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I'll miss E3. :( Hopefully we get gaming companies doing their own big events in person to make up for it.

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Shtinamin_ said:

Are gamers just not as outgoing as comic enthusiasts?
Because E3 died, but Comic-Con is still rather strong.
Comic-Con has booths of many authors, writers, artists, actors, etc.
Comic-Con has competitive cosplay competitions, and also just wonderful and creative people who love cosplay.

E3 never had as much stuff going on as Comic-Con.
How come E3 didn't adopt the Comic-Con vibe back in the Wii era? Was E3 just too early to make that be a normal thing?

E3 would've been rather cool and fun if it had more stuff like Comic-Con.

Because that would be more like Gamescom actually, E3 at it's origin was a week made by the industry for the industry.

Also, you're not gonna be too surprised if I tell you there's overlap between the gamers and the one who attends the Comic-Con.

Switch Friend Code : 3905-6122-2909 

Shtinamin_ said:

Are gamers just not as outgoing as comic enthusiasts?
Because E3 died, but Comic-Con is still rather strong.
Comic-Con has booths of many authors, writers, artists, actors, etc.
Comic-Con has competitive cosplay competitions, and also just wonderful and creative people who love cosplay.

E3 never had as much stuff going on as Comic-Con.
How come E3 didn't adopt the Comic-Con vibe back in the Wii era? Was E3 just too early to make that be a normal thing?

E3 would've been rather cool and fun if it had more stuff like Comic-Con.

E3 wasn't a fan convention. It was a press event.  It was only in the streaming era it became more focused on the entertainment aspect and they tried in 2016 with a bunch of celebs and opening to fans. Wasn't received well. E3's real purpose was to product pitch and update the press with sales numbers. It also cost developers and publishers a lot of money to set up booths.  It's not as simple as showing up to talk to a room full of fans. Developers have to crunch to get playable builds of games for a show floor. Hundreds if not thousands of meetings are scheduled in conference rooms and hotel rooms with the press. There are so many costly factors a fan convention like Comic Con doesn't have to worry about. Letting fans in the door in 2017 and on is one of the factors leading to E3's demise aside from publishers and devs starting with Nintendo realized it's cheaper and better to just put out a 40-minute produced video rather than renting out an entire theatre. Floor space. Hotels. Catering. Scheduling interviews. Other costs.

Bite my shiny metal cockpit!

Shtinamin_ said:

Are gamers just not as outgoing as comic enthusiasts?
Because E3 died, but Comic-Con is still rather strong.
Comic-Con has booths of many authors, writers, artists, actors, etc.
Comic-Con has competitive cosplay competitions, and also just wonderful and creative people who love cosplay.

E3 never had as much stuff going on as Comic-Con.
How come E3 didn't adopt the Comic-Con vibe back in the Wii era? Was E3 just too early to make that be a normal thing?

E3 would've been rather cool and fun if it had more stuff like Comic-Con.

There are still some gaming events, so it is more likely the E3 formula and organization died off than the idea of gaming conference died.

duduspace11 "Well, since we are estimating costs, Pokemon Red/Blue did cost Nintendo about $50m to make back in 1996"

Mr Puggsly: "Hehe, I said good profit. You said big profit. Frankly, not losing money is what I meant by good. Don't get hung up on semantics"

Azzanation: "PS5 wouldn't sold out at launch without scalpers."

DonFerrari said:
Shtinamin_ said:

Are gamers just not as outgoing as comic enthusiasts?
Because E3 died, but Comic-Con is still rather strong.
Comic-Con has booths of many authors, writers, artists, actors, etc.
Comic-Con has competitive cosplay competitions, and also just wonderful and creative people who love cosplay.

E3 never had as much stuff going on as Comic-Con.
How come E3 didn't adopt the Comic-Con vibe back in the Wii era? Was E3 just too early to make that be a normal thing?

E3 would've been rather cool and fun if it had more stuff like Comic-Con.

There are still some gaming events, so it is more likely the E3 formula and organization died off than the idea of gaming conference died.

Uh, about that.

Might hurt other companies' live events too. -_-

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Unfortunate since this used to make June a relatively exciting month. While SGF has replaced it it just isn't as exciting. Even the cringe inducing moments at least gave the event personality compared to the safe and a lot of the time dull presentations that happen now. I do wonder how much longer it would've lasted if covid didn't happen, shame there wasn't an E3 in 2020 for the start of a new generation cause of that.

I think we all saw this coming after the past few years of turmoil and digital conferences becoming the norm. I do miss watching the conferences and posting on this site when both were thriving. You could go from 1 to several pages within the span of 10 minutes.

One of my favorite songs is Video Killed the Radio Star by Bugles.

This was the first music video played on MTV. It was in a way a celebration of the new medium and its potential. But, at the same time, it was a recognition that something irreplaceable had been lost. It was about the joy and sorrow that is an inevitable part of progress.

E3 had to go the way of the horse. It simply didn't make sense to try and reach a room full of insiders in the gaming media. The gaming media isn't what it was, and is largely dispersed among youtube channels, message boards, etc. Gamepro and IGN are no longer the only way to get your things in front of people. And of course, you can just reach the fans, as Iwata would say, DIRECTLY. And it makes so much more sense to put out your video on your own day and not have to compete with all the other announcements.

But there was something special about E3. Back in the days before the internet, the E3 edition of Gamepro was beyond exciting. It could be months between big game announcements, and all of the sudden there was an orge of gaming news. There was the competitiveness of it as well. It wasn't enough to have a good lineup, you had to compete with all the other people out there and get them talking. Then once the internet was a thing you could put on your fanboy hat and argue about who "won" E3. Did it really matter who had a better showing that particular day? Maybe not, but it sure was fun.

So, even though it was a long time coming, I'm still pretty sad. Sadder than is reasonable considering that there are real problems in the world. Sure I'll get gaming news delivered... constantly... more than I could even really handle... but it will never be quite the same experience.

We can't rewind we've come too far. Nintendo Direct came and broke your heart.

Well, we have Nintendo Direct, State of Play and Xbox Showcase to receive updates on games, services and hardware.

But... I'll still miss E3. I think I watched every year since 2012.

And how can we have other live video game showcases from individual companies if all these threats keep being made towards companies and gamers alike? -_-