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Forums - Sales Discussion - PS5 Ships 59.3 Million Units as of March 2024

jvmkdg said:

very high proportion of digital sales almost 80%, physical media is really dying

These are Sony financials. So Physical = 1st Party, Digital = 1st & 3th Party. Difficult to compare.

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Interesting that PS5 tends to sell less in Q3 and more in Q4 of the fiscal year compared to PS4.

jvmkdg said:

very high proportion of digital sales almost 80%, physical media is really dying

I'll be stunned if next gen even supports physical.  Digital is the future.  


Vengeance 32 gb

RTX 4090 Ventus 3x E OC

Switch OLED

It's closing in on NES/Famicom, and Sony predicts it will surpass 3DS in this fiscal year (which ends in early 2025).

Lifetime Sales Predictions 

Switch: 161 million (was 73 million, then 96 million, then 113 million, then 125 million, then 144 million, then 151 million, then 156 million)

PS5: 115 million (was 105 million) Xbox Series S/X: 48 million (was 60 million, then 67 million, then 57 million)

PS4: 120 mil (was 100 then 130 million, then 122 million) Xbox One: 51 mil (was 50 then 55 mil)

3DS: 75.5 mil (was 73, then 77 million)

"Let go your earthly tether, enter the void, empty and become wind." - Guru Laghima

Not much growth in this sector at all, falling behind the PS4 now and failing to hit even the 21 million target they set after revising down from 25 million initially, XBox also obviously declining. And it looks like Sony sees the PS5 as already having peaked even with PS5 Pro next year, forecasing down sales. You would think PS would benefit from a weaker XBox and suck in those buyers, maybe they are but they're still below their sales targets, which indicates they're not doing as well with other demographics. 

With XBox declining that 120 million PS4s + 55 million-ish XBox Ones would turn into maybe 140 million PS5s but that doesn't seem to be happening. Both are declining. 

Stationary home consoles are stuck basically in the same number tier they were like 15 years ago, which isn't great when you have budgets of the games increased by like 10x since then. 

Don't think these are the platforms younger gamers really use as their go to, they're playing stuff like Fortnite, Minecraft, Roblox, etc. on their phones or cheapo PCs. These types of home consoles are becoming more for aging 30-40 somethings (soon to be 50+ year olds). I notice younger kids are not as focused on these types of consoles anymore. 

They're still selling a good chunk, but it's definitely not a growing sector and I think they're stuck with an aging demographic and these types of consoles are not holding the same sway with younger demographics. 

Last edited by Soundwave - on 14 May 2024

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Great quarter for PlayStation:

- PS5 topped the PS4's peak year by 800K (20.8M vs 20M) at significantly higher prices
- Helldivers 2 selling 12M and becoming the fastest selling first party game for Sony
- OI at 868M for the quarter, up 170% YoY, and 1.9B for FY23

Sony is projecting 18M PS5's for FY24, but that may be a tall task without a price cut, even with the PS5 Pro being rumored to release later this year.

I would project this gen probably finishes around 112-114 mill PS5s (down a bit from PS4) and 39 mill XBox Series S/X (down a chunk from XBox One) ... that's about 153 million units combined ... the XBox 360 + PS3 combined (leaving the Wii entirely out) sold about 172 million like 15 years ago.

You can see why publishers are scrambling and having huge problems with rising budgets, because there is no growth in this userbase at all, it's declined from 15 years ago significantly actually.

I've read that Sony has allocated around 11B+ for M&A for their current mid range plan with a focus on IP's.

Did the Q&A say anything about the bid for Paramount?

xl-klaudkil said:

Soo ps5 is undertrack here?

seems like it.

Soundwave said:

Not much growth in this sector at all, falling behind the PS4 now and failing to hit even the 21 million target they set after revising down from 25 million initially, XBox also obviously declining. And it looks like Sony sees the PS5 as already having peaked even with PS5 Pro next year, forecasing down sales. You would think PS would benefit from a weaker XBox and suck in those buyers, maybe they are but they're still below their sales targets, which indicates they're not doing as well with other demographics. 

With XBox declining that 120 million PS4s + 55 million-ish XBox Ones would turn into maybe 140 million PS5s but that doesn't seem to be happening. Both are declining. 

Stationary home consoles are stuck basically in the same number tier they were like 15 years ago, which isn't great when you have budgets of the games increased by like 10x since then. 

Don't think these are the platforms younger gamers really use as their go to, they're playing stuff like Fortnite, Minecraft, Roblox, etc. on their phones or cheapo PCs. These types of home consoles are becoming more for aging 30-40 somethings (soon to be 50+ year olds). I notice younger kids are not as focused on these types of consoles anymore. 

They're still selling a good chunk, but it's definitely not a growing sector and I think they're stuck with an aging demographic and these types of consoles are not holding the same sway with younger demographics. 

I find this ironic because in nintendo's forecast they forecast a total of 154m shipped switchs for this year and the Switch I going to become the best selling console in Japanese history with 33m units sold. I think the interest in consoles is still alive, the growth hasn't been amazing but more people are playing games in this current era then in the ps4, xbone, and wiiu era.