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Very close. ATM we're in this transitional toe dipping and haggling period, but the time of exclusivity is clearly dying. Now it's the time of monetising the software in any way possible. Due to ever increasing development costs, single platform sales simply won't cut it nowadays. Those companies cannot afford to have a hardware (and software) that isn't hyper successful. That's neither realistic nor sustainable as big flops do and will happen. And as we've seen with other big shifts in this industry, it will start (it has started) with MS first, then Sony and Nintendo will be the very last one to join the club [one or two gens later, once the dev costs start seriously digging into their profits too]. I know, blasphemous, but it seems to be inevitable. That's if nothing revolutionary happens in the meantime, ofc. But as it stands today, future gamers of all platforms ... rejoice. 

Last edited by Kristof81 - on 19 June 2024