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Forums - General Discussion - How to Cope with Body Insecurity?

i have a small dick aswell, its all about how you use it

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You have it made, dawg. I'm missing every single one of my toes and I have 2 nubs on my left hand. (My pinky and ring finger) Your hand size looked completely normal in those photos. Humans come in all different shapes and sizes.

Radek said:

Hello, guys there's one thing about my body that really makes my life miserable... it's the size of my hands and fingers, which are extremely small and thin - especially for a male which makes it worse. Every time I have to go out to buy groceries, buy meds in Pharmacy, go to a Doctor or see people anywhere else I can't help but notice that even women and teens have hands much bigger than mine. This thought prevented me from trying to find friends and date with women for the longest time and I'm almost 29 now. Why have I been cursed with hands this small, this is very unusual as I'm not the shortest guy at 5'8" - 173 cm and my feet while not big are within male range of shoe sizes.

Can somebody relate, does anyone know how other people would react to meeting someone with small hands like mine?

Own it. 

I have tiny hands myself and i often compare them with my female friends. Usually get a good laugh out of it. 

Also, i really don't see the problem. Your hands look perfectly normal. 

Japanese hands? It's ok. Do you want Zangief hands?

ArtX said:

Japanese hands? It's ok. Do you want Zangief hands?

I'm Polish, Japanese men have pretty big hands actually I think. At least all the video game developers from Capcom, Square etc.

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Radek said:
the-pi-guy said:

Body insecurity is a tricky thing.

It would be easy to just say don't worry about it, but that doesn't make people feel better. That might be the answer, but it's much easier said than done. There's a reason why these things often require therapy.

I will guarantee to you that you spend more time thinking about your body, and your insecurities than anyone else will.

Most people will probably not even notice your hands in the first place. I genuinely can't remember the last time I gave a thought to the size of someone's hands. And even if I did think about someone else's hands, it would be something I would think about for a few seconds at most. "Oh neat, they have huge hands." "Oh neat they have surprisingly small hands." And then never have any thought related to those hands cross my mind ever again. 

The main person your insecurity is stopping, is yourself. Most people aren't going to care. There's probably a 1 in a million chance that some weirdo will stop being friends with you over your hand size. In that case, that person is the weirdo. Probably more likely a woman might care more, but even that feels unlikely.  

Again, the person that will care the most is yourself. It's not some unpleasant trait that other people have to worry about. It might even be a slightly preferable trait for some women. 

Thank You. I will try, but after years of thinking about them I'm scared to meet with women especially. While I realize some people have things worse, such as missing limbs or being blind or deaf, I still can't get over my hands as if it's the biggest deal in the world. I think my palm size is OK lenght, but the fingers are definitely short and thin, very unusual for people of every race and gender.

Here's my hands compared to Nintendo Switch, I'm very scared to actually post it :c

I cant believe Im commenting on a guys hands.... of all things.
Oh well... here it is, your hands look normal in size (considering your 173cm tall).

If anything, all that stood out to me was just "that's a chunky hand/arm".
I'm guessing your probably abit overweight.... if your concerned about body image, nothing really boosts confidence as loseing weight does.
I had put on alot of weight myself (was over 90kg like 1,5 years ago), and let me tell you, nothing beats loseing like 20-25kg of "fat" and starting toneing up, as far as confidence goes (from personal experiance).

JRPGfan said:
Radek said:

Thank You. I will try, but after years of thinking about them I'm scared to meet with women especially. While I realize some people have things worse, such as missing limbs or being blind or deaf, I still can't get over my hands as if it's the biggest deal in the world. I think my palm size is OK lenght, but the fingers are definitely short and thin, very unusual for people of every race and gender.

Here's my hands compared to Nintendo Switch, I'm very scared to actually post it :c

I cant believe Im commenting on a guys hands.... of all things.
Oh well... here it is, your hands look normal in size (considering your 173cm tall).

If anything, all that stood out to me was just "that's a chunky hand/arm".
I'm guessing your probably abit overweight.... if your concerned about body image, nothing really boosts confidence as loseing weight does.
I had put on alot of weight myself (was over 90kg like 1,5 years ago), and let me tell you, nothing beats loseing like 20-25kg of "fat" and starting toneing up, as far as confidence goes (from personal experiance).

Yes. I'm obese right now. I'm 102 kg and I want to lose around 20 kg.

Radek said:
JRPGfan said:

I cant believe Im commenting on a guys hands.... of all things.
Oh well... here it is, your hands look normal in size (considering your 173cm tall).

If anything, all that stood out to me was just "that's a chunky hand/arm".
I'm guessing your probably abit overweight.... if your concerned about body image, nothing really boosts confidence as loseing weight does.
I had put on alot of weight myself (was over 90kg like 1,5 years ago), and let me tell you, nothing beats loseing like 20-25kg of "fat" and starting toneing up, as far as confidence goes (from personal experiance).

Yes. I'm obese right now. I'm 102 kg and I want to lose around 20 kg.

You should aim for a BMI thats like 20 or something, if you think long term.
Theres no reason for guys like us, to be that heavy.
I'm only 175cm tall myself. I wanna get down to like 60kg, and slim and fit/lean.

Its addicting, once you start noticeing results.
And you think "I can totally do this!", "watch me, next year! I'll have hit it".
Just keep at it, once you get going.

You'll wake up, catch yourself in the mirror, and be happy you made a change.

However change doesnt come instantly.
You need to think, years into the future, when it comes to loseing that much weight.
So dont do any of that crappy dieting bs, expecting quick results, thats setting yourself up for failour and a mental backlash.
Nothing beats just working out, and walking/jogging. Get as many hours in a day as you can, and keep at it.

The simple answer just live with it. Your hands are never gonna grow, so just accept it. On the bright side smaller hands are more precise. Plenty of people have some part of their body they are not exceptionally happy with.

Please excuse my (probally) poor grammar

I looked at the photos - seem very normal to me. And I am not just saying that. I would say if I thought they were small, but they are not to me.

And people usually don't give a crap about that anyways. I know that this would still mean that you care. But it might be a helpful thought that in fact nobody is looking at your hands in a funny way. People don't care.