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Forums - Gaming Discussion - 2015,Game of the Year


2015, Game of the Year

Undertale 5 6.10%
Splatoon 8 9.76%
Super Mario Maker 7 8.54%
Bloodborne 18 21.95%
Fallout 4 1 1.22%
Metal Gear Solid V 1 1.22%
Ori and the Blind Forest 9 10.98%
Rocket League 1 1.22%
The Witcher 3 20 24.39%
Other (please specify) 12 14.63%
Mar1217 said:

Small revolution in Open World game design when Xenoblade Chronicles X made its debut on WiiU. It had a lackluster main story but the rest of it made me in awe to what the medium is capable of producing when the rest of it clicks nicely. It solidified actual vertical Open World design which wasn't present back then and didn't get popular before Breath of the Wild would follow with it's take on it.(Made in part by Monolith Soft too).

That’s revisionist history. Many games had verticality in their open world design long before those 2 games.

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I mean, it's Bloodborne, what more needs to be said?

Hynad said:
Mar1217 said:

Small revolution in Open World game design when Xenoblade Chronicles X made its debut on WiiU. It had a lackluster main story but the rest of it made me in awe to what the medium is capable of producing when the rest of it clicks nicely. It solidified actual vertical Open World design which wasn't present back then and didn't get popular before Breath of the Wild would follow with it's take on it.(Made in part by Monolith Soft too).

That’s revisionist history. Many games had verticality in their open world design long before those 2 games.

Appart from a big maybe on GTA V. I'd be happy to hear which game adopt a strong vertical design in their open world prior to the XCX and BOTW.

Switch Friend Code : 3905-6122-2909 

Super Mario Maker for me, just fantastic to sit down with friends play some fan made levels, and take turns trying to figure out how to beat them. Witcher 3 is second for me, just a great open world game, Yakua 0 third place, Fallout 4, fourth place, and Undertale fifth place for me.

Mar1217 said:
Hynad said:

That’s revisionist history. Many games had verticality in their open world design long before those 2 games.

Appart from a big maybe on GTA V. I'd be happy to hear which game adopt a strong vertical design in their open world prior to the XCX and BOTW.

Flight Simulator 1 in 1979 ;)

Far Cry, Crysis, Just Cause, Infamous, Prototype, Spiderman, Dark Souls, Minecraft, Assasin's Creed, Sunset Overdrive.
Not sure what you mean by strong vertical design, World of goo? :)

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BraLoD said:

I mean, it's Bloodborne, what more needs to be said?


Vengeance 32 gb

RTX 4090 Ventus 3x E OC

Switch OLED

Good year, but easily Bloodborne for me.

Ha. I’m the lone voter for Splatoon. I wasn’t sure about that game, but the testfire got me hooked and I ended up loving it.
Met cool people through it too.

I also loved Xenoblade X for the many amazing classic sci-fi inspired quests.
Rocket League had some great moments.

I also enjoyed dabbling in an indie game called Super Mutant Alien Assault
The dev regretted the name, but it was a pretty fun one and two player shooter heavily inspired by Super Crate Box, and it built on their original browser game version in a great way.

Torn between Bloodborne and Ori. That year was packed.






Splatoon because of it's lasting impact and creativity.