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TheMisterManGuy said:

Sony's hardware is just as flawed and Nintendo and Microsoft's (I just listed 11 problems with PlayStation hardware), so I don't see how they're "the best" but whatever. Nintendo also has a long history of making hardware. They toys decades ago! Also that "Gimmicky hardware" has influenced the industry on several different occasions (D-Pad, Analog Stick, Touch Screen, Motion)

11 is better than the 20+ problems and bad design choices that Nintendo hardware had.

Sony's electronics have a higher shelf life and have better overall quality than Nintendo's hardware.

Analog sticks were a thing before Nintendo made them on their hardware.

D-Pads sure I'll give you that, they popularized it.

If touch screen is so popular, why is it not being used as much? Even on phones, companies are making alternatives (backbone, bluetooth controllers, etc).

Motion is a after thought now a days - the Wii days of motion controls is over.

Leynos said:

Delete this. Everything in this post is not only wrong. Ignorant. Blind. Zero foresight. Yes let's get rid of the competition and let 1 company control the console market. Brilliant idea. Yes let's make Nintendo more Risk Averse. Brilliant.  This is the kinda fucking garbage we'd commonly see in the 7th gen. Leave it there.

Who said anything about getting rid of competition? lol

I said to let companies who know how to make hardware, make the hardware for Nintendo. They've done it in the past with Panasonic, do something like that.

Funny you complain about the 7th gen considering the 7th gen has been a highly popular generation overall (despite the dark gritty designs of majority of games). The 7th gen had all 3 companies being highly successful (minus the PS3 at its early years). Hell, I would love a repeat of 7th gen.