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Forums - Sales Discussion - FF7 Rebirth has reportedly sold half what Remake did in the same timeframe

I also like to remember Octopath Travaler 2 was released day 1 in all platforms and still sold significantly less than 1

Sony not only used to cover development costs but also advertise Final Fantasy as a flagship title, going as far as using it to cover what should be a first party release schedule. I'm sure they thought Rebirth could fill their need for exclusives at least the first half of 2024

Indeed the more than I think about the issue the more I'm confident to guess Sony is the one saying to Square Final Fantasy is not worth their money anymore and they better get their shit together

And then Square is addressing this with their multiplat strategy. As a FF fan those are depressing thoughts, I just hope things get better with their next release

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Soundwave said:
zeldaring said:

I'm confused where the switch fits into this.  I would say pc,Xbox and Playstation are the same market and switch just does it's own thing with most big games not even showing up on the system. 

It fits in as the no.1 selling platform in the world, no.1 in Japan by 10 country miles, and a lot of those ports on Switch leg out to have higher sales in the end than people think. 

The Switch moves a shit-ton of software and it's not all Nintendo, things like The Witcher 3, Hogwarts Legacy, DQXI, Mortal Kombat 11, FC/FIFA soccer I believe are selling over 1 million copies on the low end and perhaps more than 2 million copies in some cases which is a decent chunk of change. 

Monster Hunter Rise sold nearly 8 million copies on the Switch alone, Minecraft is probably up there, Fortnite is probably north of 3 million also. 

The more 3rd party content it gets the bigger the market for that is going to be. 

XBox is going to be the odd man out IMO, they are going 3rd party. Switch 2 is gonna gain, PC too, Playstation and XBox are kinda both losers because the status quo they held is falling apart. Sony is not going to be able to convince 3rd parties to give them massive exclusives as third parties all pivot to wanting their content on all major platforms to maximize revenue, and even Sony themselves is going to put more and more of their games on PC. Playstation will still sell it's 100 mill units but it's not growing and the days of like Final Fantasy, Metal Gear, exclusives are coming to an end for them, even their 1st party IP are likely going to be pushed on PC closer to day and date because of their business suits. For Playstation and XBox, 10 years ago was better, for Nintendo and PC where the market is going now is better. 

And before anyone posts the 1st/3rd party revenue split on Nintendo systems, understand when Nintendo posts that data they only count the $10 licensing fee from 3rd party games that they take home versus counting the full $60-$70 for their own games (Sony reports it differently), because I know probably some idiot is going to bring this up without understanding the context. It's honestly misleading how Sony/Playstation report software revenue because they count the full sale of every 3rd party game as "Playstation revenue" when really it's not, they only get their licensing fee cut, the rest is revenue for the retailer (if physical) + 3rd party itself. Some Sony shareholders were complaining about this type of reporting actually. 

# 1 Selling platform is nice and all but still hardly any big third party developer targeted switch specs the market is pc/Playstation basically where the switch is a after thought ok we might make some extra money with a port..  Also switch 2 is coming out very late in the cycle and I do not expect it be anywhere as successful as switch 1. It won't have wow factor of being the first hybrid and it's gonna cost way more then switch 1 along with no covid boost and plenty of  powerful handhelds that can do what switch does.

Last edited by zeldaring - on 21 May 2024

IcaroRibeiro said:
Chrkeller said:

FF7 remake launched late, was $70 and was a poor port (stuttering).  Not sure I would read to much into sales.  Sony has had some good success on PC.  Not sure why Square can't.  

And perhaps I am outlier.  But I would pick up 16 and rebirth on steam...  I just need a release.  

Launch date is by no means a reason for such lower sales. 70 USD is the default price for AAA games and Square games rarely decrease in price except when they go on sale. The truth is the pool of people interested in FF outside Playstation is simply not big. If they were people would have been buying FF VII

$70 is not the default on steam.  Square going $70 on steam, for an old game, that doesn't even run great was a poor strategy. 

Step 1 for success, know your target demographic. 

On Steam:

FF7 integrade, a ps4 game, is $10 more than Forbidden West, a ps5 game....  that is a poor strategy to win over a target audience.

Last edited by Chrkeller - on 21 May 2024


Vengeance 32 gb

RTX 4090 Ventus 3x E OC

Switch OLED

Soundwave said:
IcaroRibeiro said:

Launch date is by no means a reason for such lower sales. 70 USD is the default price for AAA games and Square games rarely go on sale. The truth is the pool of people interested in FF outside Playstation is simply not big. If they were people would have been buying FF VII

I think even as is FF7 Rebirth for example could sell 2 million combined on the Switch 2 + PC + whatever gravy on the sinking XBox (they still probably can get some $$$ from MS for Game Pass down the line). 

Now that may not initially seem like a huge number, but when the game has probably struggling to even get to 3 million on the PS5, going from 2.9 LTD on PS5 to 4.9 million LTD with S2 + PC + XBox included ... that makes a pretty large freaking difference to the bottom line. It's not like this is selling 15 million on the PS5 and thus a piddly 1.5 million extra on other platforms is just gravy. 

Actually the context of selling 15 million on Playstation and 1.5 million elsewhere would be much better for Square to get off their exclusivity deals, because it basically means the game was selling so well by itself they don't needed to lock it on Playstation anymore haha

The situation is a bit grimer. Remake sold over 5 million on PS4 alone one year before the PC release. It sold since then additional 2 million copies, although we don't know the split I would bet a 60/40 split favoring the PC release 

While 1 million copies for this game is surely very much welcomed and certainly profitable, it still doesn't seem to follow the pattern of big releases and its a yellow flag of PC gamers not very much interested into the IP. For the context even with 2 years of delay FF XV sold 4 million after the PC release, we also don't know the split but I'm inclined to believe it sold at least twice as much as FF VII Remake. Basically the IP kept its sales stable on Playstation, but showed a significant decline in PC

The big elephant in the room is Rebirth is reportedly selling half of Remake even on Playstation, this is not a yellow, but a red flag. If PC follow suit (and I think it will) it means slightly above half million copies. This is not even close to enough to offset the decrease in sales from PS5, let alone to cover the extra push in cash from Sony in both development and marketing

Chrkeller said:
IcaroRibeiro said:

Launch date is by no means a reason for such lower sales. 70 USD is the default price for AAA games and Square games rarely decrease in price except when they go on sale. The truth is the pool of people interested in FF outside Playstation is simply not big. If they were people would have been buying FF VII

$70 is not the default on steam.  Square going $70 on steam, for an old game, that doesn't even run great was a poor strategy. 

Step 1 for success, know your target demographic. 

On Steam:

FF7 integrade, a ps4 game, is $10 more than Forbidden West, a ps5 game....  that is a poor strategy to win over a target audience.

Integrade is a PS5 upgrade with additional content. The additional 10 USD is less than what Playstation players paid to play it 

It was not an old game either. It was only one year old

Around the Network
IcaroRibeiro said:
Chrkeller said:

$70 is not the default on steam.  Square going $70 on steam, for an old game, that doesn't even run great was a poor strategy. 

Step 1 for success, know your target demographic. 

On Steam:

FF7 integrade, a ps4 game, is $10 more than Forbidden West, a ps5 game....  that is a poor strategy to win over a target audience.

Integrade is a PS5 upgrade with additional content. The additional 10 USD is less than what Playstation players paid to play it 

It was not an old game either. It was only one year old

A ps4 port with a bit better graphics.  And it is $10 more than Forbidden West Complete Edition...  

We may have to agree to disagree.  I can't rightfully say Square has good Steam strategy.  Waiting a year and charging more than others isn't how to build a fanbase.  

And it doesn't matter what PS users paid.  PC is about good pricing.  $70 is high for PC..... especially for an old game.  


And Integrade was a lazy port with notorious stuttering even with high end hardware. 

So wait a year, charge more and offer a poor port.  Gee, I can't figure out why it didn't sell?!!?


Vengeance 32 gb

RTX 4090 Ventus 3x E OC

Switch OLED

IcaroRibeiro said:

I also like to remember Octopath Travaler 2 was released day 1 in all platforms and still sold significantly less than 1

Still hasn't released on Xbox. avoid getting banned for inactivity, I may have to resort to comments that are of a lower overall quality and or beneath my moral standards.

Chrkeller said:
IcaroRibeiro said:

Integrade is a PS5 upgrade with additional content. The additional 10 USD is less than what Playstation players paid to play it 

It was not an old game either. It was only one year old

A ps4 port with a bit better graphics.  And it is $10 more than Forbidden West Complete Edition...  

We may have to agree to disagree.  I can't rightfully say Square has good Steam strategy.  Waiting a year and charging more than others isn't how to build a fanbase.  

And it doesn't matter what PS users paid.  PC is about good pricing.  $70 is high for PC..... especially for an old game.  

If 10 USD was such a deal-breaker for PC gamers then Persona 3 Reloaded would not have break its all time launch debut. It's also a PS4 game and you can go as far as saying it has PS3 graphics 

FF VII sold poorly because PC gamers don't care for single player Final Fantasy 

XV was open world and released 2 years after PS4 release and for many PC gamers their first Final Fantasy, that's why it sold decent number's. But PC gamers who never played the original VII don't have the same emotional attachment for Remake, hence why the sales declined so much

DroidKnight said:
IcaroRibeiro said:

I also like to remember Octopath Travaler 2 was released day 1 in all platforms and still sold significantly less than 1

Still hasn't released on Xbox.

Oh really? Thanks for addressing my mistake 

IcaroRibeiro said:
Chrkeller said:

A ps4 port with a bit better graphics.  And it is $10 more than Forbidden West Complete Edition...  

We may have to agree to disagree.  I can't rightfully say Square has good Steam strategy.  Waiting a year and charging more than others isn't how to build a fanbase.  

And it doesn't matter what PS users paid.  PC is about good pricing.  $70 is high for PC..... especially for an old game.  

If 10 USD was such a deal-breaker for PC gamers then Persona 3 Reloaded would not have break its all time launch debut. It's also a PS4 game and you can go as far as saying it has PS3 graphics 

FF VII sold poorly because PC gamers don't care for single player Final Fantasy 

XV was open world and released 2 years after PS4 release and for many PC gamers their first Final Fantasy, that's why it sold decent number's. But PC gamers who never played the original VI don't have the same emotional attachment for Remake, hence why the sales declined so much

All I can tell you is I'm a PC gamer and gave up PS.  I would happily get remake but not at $70, it should be $50 at most.  I would also get rebirth and 16, but not at $70.  If Square wants top dollar then day 1 and an excellent port is mandatory.  Year old lazy ports should be $40.  

You think I'm just a one off?  Because I suspect there are many just like me. 


Vengeance 32 gb

RTX 4090 Ventus 3x E OC

Switch OLED