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Forums - Sales Discussion - Will Xbox Series X/S make it to 40 million?


Will it reach 40 million?

Yes it will 51 62.96%
No, it will fall short 30 37.04%

Of course it will. We have gta 6 coming in 2025. I believe the xbox will sell 50 million and the ps5 120 million

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Something extreme would have to happen for it not to reach that. I would also say 50m is still on the table as long as they don't rush out the next console early, which honestly is unlikely to solve anything.

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It could probably surpass 40M but I think it will be funny if it doesn't surpass Xbox One.

If the current 30% yoy downward trend continues

5 million this year -> 33 million
3.5 million 2025 -> 36.5 million
2.5 million 2026 -> 39 million
1.7 million 2027 -> 40.7 million

It will scrape by 40 million either in 2026 or 2027. It will definitely fall short of XBox One sales.

GTA 6 could speed it up a bit as day 1 gamepass edition but that will cost MS a lot to get R* to agree to that. MS won't do it to boost console sales, but Gamepass needs help as well. The recent silence on gamepass numbers is deafening.

V-r0cK said:

It could probably surpass 40M but I think it will be funny if it doesn't surpass Xbox One.

The Xone reportedly sold around 58 million units. At this point Xbox series selling less is quite likely.

Please excuse my (probally) poor grammar

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Qwark said:
V-r0cK said:

It could probably surpass 40M but I think it will be funny if it doesn't surpass Xbox One.

The Xone reportedly sold around 58 million units. At this point Xbox series selling less is quite likely.

You'd think MS would've learned their mistake last gen, but then again MS isn't about "console sales" anymore lol

V-r0cK said:
Qwark said:

The Xone reportedly sold around 58 million units. At this point Xbox series selling less is quite likely.

You'd think MS would've learned their mistake last gen, but then again MS isn't about "console sales" anymore lol

The Series is by all means better hardware than the Series and game pass is a pretty good deal. However Microsoft is making loads of money on pc and with the Fallout show the Bethesda acquisition is finally showing its fruits.

Please excuse my (probally) poor grammar

SvennoJ said:

If the current 30% yoy downward trend continues

5 million this year -> 33 million
3.5 million 2025 -> 36.5 million
2.5 million 2026 -> 39 million
1.7 million 2027 -> 40.7 million

It will scrape by 40 million either in 2026 or 2027. It will definitely fall short of XBox One sales.

GTA 6 could speed it up a bit as day 1 gamepass edition but that will cost MS a lot to get R* to agree to that. MS won't do it to boost console sales, but Gamepass needs help as well. The recent silence on gamepass numbers is deafening.

I agree with this, but I do think GTA 6 will boost Xbox Series sales. Holiday 2025 will at least sell 2x the amount of units we have seen in 2023.

Xbox Series will not surpass Xbox One, but hopefully they can stay alive in the console world. But it looks like they are starting to take a Sega related route of software.

Lifetime Sales Predictions 

Switch: 160 million (was 120 million, then 140 million, then 150 million)

PS5: 130 million (was 124 million)

Xbox Series X/S: 54 million (was 60 million, then 57 million)

"The way to accomplish great things, is to be indefatigable and never rest till the thing is accomplished." - Joseph Smith Jr.

Qwark said:
V-r0cK said:

You'd think MS would've learned their mistake last gen, but then again MS isn't about "console sales" anymore lol

The Series is by all means better hardware than the Series and game pass is a pretty good deal. However Microsoft is making loads of money on pc and with the Fallout show the Bethesda acquisition is finally showing its fruits.

I agree.  The hardware is better but what good is hardware when it's clear not many are buying gen after gen.  Gamepass is key and MS knows, I just question what's Microsoft's strategy for wanting to continue hardware for next gen. 

It won't be impressive, but The Series XS should pass 40 million before their successor comes out. Especially since its biggest game (GTA6) isn't out yet.

Love and tolerate.