Diablo 3. Really got hooked on that one.
2012, Game of the Year Runoff | |||
Diablo III | 5 | 11.90% | |
Journey | 12 | 28.57% | |
Fire Emblem: Awakening | 5 | 11.90% | |
Dragon's Dogma | 7 | 16.67% | |
Spec Ops: The Line | 3 | 7.14% | |
The Walking Dead: Season 1 | 5 | 11.90% | |
ZombiU | 5 | 11.90% | |
Total: | 42 |
Well, I'm a WipEout boy at heart and this was the last year that we got a mainline entry (2048), so I would vote for that :)
I also oddly liked PlayStation All-Stars Battle Royale. Everyone hated it, but I had a lot of fun with it.
Starhawk was also good and LittleBigPlanet (Vita). I was pretty much only gaming on my Vita and PS3 in 2012.
Voted Fire Emblem based on this list, but Xenoblade Chronicles got its US release in 2012, so I'd go for that. 2012 was also when Tales of games came back to the West.
2013 was an amazing year. For me, I found 2009-2012 to be dry years, and I was actually rather disenchanted with gaming by that point. 7th gen was my least favorite generation.
Sidenote I think people forget how terrible DIablo III was in 2012. It was a broken shitshow. It took a couple years to fix that game before it became good. By 2014 it was fantastic but in 2012 it hardly ever worked and was pretty barebones.
Leynos said: |
The Last Story technically came out in 2011 in Japan so it's part of last year's poll, but yeah phenomenal game, it would have been my pick for this year too.
And Binary Domain rocks, crazy underrated game, the way the robot foes get shredded apart as you shoot them is makes for an insanely satisfying experience.
2012 was one of the worst years gaming had since I can remember.
Diablo 3 takes my vote, played it a damn lot, and I liked it, but it's truly only a GOTY pick because of how lackluster most of the other stuff was.
The Walking Dead Season 1 by Telltale would be my GOTY for 2012, but since it's not on the list, my vote goes for Borderlands 2, which was a lot of fun too.
Dragons Dogma for me, since I have FE Awakening as a 2013 game due its NA release.
Either way, VERY slow year for me. Possibly the least amusing so far, like, ever.
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