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Forums - Gaming Discussion - As a kid or a teenager, did you play games not suitable for your age?

When I was a kid, there was essentially nothing that would qualify as adult content by today's standards. Nowadays, every other game has heads being realistically hacked off with an axe. But, in the 80s and 90s, cartoon blood was a big deal. Nowadays, we'd laugh at spines being ripped out in Mortal Kombat because it looks so fake.

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My parents were pretty lax when it came to what I watched or played. Like, they took me to see R-rated movies all the time when I was a kid, including RoboCop, Predator, and Total Recall. They let me watch horror movies at home. Mortal Kombat was released when I was 12 and I thought it was totally rad. I played Doom the following year. I was a teenager when the first big controversy over violent video games was making the news. But my parents really didn't care. I guess they felt I was emotionally mature enough to realize that all the blood & guts were fake.


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First video game that would qualify that I played was probably Duke Nuken 3d. Came out in 1991 but that would of made me 8 but my parents did not have a computer till 1994 so I was probably 11 when I played it. I was pretty young first time I played a Leisure Suit Larry game but cant remember my exact age but probably around 13.

When it came to computer games even through it was my parents computer they was not very tech savy and I learned to use it at a very young age so was not hard for me to put games in that you opened through dos commands that my parents would never find.

Thing is, the so called "adult-content" was never a thing that enticed me so I generally had a balance library of games ranging from most ages to play. Though I can say my "Xbox 360 years" were the ones I played more "adult content" intentionally because it was more so a norm amongst those of the young generations.

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Back when MK1 lunched, my mom bought it for me and, after typing in ABACABB, I immediately started ripping spines out. Kudos to my mother for seeing how cartoonish it was and how over-dramatized the media made it out to be.

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Yep! Too many to list.. But the ones that stick out to me are; Mortal Kombat, RoboCop Versus The Terminator, Unreal, Quake, GTA, and Duke Nukem 3D.

Not a lot since I played a lot of Nintendo games as a kid but GTA was the main one. I remember my mum seeing me kill someone with a chainsaw and then plunge it into his dead body spraying blood everywhere.

According to the new regulations of the ESRB

Pokémon red :V

When I was a teenager, the ESRB didn't exist. I could even walk into any arcade and see games like Mortal Kombat being played. They were on public display and kids of any age could watch these games being played in a public setting.

The_Liquid_Laser said:

When I was a teenager, the ESRB didn't exist. I could even walk into any arcade and see games like Mortal Kombat being played. They were on public display and kids of any age could watch these games being played in a public setting.

Ahhhh... the good old days.

There was a certain warmth and glow that you got from those darkened arcade halls, with the screens flickering, and the sounds blipping and blopping all at once orchestrally. It was close to the feeling of walking into another world, a dreamlike world, where you could achieve almost total escape from reality.