend to bring Outward as an example of fairly decent single player open world exploration-survival RPG, which then really shines when played in local 2 player coop. Unfortunately, not many developers choose that path, since it's not the one that is most profitable.

I avoid multi-player at all costs.

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