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My reflexes aren't what they were when all I played was COD in 2007. I do like the odd COD title now and again even though I know I'm at a severe disadvantage with age and I enjoy FF14 online (although it's dangerous to my health to play that game) but mainly, I steer clear of multiplayer outside of racing simulators but I do find the trend single player and Multiplayer games being separate now a bit of a shame. Twas nice when you had MP waiting for you a a separate mode after finishing a really good game and you could choose to get invested or move on with your gaming life. I'd like the option again instead of having to pay full price for a Multiplayer game if I get an itch to play one and then have it be some disaster or loose traction. It's a dice roll I don't want to take, like no-one is gonna be on CoD Advanced Warfare now if I wanted to boot up that game for the maps.