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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Best game on SNES


I think the best is...

Super Mario World 8 12.31%
Yoshi's Island 3 4.62%
Donkey Kong Country 1 1.54%
Donkey Kong Country II 3 4.62%
A Link to the Past 13 20.00%
Chrono Trigger 13 20.00%
Final Fantasy 6 8 12.31%
Super Metroid 9 13.85%
Super Mario RPG 1 1.54%
Other (Post in comments) 6 9.23%

Very close call between A Link to the Past and Super Metroid. Super Mario World and Final Fantasy IV aren't too far behind them. Those games have always consistently ranked in my all-time Top 10. The SNES is probably tied with or slightly ahead of the NES for my favorite console ever.


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FF6 of coures. Mainly because my favorite gaming youtuber told me so.


Zelda and Chrono Trigger are neck and neck in votes for the top spot.
Surprised Yoshi's Island or Super Mario RPG didn't poll higher considering how much love they get online, but then it's harder to stand out in such a strong crowd I suppose.

curl-6 said:

Zelda and Chrono Trigger are neck and neck in votes for the top spot.
Surprised Yoshi's Island or Super Mario RPG didn't poll higher considering how much love they get online, but then it's harder to stand out in such a strong crowd I suppose.

The SNES library is stacked as far as RPGs go. I think only PlayStation really topped it prior to the digital distribution age.

It’s kind of like the Titanic effect, when LA Confidential was such a phenomenal film, it ended up getting next to nothing next to the behemoth.

I describe myself as a little dose of toxic masculinity.

Jumpin said:
curl-6 said:

Zelda and Chrono Trigger are neck and neck in votes for the top spot.
Surprised Yoshi's Island or Super Mario RPG didn't poll higher considering how much love they get online, but then it's harder to stand out in such a strong crowd I suppose.

The SNES library is stacked as far as RPGs go. I think only PlayStation really topped it prior to the digital distribution age.

It’s kind of like the Titanic effect, when LA Confidential was such a phenomenal film, it ended up getting next to nothing next to the behemoth.

Wow I never heard of the Titanic effect.  I guess  I learn something new everyday on VGcharts!!!!


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DKC2 is amazing but ALttP is my favorite SNES game.

My childhood! I went with Link to the Past tho

They'll possibly never be another console like the SNES in my view, combining Nintendo at the top of their game with the lion's share of third party software.

Switch comes close in terms of sheer quantity of good games, but the SNES is like if the Switch also had GTA, COD, Elden Ring, Final Fantasy, RDR2, Resident Evil, Baldur's Gate 3, etc.

Loved FF6!

I'm playing Lufia 2 for the 1st time. Underrated gem. Quite good. Story is basic but the level design via puzzles is cool.