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I think I have an addicting gaming personality, but I think to games in general, not just one game. For someone who started playing WoW from the very beginning (with a collector's edition Diablo/Zerg/Panda pet as proof), I probably have an extremely low play time. I'd go through spurts where it was the only game I would play for a few months, but I'd rarely maintain my subscription as I felt that I could be playing so many more games rather than just focusing on one.

But now that I have kids (twins, to boot), I just can't possibly have enough time in my day to get addicted to video games. If anything, my son (now 5) will be bugging me to play, so a decent chunk of my gaming time is now shared with the kids. But even then, I don't want them playing all the time, so I'll set limits.

So yeah, if you're parent, I can't see how one could even remotely become addicted to games, unless you're the neglectful type.