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Forums - Gaming Discussion - How far away are we from seeing games like Horizon: Zero Dawn and Spiderman 2018 on Switch/Switch 2?

Soundwave said:
zeldaring said:

Just watched this from df and here we can see games with higher clocks and get  a accurate analysis of what stock games with out being heavily modded look like with a over clock and this confirms the hyperbole from soundwave.

Those are older videos, there are better OC programs today and better mods. 

The videos I've posted are right there, you tell me which one doesn't have higher performance or is "cheating" somehow. There are like 30+ games I can list. 

People are playing these games at these settings every day. The Santiago Santiago channel in particular is a very good Youtuber for performance testing. 

My dude we are talking about just over clocking not mods or programmers as that would cost developers more money. We are talking about how over clocking would  help base games from developers and if were talking about hardware it's only like a 20-30% jump not even close to something like ps4 to ps4 pro. Even in that witcher 3 video he noted his fans would kick into high setting way more often that obviously gonna shorten the life of the console.

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Chrkeller said:
Soundwave said:

Paper Mario can run at 60 fps on an overclocked Switch, lol

For *other* people who aren't shit posting, many Switch games see significant performance increases, lots of 60 fps games on existing Switch hardware. 

Nintendo wants people to buy these games again on Switch 2 at the higher settings, plain and simple. 

So Nintendo isn't going to boost performance of Switch games on the S2 via BC?  Instead they will resell the same games and run them at better performance?  The better performance is something they could easily offer now, but are purposely preventing just to be awful to consumers?  

Jesus, you make Nintendo sound like a terrible company.  :(  

Sorry, I don't view Nintendo in the same light.  Nintendo is a damn good company and have their hardware designed for good reasons; battery and life span.

Feel free to have the last word.  I actually play games and would prefer to talk actual games, not your console warz.

Also, I just wanna butt in and ask the question for the elephant in the room:

"higher settings" relative to what?. What the Switch 2 can handle?, what a PC with a 4090 can handle?, there's no specifics given by Nintendo, and their track record history proves they run a tight ship with "we're doing things this specific way", which tells me it's going to run at what their system can handle, not what everyone else is doing (which is running circles around the current Switch, and eventually with Switch 2). 

Nintendo stopped playing with power since their gamecube got it's face caved in by the much weaker and higher selling PS2. There's almost no reason to believe that now, only with the Switch 2 are they going to go "omega" level and just pull out all "teh power". I find it nonsensical and make-believe, that ppl really think the Switch 2 is going to be "something else", it's a mobile device using a mobile chipset that isn't any more advanced that what you get with the highest CPU and GPU on the current market, and if anything it'll be far, far weaker than what's currently on offer.

Also, who buys a Switch for "higher settings"?, who's going to do that for Switch 2, Soundwave?, because normies DO NOT CARE for settings like core gamers do, and sad to say, the uber casuals, the people who literally feed into the bad practices within this industry, are the same crowd that dwarfs the core gamers and just don't give a rats arse about "higher settings", if they did they'd buy a PS5, an Xbox or a souped up PC, not a Switch 2. 

Also I can totally see Nintendo getting you to rebuy the same games again, or at best, getting you to buy Switch 1 copies at their usual high prices, thus giving them an excuse not to perma lower them when Switch 2 arrives, that makes a win-win for them (lose-lose for us). They've made us rebuy games in the past, and currently we have to sub to Ninty online just to play some ill gained roms they've barely modified, as well as taking games off the store after Fomo periods, so yeah, I can absolutely see that happening. 

Step right up come on in, feel the buzz in your veins, I'm like an chemical electrical right into your brain and I'm the one who killed the Radio, soon you'll all see

So pay up motherfuckers you belong to "V"

160rmf said:
zeldaring said:

They have a bunch of ps3 games that would be easy to port on Switch and do well which has been a common thing for most developers to do on Switch, it also has 140 million user base vs switch 2 which is still unknown.

Uncharted 3

Ratchet and clank 

Sack boy 

Gow 3

Last of us 

They all would have did well enough on Switch.

They could do well by the beginning/middle in its lifetime, but just now that we are seeing Sony developing games for Switch. Some old games getting ported with the successor getting close, this has high chances to be forgotten and consequently a waste of time and resources.

And correct if I am wrong but isn't porting from ps3 kinda difficult because of its complex architecture? 

Naw switch is way more powerful then ps3.

Bro... God of War 3 and Uncharted is betta than everything on Shitch!!!



We reap what we sow

Chazore said:
Chrkeller said:

So Nintendo isn't going to boost performance of Switch games on the S2 via BC?  Instead they will resell the same games and run them at better performance?  The better performance is something they could easily offer now, but are purposely preventing just to be awful to consumers?  

Jesus, you make Nintendo sound like a terrible company.  :(  

Sorry, I don't view Nintendo in the same light.  Nintendo is a damn good company and have their hardware designed for good reasons; battery and life span.

Feel free to have the last word.  I actually play games and would prefer to talk actual games, not your console warz.

Also, I just wanna butt in and ask the question for the elephant in the room:

"higher settings" relative to what?. What the Switch 2 can handle?, what a PC with a 4090 can handle?, there's no specifics given by Nintendo, and their track record history proves they run a tight ship with "we're doing things this specific way", which tells me it's going to run at what their system can handle, not what everyone else is doing (which is running circles around the current Switch, and eventually with Switch 2). 

Nintendo stopped playing with power since their gamecube got it's face caved in by the much weaker and higher selling PS2. There's almost no reason to believe that now, only with the Switch 2 are they going to go "omega" level and just pull out all "teh power". I find it nonsensical and make-believe, that ppl really think the Switch 2 is going to be "something else", it's a mobile device using a mobile chipset that isn't any more advanced that what you get with the highest CPU and GPU on the current market, and if anything it'll be far, far weaker than what's currently on offer.

Also, who buys a Switch for "higher settings"?, who's going to do that for Switch 2, Soundwave?, because normies DO NOT CARE for settings like core gamers do, and sad to say, the uber casuals, the people who literally feed into the bad practices within this industry, are the same crowd that dwarfs the core gamers and just don't give a rats arse about "higher settings", if they did they'd buy a PS5, an Xbox or a souped up PC, not a Switch 2. 

Also I can totally see Nintendo getting you to rebuy the same games again, or at best, getting you to buy Switch 1 copies at their usual high prices, thus giving them an excuse not to perma lower them when Switch 2 arrives, that makes a win-win for them (lose-lose for us). They've made us rebuy games in the past, and currently we have to sub to Ninty online just to play some ill gained roms they've barely modified, as well as taking games off the store after Fomo periods, so yeah, I can absolutely see that happening. 

According to Soundwave Paper Mario, as an example, could easily be 1080p at 60 fps on the Switch.  

But according to Soundwave Paper Mario was intentionally locked at 30 fps on the switch.

It was intentionally locked at 30 fps on the switch, so Nintendo can sell a 60 fps version on the switch 2.

I don't buy it.  I do not believe Nintendo is artificially limiting their games on the Switch.  

Last edited by Chrkeller - on 19 June 2024


Vengeance 32 gb

RTX 4090 Ventus 3x E OC

Switch OLED

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Chrkeller said:
burninmylight said:

Not trying to take sides here, but you're talking about the same company that charged you to "upgrade" Wii VC console games to Wii U VC, that charged you for the same games on the 3DS VC even if you have them on Wii or Wii U VC, that didn't give you any sort of discount or cross-save for games like Smash Bros. on Wii U and 3DS even though it can see your associated games and play history on your Nintendo account, and that didn't bother boosting the performance of old games on their successor consoles with backwards compatibility (DS>3DS, Wii>Wii U).

Prior to the Switch, even moving your account and associated games to a different unit was a laborious process that required calling Nintendo, giving a serial number or MAC address and damn near sacrificing the blood of a virgin lamb before it was willing to allow you that privilege. God forbid you have your original stolen or lost.

I love Nintendo too, but it ain't the most consumer-friendly company either.

No doubt.  But do you really think the switch is 2x more capable and Nintendo is for no reason down clocking the hardware, intentionally running games at lower resolution and fps, to only sell the exact games a second time on the S2?  Sorry, I ain't buying that narrative.

I don't see Nintendo purposely making PMTYD 30 fps max on the switch, when it could easily be 60 fps, intentionally to sell it at full price on the S2 upgraded to 60 fps.

I mean what sounds more reasonable?  Nintendo having a massive conspiracy running that prevents the switch from running at higher performance to resell the same games on future hardware.....  or the switch was downclocked for battery and life span?

Occam's Razor.  

Oh, definitely the bolded. I'm amazed no one has mentioned this yet, but let's say that Soundwave's claims are true about the Mariko model's capabilities. Well, does that mean that devs should now be making games with that extra beef in mind? If so, what does that mean for all of us with an older model? Sounds like an N64 Expansion Pak situation.

And about the Switch Pro being canceled to make it easier to market and sell the Switch 2: I can see that, but not for the reasons Soundwave is stating. I think the biggest factor in that is the worldwide chip shortage effecting every sector of technology at the time, and production lines being harshly bottlenecked for a couple of years. None of the Big 3 could produce consoles fast enough to keep up with demand, but Nintendo was the least impacted thanks to its console already being on the shelf for years and having production lines well in place. A Switch Pro would have likely experienced the same drip feed that the PS5 and X Series (mostly X) did, and would have complicated supply chains. Nintendo read the room and saw that it would be wisest to go ahead and stick with its golden goose. This is speculation on my part, but I think that was the bigger factor.

The smaller factor is that it does become easier to market the Switch 2 when you're not asking customers to spend hundreds more dollars on another piece of hardware, this one the third time in the span of eight or so years and coming off of a catastrophic global event that caused mass unemployment and inflation. And when you do reveal and market it, it has more room to shine with a greater sense of the newness factor and a better contrast to the Switch 1's capabilities. I am aware that the PS5 is doing well despite the PS4 Pro and a new iPhone is released every year followed by submodels.

burninmylight said:
Chrkeller said:

No doubt.  But do you really think the switch is 2x more capable and Nintendo is for no reason down clocking the hardware, intentionally running games at lower resolution and fps, to only sell the exact games a second time on the S2?  Sorry, I ain't buying that narrative.

I don't see Nintendo purposely making PMTYD 30 fps max on the switch, when it could easily be 60 fps, intentionally to sell it at full price on the S2 upgraded to 60 fps.

I mean what sounds more reasonable?  Nintendo having a massive conspiracy running that prevents the switch from running at higher performance to resell the same games on future hardware.....  or the switch was downclocked for battery and life span?

Occam's Razor.  

Oh, definitely the bolded. I'm amazed no one has mentioned this yet, but let's say that Soundwave's claims are true about the Mariko model's capabilities. Well, does that mean that devs should now be making games with that extra beef in mind? If so, what does that mean for all of us with an older model? Sounds like an N64 Expansion Pak situation.

And about the Switch Pro being canceled to make it easier to market and sell the Switch 2: I can see that, but not for the reasons Soundwave is stating. I think the biggest factor in that is the worldwide chip shortage effecting every sector of technology at the time, and production lines being harshly bottlenecked for a couple of years. None of the Big 3 could produce consoles fast enough to keep up with demand, but Nintendo was the least impacted thanks to its console already being on the shelf for years and having production lines well in place. A Switch Pro would have likely experienced the same drip feed that the PS5 and X Series (mostly X) did, and would have complicated supply chains. Nintendo read the room and saw that it would be wisest to go ahead and stick with its golden goose. This is speculation on my part, but I think that was the bigger factor.

The smaller factor is that it does become easier to market the Switch 2 when you're not asking customers to spend hundreds more dollars on another piece of hardware, this one the third time in the span of eight or so years and coming off of a catastrophic global event that caused mass unemployment and inflation. And when you do reveal and market it, it has more room to shine with a greater sense of the newness factor and a better contrast to the Switch 1's capabilities. I am aware that the PS5 is doing well despite the PS4 Pro and a new iPhone is released every year followed by submodels.

The older switch could  be over clocked as well just not as much as Marika. In the end though the over clocked doesn't produce miracles like Soundwave states. It's really more about the extra programming that the mod community does to get better perfomance, at much lower resolution. but if we are talking about just over clocking the switch it's get a nice boost in 5fps-15fps boost depending on the game, that's about it hardly anyone would call that a pro version it's laughable. 

As for why ninetndo didn't release pro, honestly it would have been a mistake for them, a pro version would not be in demand like a ps5 or Xbox series it's not new console. And just a better version of the switch. It would have demand for sure but just like the ps4 pro it would probably 20-30% of switch sales. Nintendo should have released switch 2 earlier cause based on the pro specs the switch 2 jump would not be worth it so Nintendo did the right thing.

burninmylight said:
Chrkeller said:

No doubt.  But do you really think the switch is 2x more capable and Nintendo is for no reason down clocking the hardware, intentionally running games at lower resolution and fps, to only sell the exact games a second time on the S2?  Sorry, I ain't buying that narrative.

I don't see Nintendo purposely making PMTYD 30 fps max on the switch, when it could easily be 60 fps, intentionally to sell it at full price on the S2 upgraded to 60 fps.

I mean what sounds more reasonable?  Nintendo having a massive conspiracy running that prevents the switch from running at higher performance to resell the same games on future hardware.....  or the switch was downclocked for battery and life span?

Occam's Razor.  

Oh, definitely the bolded. I'm amazed no one has mentioned this yet, but let's say that Soundwave's claims are true about the Mariko model's capabilities. Well, does that mean that devs should now be making games with that extra beef in mind? If so, what does that mean for all of us with an older model? Sounds like an N64 Expansion Pak situation.

And about the Switch Pro being canceled to make it easier to market and sell the Switch 2: I can see that, but not for the reasons Soundwave is stating. I think the biggest factor in that is the worldwide chip shortage effecting every sector of technology at the time, and production lines being harshly bottlenecked for a couple of years. None of the Big 3 could produce consoles fast enough to keep up with demand, but Nintendo was the least impacted thanks to its console already being on the shelf for years and having production lines well in place. A Switch Pro would have likely experienced the same drip feed that the PS5 and X Series (mostly X) did, and would have complicated supply chains. Nintendo read the room and saw that it would be wisest to go ahead and stick with its golden goose. This is speculation on my part, but I think that was the bigger factor.

The smaller factor is that it does become easier to market the Switch 2 when you're not asking customers to spend hundreds more dollars on another piece of hardware, this one the third time in the span of eight or so years and coming off of a catastrophic global event that caused mass unemployment and inflation. And when you do reveal and market it, it has more room to shine with a greater sense of the newness factor and a better contrast to the Switch 1's capabilities. I am aware that the PS5 is doing well despite the PS4 Pro and a new iPhone is released every year followed by submodels.

The bit I'm aware of is overclocking requires modding and most are replacing/upgrading items on the unit, especially cooling with thermal paste, etc.  Personally I don't think modding and overclocking is a fair assessment of what hardware can do.  I mean I can mod a Honda civic to be 3x faster than stock, that doesn't mean the civic was designed to be that fast.

The chip shortage makes the most sense.  Probably a combination of the switch selling well and the chip shortage.  A Pro model, assuming the rumors were even true, wasn't needed. 

Either way I'm not buying this Nintendo conspiracy that Nintendo is using a fraction of the switch's power for resell upgrades in the future.  That would be quite terrible.  

Nintendo has the clock limits for battery and life span.


And Zelda + Cornina are correct, the games being cited by Sound are modded as well, to get higher fps.  They aren't the same game as is running at 60 fps.  Resolution, foliage and other aspects were downgraded.  Basically people added sliders to the game and modded the hardware.  

Last edited by Chrkeller - on 19 June 2024


Vengeance 32 gb

RTX 4090 Ventus 3x E OC

Switch OLED

Chrkeller said:
burninmylight said:

Oh, definitely the bolded. I'm amazed no one has mentioned this yet, but let's say that Soundwave's claims are true about the Mariko model's capabilities. Well, does that mean that devs should now be making games with that extra beef in mind? If so, what does that mean for all of us with an older model? Sounds like an N64 Expansion Pak situation.

And about the Switch Pro being canceled to make it easier to market and sell the Switch 2: I can see that, but not for the reasons Soundwave is stating. I think the biggest factor in that is the worldwide chip shortage effecting every sector of technology at the time, and production lines being harshly bottlenecked for a couple of years. None of the Big 3 could produce consoles fast enough to keep up with demand, but Nintendo was the least impacted thanks to its console already being on the shelf for years and having production lines well in place. A Switch Pro would have likely experienced the same drip feed that the PS5 and X Series (mostly X) did, and would have complicated supply chains. Nintendo read the room and saw that it would be wisest to go ahead and stick with its golden goose. This is speculation on my part, but I think that was the bigger factor.

The smaller factor is that it does become easier to market the Switch 2 when you're not asking customers to spend hundreds more dollars on another piece of hardware, this one the third time in the span of eight or so years and coming off of a catastrophic global event that caused mass unemployment and inflation. And when you do reveal and market it, it has more room to shine with a greater sense of the newness factor and a better contrast to the Switch 1's capabilities. I am aware that the PS5 is doing well despite the PS4 Pro and a new iPhone is released every year followed by submodels.

The bit I'm aware of is overclocking requires modding and most are replacing/upgrading items on the unit, especially cooling with thermal paste, etc.  Personally I don't think modding and overclocking is a fair assessment of what hardware can do.  I mean I can mod a Honda civic to be 3x faster than stock, that doesn't mean the civic was designed to be that fast.

The chip shortage makes the most sense.  Probably a combination of the switch selling well and the chip shortage.  A Pro model, assuming the rumors were even true, wasn't needed. 

Either way I'm not buying this Nintendo conspiracy that Nintendo is using a fraction of the switch's power for resell upgrades in the future.  That would be quite terrible.  

Nintendo has the clock limits for battery and life span.


And Zelda + Cornina are correct, the games being cited by Sound are modded as well, to get higher fps.  They aren't the same game as is running at 60 fps.  Resolution, foliage and other aspects were downgraded.  Basically people added sliders to the game and modded the hardware.  

Yup that that magical 2x boost he was talking was basically made up. These games that run 60fps are already running 40-45fps with a unlocked frame rate mode on modded switch with no clock boosts. with the boost they can hit a 50-60fps and that's of course in some gpu bound games. It's also has to have the switch in handheld mode always plugged in. It's way more complicated then Soundwave makes it out to be and there are very good reasons why Nintendo underclocked it. It's just better to be safe then sorry for such a small boost, and only someone delusional would call this a pro version.

Last edited by zeldaring - on 19 June 2024

Very close. ATM we're in this transitional toe dipping and haggling period, but the time of exclusivity is clearly dying. Now it's the time of monetising the software in any way possible. Due to ever increasing development costs, single platform sales simply won't cut it nowadays. Those companies cannot afford to have a hardware (and software) that isn't hyper successful. That's neither realistic nor sustainable as big flops do and will happen. And as we've seen with other big shifts in this industry, it will start (it has started) with MS first, then Sony and Nintendo will be the very last one to join the club [one or two gens later, once the dev costs start seriously digging into their profits too]. I know, blasphemous, but it seems to be inevitable. That's if nothing revolutionary happens in the meantime, ofc. But as it stands today, future gamers of all platforms ... rejoice. 

Last edited by Kristof81 - on 19 June 2024