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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - How will be Switch 2 performance wise?


Your expectations on performance...

Ridiculously below this g... 1 3.13%
Way below this gen: Some ... 8 25.00%
Slightly below this gen: ... 16 50.00%
On pair with this gen: AA... 7 21.88%

A couple people here are forgetting that it is surely going to be another handheld system.

A handheld is not going to be at the spec level of consoles that released 4 years prior. And yes, expecting it to be at or perhaps slightly above an 11 year old console is about right. But of course it'll have much more advanced stuff in it than an 11 year old console (in fact more advanced than the 4 year old consoles), DLSS is one example, that may put its actual output in the PS4 Pro area.

A reasonable expectation is that the actual output will be above PS4 for sure and maybe just under PS4 Pro. Said another way, expect the gap between handheld Switch2 and the consoles to be moderately smaller than the Switch-to-console gap was.

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Slownenberg said:

A couple people here are forgetting that it is surely going to be another handheld system.

A handheld is not going to be at the spec level of consoles that released 4 years prior. And yes, expecting it to be at or perhaps slightly above an 11 year old console is about right. But of course it'll have much more advanced stuff in it than an 11 year old console (in fact more advanced than the 4 year old consoles), DLSS is one example, that may put its actual output in the PS4 Pro area.

A reasonable expectation is that the actual output will be above PS4 for sure and maybe just under PS4 Pro. Said another way, expect the gap between handheld Switch2 and the consoles to be moderately smaller than the Switch-to-console gap was.

This is fair and likely accurate.  People are crazy if they think a 15 watt mobile device is matching the ps5.  

Chrkeller said:

Ps4 to ps4 pro. It will not produce series s visuals much less ps5. Memory bandwidth is going to be a limiting factor.  Storage space will also be curious.  

So really nothing changes on my end from last generation. The switch 2 will be for 1st party software and third party will be PC/ps5 for noticeably better graphics and significantly better performance (fps, lighting, shadows, etc.).  

Chrkeller said:
KratosLives said:

I guess you missed the part where they shocased unreal 5 engine demo similar to what what shown for ps5. That cannot run on ps4/ps4 pro specs. It will also have a current gen based cpu, which is much more powerful than last gen, along with a much bettter cpu.

Saw it and I'm not buying it.  The switch 2 will have mobile hardware and will not push ps5 visuals.  The iPhone pro was suppose to be amazing and RE8 is a mess.  I also remember the ps2 demo of FF8 dance scene....  people, imo, are expecting too much from the switch 2.  Mobile has come a long way but mobile is still limited.  Memory bandwidth will be a bottleneck.  

'The switch 2 will have mobile hardware and will not push ps5 visuals.' I think this goes without saying (to sane people anyway).

The iPhone pro is limited by power draw & thermals, it is handily outperformed by the steam deck which on paper has a less powerful chip.

Would you agree that the Switch 2 is likely to be more capable than the Steam Deck, in docked mode at least?

If yes then I think your point re. 3rd parties isn't really supported as Steam Deck runs a tonne of modern titles... If the Switch 2 establishes a decent install base, which seems almost guaranteed at this point (unless Nintendo completely shits the bed), then titles will also be more optimised than on SD.

Yes, games will look better on the home consoles but that also applies to Steam Deck - developers are still spending resources on optimizing around the SD specs for a reason.

Biggerboat1 said:
Chrkeller said:

Ps4 to ps4 pro. It will not produce series s visuals much less ps5. Memory bandwidth is going to be a limiting factor.  Storage space will also be curious.  

So really nothing changes on my end from last generation. The switch 2 will be for 1st party software and third party will be PC/ps5 for noticeably better graphics and significantly better performance (fps, lighting, shadows, etc.).  

Chrkeller said:

Saw it and I'm not buying it.  The switch 2 will have mobile hardware and will not push ps5 visuals.  The iPhone pro was suppose to be amazing and RE8 is a mess.  I also remember the ps2 demo of FF8 dance scene....  people, imo, are expecting too much from the switch 2.  Mobile has come a long way but mobile is still limited.  Memory bandwidth will be a bottleneck.  

'The switch 2 will have mobile hardware and will not push ps5 visuals.' I think this goes without saying (to sane people anyway).

The iPhone pro is limited by power draw & thermals, it is handily outperformed by the steam deck which on paper has a less powerful chip.

Would you agree that the Switch 2 is likely to be more capable than the Steam Deck, in docked mode at least?

If yes then I think your point re. 3rd parties isn't really supported as Steam Deck runs a tonne of modern titles... If the Switch 2 establishes a decent install base, which seems almost guaranteed at this point (unless Nintendo completely shits the bed), then titles will also be more optimised than on SD.

Yes, games will look better on the home consoles but that also applies to Steam Deck - developers are still spending resources on optimizing around the SD specs for a reason.

Oh yeah, for sure the switch 2 will outclass the steam deck.  No doubt.  And for sure the switch 2 will be able to run modern games, no doubt.  Just not at the fidelity and performance of the ps5.  And most people won't care about the fidelity differences.  So switch 2 will be fine.  

Expect it to be around the PS4 (probably bit below).
With DLSS for upscaleing though, it will play games slightly better than a base PS4.
(while consuming like ~20watts)

That roughly translates to about 4-5 times more powerfull than the current Switch.

I would not expect more than that (it depends on how big, heavy, and pricey nintendo want to go though).
(if its more powerfull than I expect, then its bound to be heavier, bigger, and more expensive as well)

Last edited by JRPGfan - on 13 November 2023

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I expect the rumored specs to be true as its from a nvidia hack. 8x A78c cpu cores, 128-bit bus and 1536 ampere gpu cores on samsung 8nm.
But I expect the clocks to be much lower than what most people expect, 1.5ghz for the Cpu and around 450mhz for the gpu.

That gives about 0.92TF in handheld mode and probably 2x dock mode, Even though it's a modern gpu architecture it has ampere TF so around 0.5x the performance of ps4 and around the same performance in dock mode.

Nintendo fans will probably be dissapointed with the new switch but keep in mind rdna2 which steamdeck is based on is more efficient than ampere and that console is big, clumsy and has 1.5 hour battery life.

6x master league achiever in starcraft2

Beaten Sigrun on God of war mode

Beaten DOOM ultra-nightmare with NO endless ammo-rune, 2x super shotgun and no decoys on ps4 pro.

1-0 against Grubby in Wc3 frozen throne ladder!!

Pinkie_pie said:

I agree with Blazer. Like I said in my previous post PS4 is over a decade old. Surely Nintendo next console would be more powerful than PS4. When Switch came out it was more powerful than PS3

...which was over 10 years old by that time, too. And it was more powerful despite the possibilities of the Cell chip. And most in this thread agree that it will be a bit more powerful than the PS4.

Blazer, on the other hand, expect the successor of the Switch to "wipe the floor with the PS4 Pro" in raw power, which is just unrealistic if it retains the hybrid form factor of the Switch.

Last edited by Bofferbrauer2 - on 13 November 2023

Bofferbrauer2 said:
Pinkie_pie said:

I agree with Blazer. Like I said in my previous post PS4 is over a decade old. Surely Nintendo next console would be more powerful than PS4. When Switch came out it was more powerful than PS3

...which was over 10 years old by that time, too. And it was more powerful despite the possibilities of the Cell chip. And most in this thread agree that it will be more powerful than the PS4.

Blazer, on the other hand, expect the successor of the Switch to "wipe the floor with the PS4 Pro" in raw power, which is just unrealistic if it retains the hybrid form factor of the Switch.


Switch 2 is a laptop, and is now more powerfull  than a PS4pro :)

just kidding.

I fully agree, nintendo needs to keep it light weight, low power consumption, low priced as well.
That just doesnt lend itself to easily going beyound where the PS4 is, for a handheld dockable device.

Blazer said:
Leynos said:

Base PS4 with Pro performance with DLSS.

I also suspect it will be able to replicate the Wii U dual-screen capability. Taking the system out of the dock and playing handheld, it can wireless transmit a signal to the TV for split screen games. One person plays on TV while the other plays handheld natively.

Retarded nintendo hater.

BonfiresDown said:

Digital Foundry recently did a rough test of how it would perform based on rumors. It’s like PS4 to PS4 Pro level I think along with DLSS and ray tracing. For me it will be plenty good for the games Nintendo make so I don’t terribly care.

Retarded nintendo hater.

IcaroRibeiro said:

Hopefully above PS4 pro 

I won't be surprised if it's behind base PS4 though 

Very retarded nintendo hater.

VAMatt said:

PS4 Pro performance docked, with paper stats a bit above base PS4.

Retarded nintendo hater.

Slownenberg said:

First sentence above: yeah thats basically exactly what I expect. Specs around PS4/XB1 level, but with DLSS it should be able to output something around PS4 Pro level I would think.

Second part is interesting. Hadn't thought about that before. If they do that (and for future gens as well) that could be a way to put DS and 3DS games on NSO. And of course as you say that could be useful for multiplayer as well. I could totally be down for that being the new thing Nintendo adds next gen so I could try out DS and 3DS games.

Retarded nintendo hater.

OdinHades said:

I'm expecting basically the power of the Steam Deck in a smaller device. So PS4 at best, and that's good enough for me.

Retarded nintendo hater.

BasilZero said:

It'll be in between PS4 and PS4 Pro level.

Retarded nintendo hater.

Chrkeller said:

Ps4 to ps4 pro. It will not produce series s visuals much less ps5. Memory bandwidth is going to be a limiting factor.  Storage space will also be curious.  

So really nothing changes on my end from last generation. The switch 2 will be for 1st party software and third party will be PC/ps5 for noticeably better graphics and significantly better performance (fps, lighting, shadows, etc.).  

Retarded nintendo hater.

Bite my shiny metal cockpit!

Bofferbrauer2 said:
Pinkie_pie said:

I agree with Blazer. Like I said in my previous post PS4 is over a decade old. Surely Nintendo next console would be more powerful than PS4. When Switch came out it was more powerful than PS3

...which was over 10 years old by that time, too. And it was more powerful despite the possibilities of the Cell chip. And most in this thread agree that it will be a bit more powerful than the PS4.

The Switch had four and a half node shrinks vs. the PS3, though, compared to just two for the Switch 2 vs. the PS4, maybe three if they go for the N5/N4 node. There's a huge 2.8 to 5.6-fold difference there.

Of course, the PS4 was kind of underpowered when it launched while the PS3 was the opposite except for its RAM. Or the Switch 2 could consume a bit more power. than the Switch.