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Forums - Sales Discussion - Helldivers 2 sold 12 million in 12 weeks making it the fastest selling Playstation game of all time.

VAMatt said:
Mar1217 said:

The kind of success they needed looking at the upcoming portfolio this year.

Looking at the live service game landscape, it's not the kind of success you can replicate too often so Sony better be grateful of what they got going there.

PC players also were the majority of this registered new force so it kinda goes to say how massively important Sony PC strategy can be.

It's too early to call the game a success as a live service title.  Obviously big up front sales is very important. But the goal of a live service game is to keep making money for several years. I think it will be at least a year from now before we know if that's going to happen. 

Certainly Sony is happy to see the game selling. And at this point you would probably bet that it will be a successful game in the long-term. But it hasn't actually achieved that success yet.

Its the 4th month, and it still has daily 100k players (steam only, yesterday on a sunday).
How realistic is it that 3-4 years onwards it still has large player base? How many service games do that?
Assumeing the near 50/50 split is still going, theres probably also 100k+ players on playstation loging in daily.

To compair Halo Infinate had 4800 players log-in yesterday on steam (currently has 1200 players online).
And thats a f2play game, where you would expect much higher numbers.

Service games just dont last that long.
"serveral years" .....  Halo was from  Late november 2021 (2 years 5months ago).

Does that fall into the same catagory? or is it not a succesfull live service game by your metric?

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Kyuu said:

GT7 is low-key Sony's 2nd most impressive seller (Helldivers 2 being the 1st obviously) this generation, looking at its legs. And I think it alongside Bloodborne and maybe Demon's Souls have serious potential on PC, but Sony just refuse to port their Japanese games to PC for some reason.

I think they're coming but it is bizzare how long it's taking them.

If GT7 was on PC day one you would have read this same news back then.

I'm so glad to see GT getting back some of the love it once had, such an incredible series, and I hope more people can get to play it.

Sony does their good share of mistakes, but one thing is for certain IMO: they do the best games.

Always did, still doing it.

JRPGfan said:
VAMatt said:

It's too early to call the game a success as a live service title.  Obviously big up front sales is very important. But the goal of a live service game is to keep making money for several years. I think it will be at least a year from now before we know if that's going to happen. 

Certainly Sony is happy to see the game selling. And at this point you would probably bet that it will be a successful game in the long-term. But it hasn't actually achieved that success yet.

Its the 4th month, and it still has daily 100k players (steam only, yesterday on a sunday).
How realistic is it that 3-4 years onwards it still has large player base? How many service games do that?
Assumeing the near 50/50 split is still going, theres probably also 100k+ players on playstation loging in daily.

To compair Halo Infinate had 4800 players log-in yesterday on steam (currently has 1200 players online).
And thats a f2play game, where you would expect much higher numbers.

Service games just dont last that long.
"serveral years" .....  Halo was from  Late november 2021 (2 years 5months ago).

Does that fall into the same catagory? or is it not a succesfull live service game by your metric?

I'd call Destiny 2 a big success.  I'd call Fortnite and Apex massive successes.  I'd call Halo Infinite neither a success or failure (from a business standpoint).  It kind of sits on the line between failure and just strong enough to keep rolling along, from a business perspective. (As a gamer, I think Halo Infinite has become an excellent game.)

But, I can only call them successes because they have multiple year track records.  I would say that any live service game that fizzles out in less than 18 months is definitely a failure. 24 months is kind of a rough cutoff point, unless I were to have some additional information about the financial performance of the game, that might make me think otherwise.  

They didn't even know what they had on their hands. They'll now chase this and end up with many, many failures.