Jules98 said:
Soundwave said:
Well I'm not really going to touch that first statement, because it's not even factually true.
But the point is, this is not about mobile games. This is about AAA console/PC games that the Apple devices can now run because their chip processors have gotten so good and Apple has been getting more interested in gaming over the last few years (the rumblings are the Apple Arcade service is making more money than they thought).
The PS5/X Series are not portable, and that is a big deal, as we can see the Switch outsold the PS4. Comfortably. Can Apple make a really, really impressive hybrid with their iPad? Yes they could for sure. And you also have the ability then to make an iPhone version too and let the player enjoy their game on a more premium device but also have the luxury of having that game in their pocket to play when ever they feel like too. I don't know if any gaming ecosystem can really claim anything like that. That whole "your game is always with you" concept can actually be a feasible reality there, as even with a Switch, who really carries that around everywhere they go.
If a ROG Ally is like $700, but an iPad can run AAA games at better resolution/performance than that AND is a top of the line iPad too with a larger display and all the added utility that brings to normal people, suddenly a lot of those Steam Deck type devices have some serious competition. More people buy an iPad than any game console yearly and it's not even particularly close as is.
If the gaming functionality on it starts to get really good ... that's just another big value add to the package. The other cool thing is you can choose whatever controller you want. Lots of PS owners prefer the XBox controller and vice versa, in this set up you can use either/or and anything else you want.
I'm not saying this 100% going to be a hit, but there is definitely potential there. A lot of these 3rd parties are whoring themselves out on iOS anyway, like Square-Enix has like what? 8000 Final Fantasy games on iOS? lol. As the processing power gets up there it almost becomes a question why wouldn't they want to port their actual console/PC catalog too.
You're thoroughly missing the point. The consumer base at large has shown time and again to prefer dedicated mobile experiences over AAA experiences on their phones for various reasons already outlined ITT (controls, screen size, pricing, etc.). That's not going to change just because Apple is waving their specs dick around.
Because there haven't been any real AAA console style games for the most part that weren't dated. I think iPhone is not really the main play here either (for now). iPhone having PS4 tier capability is definitely impressive, but iPad is where it's gonna be at because iPad's can have the M-series chips, and those chips will be able to play PS5/XSX tier games as soon as maybe even now, but next year with the M3 chip, definitely. We're talking like future Resident Evils, Monster Hunter, GTA6 even, NBA 2K console version, Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth can run on this chip type of thing.
On a large screen display. That's easy and lightweight to put in your bag. With any controller you want.
If that's where we're headed, then comparing that to like what the iPhone was in 2014, it just doesn't make a whole lot of sense. It's like saying the Wii U already proved the Switch concept a failure, well the details matter a heckuva lot in the reality of that. Just like actual portability and a design that didn't look like a Fisher Price kids tablet made a huge difference for the Switch, having mobile chips that run actual next gen games (and many of them, not just like 1 port that looks terrible) and a porting tool that streamlines the port process make significant differences.
The iPhone aspect of it I think is going to be more of a "neat" extra, like you buy the game primarily to play on your M-series Apple device at high fidelity (like an iPad or Macbook or Mac mini or maybe even an AppleTV type console), and the iPhone version you have for free and is always in your pocket. That's a very cool ecosystem feature they can boast because people take their phones everywhere with them.
Last edited by Soundwave - on 14 September 2023