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pokoko said:
curl-6 said:

Graphics options are becoming more common in console games in general. It's perfectly valid to dislike CA, I just doubt it its presence here will be a problem for most players. I doubt the majority of gamers even know what it is.

Enough of a problem that the developers for The Outer Worlds added the option to turn it off in a patch.  Even before that, there were plenty of guides about how to disable it in the ini settings on PC.  Personally, it made me feel so sick that I immediately turned it off and went to download a mod that removed it.

I think it's true that a lot of people don't know what it is, exactly, but that doesn't mean that they don't dislike it.  They just don't have a name for it.

Settings to disable effects like CA, motion blur, head bob, and to change FoV should be standard in ALL games.  It's an accessibility issue.

It's perfectly valid to dislike it, I just don't think most players are going to even notice it in motion much less find it a deal breaker.