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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Addicting Games You Had To Force Yourself to Stop Playing?

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Every game I buy is like that, I buy them because I want to play them. Every night I have to force myself to stop so I can go to bed.

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This thread made me finally sign up for this site after being a lurker for so long.

The game I had yeet myself out was Lineage II. The thing kept eating all my schedules and I couldn't keep up with sieges and such. It was thoroughly designed to ruin your life.

Esparadrapo said:

This thread made me finally sign up for this site after being a lurker for so long.

The game I had yeet myself out was Lineage II. The thing kept eating all my schedules and I couldn't keep up with sieges and such. It was thoroughly designed to ruin your life.

Welcome to the site and nice to see new faces participating.

3DS-FC: 4511-1768-7903 (Mii-Name: Mnementh), Nintendo-Network-ID: Mnementh, Switch: SW-7706-3819-9381 (Mnementh)

my greatest games: 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023

10 years greatest game event!

bets: [peak year] [+], [1], [2], [3], [4]

Honestly? I kinda am that way with all games I play, with the biggest offenders being Majora’s Mask, Totk/BotW, and TLOU1.

Signalstar said:

What are some games you had to force yourself to stop playing because they are such time sinks.

The latest example for me is Gran Turismo 7. i have put about 75 hours into it so far. That is a lot for me. I have not played it at all since the start of the new year because I want to spend time on other games in my backlog. Also I have other priorities in life. I feel like I could be very productive if I spent 75 hours on a task or goal.

How about you?

This feels like a "have you ever had a mmo addition?" question :P

Yes,.... pretty sure in FFXI I put in like 6000+ hours (or more).

Once a game's playtime goes from hours->days -> years.... yeah.

"Also I have other priorities in life."

This was what made me quit.... it took too much time away from everything.
Even at a time, when all I had was time.

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I think I have an addicting gaming personality, but I think to games in general, not just one game. For someone who started playing WoW from the very beginning (with a collector's edition Diablo/Zerg/Panda pet as proof), I probably have an extremely low play time. I'd go through spurts where it was the only game I would play for a few months, but I'd rarely maintain my subscription as I felt that I could be playing so many more games rather than just focusing on one.

But now that I have kids (twins, to boot), I just can't possibly have enough time in my day to get addicted to video games. If anything, my son (now 5) will be bugging me to play, so a decent chunk of my gaming time is now shared with the kids. But even then, I don't want them playing all the time, so I'll set limits.

So yeah, if you're parent, I can't see how one could even remotely become addicted to games, unless you're the neglectful type.

Lost Planet
Gears of War 1&2
Final Fantasy 14
Destiny 1

For me, it's mostly "sim games" that do that. I'd spend hours on SimCity and Cities Skylines. I've logged marathon playing sessions on space sims like No Man's Sky and Starflight in the 1980s.

Tears of the Kingdom was my most-played game of 2023, by far. Spent hours just exploring and playing with Zonai machines. My second most-played game of 2023 was Story of Seasons: A Wonderful Life, which is a farm sim.

SanAndreasX said:

For me, it's mostly "sim games" that do that. I'd spend hours on SimCity and Cities Skylines. I've logged marathon playing sessions on space sims like No Man's Sky and Starflight in the 1980s.

Tears of the Kingdom was my most-played game of 2023, by far. Spent hours just exploring and playing with Zonai machines. My second most-played game of 2023 was Story of Seasons: A Wonderful Life, which is a farm sim.

Similar for me, right now most of my gaming are colony sims or God Games (Which are basically colony sims on a larger scale and more powers anyway), generally with some survival elements. Oxygen not Included, Songs of Syx, The Universim, Rise to Ruins, Judgment: Apocalypse Survival Simulation, Banished...

And yes, you need to focus a lot in those games, so much so that time flies so fast you don't feel like you're gaming for hours already.

Not a very strong experience for me, but turn-based strategy games get close. Especially Civilization 1&2 and Master of Orion 1&2 back in the day (and I do still sometimes get into MoO and new Civs).

Couple first gens of Pokemon made me forget to eat. Some strategy-JRPGs are pretty good too.

Then there are freelancer games, starting with old Pirates!
And some sandboxing, like Sims, where it's not really a game - and thus has no end...