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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Does Nintendo suck at making "Core gamer" consoles?

TheMisterManGuy said:

By your logic, none of the big three should be making hardware. Everybody goes third party!

That would be great considering Microsoft and Nintendo's hardware pale in comparison to Sony's.

Sony has a long line of hardware creation especially with their history with TVs and other electronics.

MS is mainly a software company so its no surprise the first two Xbox systems had hardware issues/design flaws.

Nintendo being software only would be great considering that is what they are best known for, not for their horrible gimmicky hardware.

Let people who know how to create hardware, create hardware while they make software.

(Also fire the person who designed the PS5 console, such a horrible design and color scheme - other than that, the internals are fine as it is).

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BasilZero said:

That would be great considering Microsoft and Nintendo's hardware pale in comparison to Sony's.

Sony has a long line of hardware creation especially with their history with TVs and other electronics.

MS is mainly a software company so its no surprise the first two Xbox systems had hardware issues/design flaws.

Nintendo being software only would be great considering that is what they are best known for, not for their horrible gimmicky hardware.

Let people who know how to create hardware, create hardware while they make software.

(Also fire the person who designed the PS5 console, such a horrible design and color scheme - other than that, the internals are fine as it is).

Sony's hardware is just as flawed and Nintendo and Microsoft's (I just listed 11 problems with PlayStation hardware), so I don't see how they're "the best" but whatever. Nintendo also has a long history of making hardware. They toys decades ago! Also that "Gimmicky hardware" has influenced the industry on several different occasions (D-Pad, Analog Stick, Touch Screen, Motion)

Jpcc86 said:

Ive been gaming for around 33-34 years and I still dont understand what this "core gamer" concept people throw around is supposed to mean?

Casual gamer is someone who just plays one or two games to just pass time, or in say only during a social gathering (i.e. Wii)

Core gamer is just someone who likes to play a variety of games and usually completes them but has a grip on reality and can function in the real world.

Hardcore gamer is someone who gives up on life and work and sits playing games 3-4 days straight till they pass out I guess lol.

Now what is confusing is how can games be classified casual, core and hardcore?

Let's use Just Dance or Guitar Hero as an example. Most gamers on here would consider them casual, however if people play them till they can do the dance moves blind folded or play the instruments blind folded and enter competitions, is that technically not hardcore gaming lol?



BasilZero said:
TheMisterManGuy said:

By your logic, none of the big three should be making hardware. Everybody goes third party!

That would be great considering Microsoft and Nintendo's hardware pale in comparison to Sony's.

Sony has a long line of hardware creation especially with their history with TVs and other electronics.

MS is mainly a software company so its no surprise the first two Xbox systems had hardware issues/design flaws.

Nintendo being software only would be great considering that is what they are best known for, not for their horrible gimmicky hardware.

Let people who know how to create hardware, create hardware while they make software.

(Also fire the person who designed the PS5 console, such a horrible design and color scheme - other than that, the internals are fine as it is).

Delete this. Everything in this post is not only wrong. Ignorant. Blind. Zero foresight. Yes let's get rid of the competition and let 1 company control the console market. Brilliant idea. Yes let's make Nintendo more Risk Averse. Brilliant.  This is the kinda fucking garbage we'd commonly see in the 7th gen. Leave it there.

Bite my shiny metal cockpit!

They were sucking from DS to Wii U

But not for the reasons listed 

They sucked because they sometimes decided to go with different control scheme, which make ports of many third party games very strange and clunky 

They also leave some hardware features behind when they release a new console. Like they no longer use dual screen as part of their games 

Switch is a great core machine though. If they don't come with another clunky Game Pad they are fine

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TheMisterManGuy said:

Sony's hardware is just as flawed and Nintendo and Microsoft's (I just listed 11 problems with PlayStation hardware), so I don't see how they're "the best" but whatever. Nintendo also has a long history of making hardware. They toys decades ago! 

How is making electronics and toys even remotely comparable though? 

Cobretti2 said:
Jpcc86 said:

Ive been gaming for around 33-34 years and I still dont understand what this "core gamer" concept people throw around is supposed to mean?

Casual gamer is someone who just plays one or two games to just pass time, or in say only during a social gathering (i.e. Wii)

Core gamer is just someone who likes to play a variety of games and usually completes them but has a grip on reality and can function in the real world.

Hardcore gamer is someone who gives up on life and work and sits playing games 3-4 days straight till they pass out I guess lol.

Now what is confusing is how can games be classified casual, core and hardcore?

Let's use Just Dance or Guitar Hero as an example. Most gamers on here would consider them casual, however if people play them till they can do the dance moves blind folded or play the instruments blind folded and enter competitions, is that technically not hardcore gaming lol?

I would also add that a core gamer would probably just buy one console and you would miss so many big AAA games from the industry om switch and never mind that they would be a huge down grade.

TheMisterManGuy said:

Sony's hardware is just as flawed and Nintendo and Microsoft's (I just listed 11 problems with PlayStation hardware), so I don't see how they're "the best" but whatever. Nintendo also has a long history of making hardware. They toys decades ago! Also that "Gimmicky hardware" has influenced the industry on several different occasions (D-Pad, Analog Stick, Touch Screen, Motion)

11 is better than the 20+ problems and bad design choices that Nintendo hardware had.

Sony's electronics have a higher shelf life and have better overall quality than Nintendo's hardware.

Analog sticks were a thing before Nintendo made them on their hardware.

D-Pads sure I'll give you that, they popularized it.

If touch screen is so popular, why is it not being used as much? Even on phones, companies are making alternatives (backbone, bluetooth controllers, etc).

Motion is a after thought now a days - the Wii days of motion controls is over.

Leynos said:

Delete this. Everything in this post is not only wrong. Ignorant. Blind. Zero foresight. Yes let's get rid of the competition and let 1 company control the console market. Brilliant idea. Yes let's make Nintendo more Risk Averse. Brilliant.  This is the kinda fucking garbage we'd commonly see in the 7th gen. Leave it there.

Who said anything about getting rid of competition? lol

I said to let companies who know how to make hardware, make the hardware for Nintendo. They've done it in the past with Panasonic, do something like that.

Funny you complain about the 7th gen considering the 7th gen has been a highly popular generation overall (despite the dark gritty designs of majority of games). The 7th gen had all 3 companies being highly successful (minus the PS3 at its early years). Hell, I would love a repeat of 7th gen.

The term “hardcore gamer” is the fedora of pretentious gamer labels.

I describe myself as a little dose of toxic masculinity.

Jpcc86 said:

Ive been gaming for around 33-34 years and I still dont understand what this "core gamer" concept people throw around is supposed to mean?

To me, being a core gamer or not has to do with how you approach the medium.

Core gamer typically see gaming as their main to only hobby, whereas for casual gamers it is only of lower importance.

They often do it as a replacement for something else that is unavailable rather than it being their first choice.

I assume everyone will have a somewhat different definition on it, but for me, the following scenario describes it the term fairly well:

The casual meets with his/her friends during the day and plays an hour or two in the evening.

The core gamer meets with his/her friends online in a game and they play together 'til midnight