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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - Digital Foundry: Hellblade II - "A defining moment in the evolution of realtime graphics"

After watching some more footage and trying to ignore the PP, it is an achievement as far as I can imagine what is underneath the PP. Those character animations while in a fight mainly and the terrain when it's drenched in the sun in particular. Still, I'd love to see sliders to reduce post processing and remove those black bars and see how it stands up without it attempting to make you sick.

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curl-6 said:

Graphics options are becoming more common in console games in general. It's perfectly valid to dislike CA, I just doubt it its presence here will be a problem for most players. I doubt the majority of gamers even know what it is.

Enough of a problem that the developers for The Outer Worlds added the option to turn it off in a patch.  Even before that, there were plenty of guides about how to disable it in the ini settings on PC.  Personally, it made me feel so sick that I immediately turned it off and went to download a mod that removed it.

I think it's true that a lot of people don't know what it is, exactly, but that doesn't mean that they don't dislike it.  They just don't have a name for it.

Settings to disable effects like CA, motion blur, head bob, and to change FoV should be standard in ALL games.  It's an accessibility issue.

pokoko said:
curl-6 said:

Graphics options are becoming more common in console games in general. It's perfectly valid to dislike CA, I just doubt it its presence here will be a problem for most players. I doubt the majority of gamers even know what it is.

Enough of a problem that the developers for The Outer Worlds added the option to turn it off in a patch.  Even before that, there were plenty of guides about how to disable it in the ini settings on PC.  Personally, it made me feel so sick that I immediately turned it off and went to download a mod that removed it.

I think it's true that a lot of people don't know what it is, exactly, but that doesn't mean that they don't dislike it.  They just don't have a name for it.

Settings to disable effects like CA, motion blur, head bob, and to change FoV should be standard in ALL games.  It's an accessibility issue.

Depth of field as well - I understand why they want them in cutscenes, but while playing it's pretty silly to have it on.

FoV is a bit trickier - for PCs absolutely, but FoV increases CPU/GPU load, so I'm guessing a big flashing warning sign "will affect performance" is warranted for that one (or with dynamic resolution upscaling for given FPS target that will translate to lower rendering resolution).

In old GamrReview style:

Its presentation is a solid 10/10
Gameplay is a reasonable 7/10
Value is like 2/10

It got the reviews it deserved.

My Console Library:

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With an i9 CPU and 4080 GPU plus UEVR you can experience it in VR

Looks a bit shaky but you can look around and experience the scale.

The game itself is a bit of a graphical powerhouse on PC anyway, so running it in VR is going to be a test of even the beefiest of rigs. But, after a bit of fiddling, I got the game running pretty well on my rig that has an i9 CPU and 4080 GPU and I show off the graphical settings that I used to make it all smooth and stuff in the video above

Would be even better with a HDR capable headset!

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This gets me excited for the future cause it really feels like the 2030's will be when real life level graphics or at least close to that will become reality. Seeing just how much more realistic this looks than the best looking games of 2014 is gonna make 2034 a fun comparison year.

pokoko said:
curl-6 said:

Graphics options are becoming more common in console games in general. It's perfectly valid to dislike CA, I just doubt it its presence here will be a problem for most players. I doubt the majority of gamers even know what it is.

Enough of a problem that the developers for The Outer Worlds added the option to turn it off in a patch.  Even before that, there were plenty of guides about how to disable it in the ini settings on PC.  Personally, it made me feel so sick that I immediately turned it off and went to download a mod that removed it.

I think it's true that a lot of people don't know what it is, exactly, but that doesn't mean that they don't dislike it.  They just don't have a name for it.

Settings to disable effects like CA, motion blur, head bob, and to change FoV should be standard in ALL games.  It's an accessibility issue.

It's perfectly valid to dislike it, I just don't think most players are going to even notice it in motion much less find it a deal breaker. 

curl-6 said:
pokoko said:

Enough of a problem that the developers for The Outer Worlds added the option to turn it off in a patch.  Even before that, there were plenty of guides about how to disable it in the ini settings on PC.  Personally, it made me feel so sick that I immediately turned it off and went to download a mod that removed it.

I think it's true that a lot of people don't know what it is, exactly, but that doesn't mean that they don't dislike it.  They just don't have a name for it.

Settings to disable effects like CA, motion blur, head bob, and to change FoV should be standard in ALL games.  It's an accessibility issue.

It's perfectly valid to dislike it, I just don't think most players are going to even notice it in motion much less find it a deal breaker. 

If the difference is between 'not noticing it' and 'disliking it', why bother with it all :p

I can see why people enjoy motion blur, yet I've never heard anyone say, this would look better with CA.

SvennoJ said:
curl-6 said:

It's perfectly valid to dislike it, I just don't think most players are going to even notice it in motion much less find it a deal breaker. 

If the difference is between 'not noticing it' and 'disliking it', why bother with it all :p

I can see why people enjoy motion blur, yet I've never heard anyone say, this would look better with CA.

I didn't develop the game so I honestly don't know. You'd have to ask a game dev.

Last edited by curl-6 - on 26 May 2024

DF have released a followup covering how is performs on Series S, Steam Deck, and ROG Ally

"The Series S also looks quite similar to the X, just with the expected cutbacks to resolution and the removal of Lumen reflections, which doesn't overly degrade the visuals. Weaker machines, like PC gaming handhelds, are also capable of a solid and good-looking experience, though the Steam Deck proves a bridge too far."