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DonFerrari said:
coolbeans said:

Alright.  Once again, if you use words like X thing (game, feature, etc.) "...would not have been possible without the Solid State Drive of the PlayStation 5..." during your game's hype train and that's shown to be proven incorrect later on, don't act surprised when anyone slings mud at their face.  We're talking about a game already Steam Deck approved at launch (capable of running on SD cards).  No amount of convenient post hoc qualifiers can erase what now comes off as fanboying from a developer.

I did some more digging and it seemed like Rift Apart's Game Director, Mike Daly, tacitly agreed and made a more measured observation: "You could make a game like [the new] 'Ratchet & Clank' on the PS4, but just visually speaking, you would have to dial back a ton in order to get it to run."  Unsurprisingly, that grounded response came out after the game's release.  It's unfortunate that Insomniac's own clarification hasn't been circulated as widely as the "not possible without PS5 SSD" line.  

Whether you want to say it is/isn't a "lie," the moral of the story should be this if you're a developer: show excitement for your next game without leaning into console-wars hyperbole.  That's Jim Ryan's job.

If you cut a lot of stuff and basically change the games core is it the same game?

It depends on what's defined as essential changes to a games core and the stuff that's cut out.  I guess if you're a hardliner you might say "any slowdown in rift transitions compared to PS5 undeniably alters the state of the game," but I'd think you're just desperate to win an argument at that point.

EDIT:  Just to hammer the point home, remember that the original threshold Insomniac's Marcus Smith hyped up was "...wouldn't be possible without the PS5's SSD..." which carries far greater implications than things wouldn't quite feel the same.  

Last edited by coolbeans - on 27 July 2023

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coolbeans said:

It depends on what's defined as essential changes to a games core and the stuff that's cut out.  I guess if you're a hardliner you might say "any slowdown in rift transitions compared to PS5 undeniably alters the state of the game," but I'd think you're just desperate to win an argument at that point.

EDIT:  Just to hammer the point home, remember that the original threshold Insomniac's Marcus Smith hyped up was "...wouldn't be possible without the PS5's SSD..." which carries far greater implications than things wouldn't quite feel the same.  

Do you understand how time works? What may have been true when that was said years ago may not be true now. Not with how technology advances. 

Rift Apart may have only been possible with the PS5's SSD AT THAT TIME, but as we learn more and find newer/better ways to adapt and upgrade, they clearly found a way to make it work (kinda) without the SSD. 

Why does everything have to be malicious with some of you people? It couldn't possibly be that time happened and things changed since then, but no...Sony LIED to you to TRICK you into buying a PS5 because they are a greedy corporation that just wants your money and will manipulate you to get its way! I mean, they are a greedy corporation who wants your money but you don't need to assume malice or dishonesty to also acknowledge that. Gaming discourse can be such a goddamn exhausting endeavour. 

**Edit* To be clear this post is aimed not JUST at you, but everyone out there who is aggressively claiming dishonesty or trying to use this as some sort of weapon against Sony in the console wars of 2023. I can't go anywhere without people claiming Sony LIED about the SSD or what was/was not possible with it and I'm just over here like 'Y'all know time happens, right? Technology gets better and we find new ways to do things that didn't seem possible just a few years ago; there doesn't need to be malice or dishonesty when a simple passage of time and the change that comes with it is a far more likely explanation'

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A: almost anything is possible with the right compromises. 

But B: those compromises change the experience.  

Like yeah, you can play Ratchet and Clank on a hard drive.  

But you're also not getting the same experience, due to those loading times.

Last edited by the-pi-guy - on 27 July 2023

Very strong sales.
Now announce the new big games, Sony.
Time to show what Sucker Punch and Naughty Dog are cooking.

Who the hell is playing any game on a HDD nowadays? lol

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Just get a PS5 if you wanna play R&C RA, it’s cheaper than a 4090ti plus it performs better coz PCs are still using HDDs.

Ride The Chariot | ‘25 Completed

Runa216 said:
coolbeans said:

It depends on what's defined as essential changes to a games core and the stuff that's cut out.  I guess if you're a hardliner you might say "any slowdown in rift transitions compared to PS5 undeniably alters the state of the game," but I'd think you're just desperate to win an argument at that point.

EDIT:  Just to hammer the point home, remember that the original threshold Insomniac's Marcus Smith hyped up was "...wouldn't be possible without the PS5's SSD..." which carries far greater implications than things wouldn't quite feel the same.  

Do you understand how time works? What may have been true when that was said years ago may not be true now. Not with how technology advances. 

Rift Apart may have only been possible with the PS5's SSD AT THAT TIME, but as we learn more and find newer/better ways to adapt and upgrade, they clearly found a way to make it work (kinda) without the SSD. 

Why does everything have to be malicious with some of you people? It couldn't possibly be that time happened and things changed since then, but no...Sony LIED to you to TRICK you into buying a PS5 because they are a greedy corporation that just wants your money and will manipulate you to get its way! I mean, they are a greedy corporation who wants your money but you don't need to assume malice or dishonesty to also acknowledge that. Gaming discourse can be such a goddamn exhausting endeavour. 

**Edit* To be clear this post is aimed not JUST at you, but everyone out there who is aggressively claiming dishonesty or trying to use this as some sort of weapon against Sony in the console wars of 2023. I can't go anywhere without people claiming Sony LIED about the SSD or what was/was not possible with it and I'm just over here like 'Y'all know time happens, right? Technology gets better and we find new ways to do things that didn't seem possible just a few years ago; there doesn't need to be malice or dishonesty when a simple passage of time and the change that comes with it is a far more likely explanation'

Do you have a built-in reflex to uncharitably read into my comments?  Even if your frustration isn't solely focused on me (noted), I've been WAY less hostile in my responses than this broader group you're bringing up.  Someone makes a claim or counter and I challenge it based on x or y reasons.  Being blunt isn't the same as insane anger.  

Which perfectly segues to your condescending question.  Again, just like with Don's responses, that seems insanely lenient.  I don't buy two Insomniac directors giving me two separate narratives thanks to time.  Hell, a Traveller's Tales founder went about dispelling the "impossible without PS5's SSD" myth by alleging that it was possible on PS3 hardware (albeit nowhere near as gorgeous), so these workarounds have been known for a while.  Acting as though Insomniac just happened upon a tech discovery that disproved their previous claim doesn't hold water.  It's easier to assume Marcus Smith was in hype-cycle mode while advertising his latest game.

Just to be clear, I agree with your annoyance at nastier fanboys who are practically frothing at the mouth and turning this into a 24/7 news item.  That's insanely cringe.  Similarly, I dislike the overly generous interpretation I saw from DonFerrari.  How his OG comment looked to me: "So, Sony and Insomniac were correct and good the whole time... r-r-right, guys?"  Again, I don't get how someone can see Smith's original quote and think the goalpost has remained in the same place.  Further, like I said before, this mud-slinging can be avoided more often if developers don't over-indulge in hype.  It's great that they love this new hardware, but it's better for them to advertise in an more grounded tone and leave spin to corporate.

Last edited by coolbeans - on 27 July 2023

the-pi-guy said:

Very likely to pass before the holidays and them full speed ahead.

duduspace11 "Well, since we are estimating costs, Pokemon Red/Blue did cost Nintendo about $50m to make back in 1996"

Mr Puggsly: "Hehe, I said good profit. You said big profit. Frankly, not losing money is what I meant by good. Don't get hung up on semantics"

Azzanation: "PS5 wouldn't sold out at launch without scalpers."

coolbeans said:
Runa216 said:

Do you understand how time works? What may have been true when that was said years ago may not be true now. Not with how technology advances. 

Rift Apart may have only been possible with the PS5's SSD AT THAT TIME, but as we learn more and find newer/better ways to adapt and upgrade, they clearly found a way to make it work (kinda) without the SSD. 

Why does everything have to be malicious with some of you people? It couldn't possibly be that time happened and things changed since then, but no...Sony LIED to you to TRICK you into buying a PS5 because they are a greedy corporation that just wants your money and will manipulate you to get its way! I mean, they are a greedy corporation who wants your money but you don't need to assume malice or dishonesty to also acknowledge that. Gaming discourse can be such a goddamn exhausting endeavour. 

**Edit* To be clear this post is aimed not JUST at you, but everyone out there who is aggressively claiming dishonesty or trying to use this as some sort of weapon against Sony in the console wars of 2023. I can't go anywhere without people claiming Sony LIED about the SSD or what was/was not possible with it and I'm just over here like 'Y'all know time happens, right? Technology gets better and we find new ways to do things that didn't seem possible just a few years ago; there doesn't need to be malice or dishonesty when a simple passage of time and the change that comes with it is a far more likely explanation'

Do you have a built-in reflex to uncharitably read into my comments?  Even if your frustration isn't solely focused on me (noted), I've been WAY less hostile in my responses than this broader group you're bringing up.  Someone makes a claim or counter and I challenge it based on x or y reasons.  Being blunt isn't the same as insane anger.  

Which perfectly segues to your condescending question.  Again, just like with Don's responses, that seems insanely lenient.  I don't buy two Insomniac directors giving me two separate narratives thanks to time.  Hell, a Traveller's Tales founder went about dispelling the "impossible without PS5's SSD" myth by alleging that it was possible on PS3 hardware (albeit nowhere near as gorgeous), so these workarounds have been known for a while.  Acting as though Insomniac just happened upon a tech discovery that disproved their previous claim doesn't hold water.  It's easier to assume Marcus Smith was in hype-cycle mode while advertising his latest game.

Just to be clear, I agree with your annoyance at nastier fanboys who are practically frothing at the mouth and turning this into a 24/7 news item.  That's insanely cringe.  Similarly, I dislike the overly generous interpretation I saw from DonFerrari.  How his OG comment looked to me: "So, Sony and Insomniac were correct and good the whole time... r-r-right, guys?"  Again, I don't get how someone can see Smith's original quote and think the goalpost has remained in the same place.  Further, like I said before, this mud-slinging can be avoided more often if developers don't over-indulge in hype.  It's great that they love this new hardware, but it's better for them to advertise in an more grounded tone and leave spin to corporate.

When you say I'm being insanely lenient you can't at the same time say we are being very aggressive against you and that you are being of low hostility even more when you are indeed claiming they lied.

Again Insomniac was talking about their game running on PS5 and that its SSD is what made it possible, and that is comparing against PS4 which doesn't have a SSD (and even if you would install one the I/O itself already makes the rifts not feasible). It is people trying to make the argument in a vaccuum to try and find fault that is indeed in fault. Take CGI-Quality PC for example, it have 98GB of RAM so you can be sure that even with a rusty 5400RPM HDD it can run the game flawlessly because it would be able to basically load the whole game on the RAM (sure the initial load would take time but after that it would be smooth).

As I also said if you pick up Nixxes comments and would try to make the game run without Direct Storage (which wasn't available at that time and the SSDs of that time it would have hiccups and if you gone HDD it would certainly be an issue). HDD itself is a storage so as long as you can install and read the full data any format should "work".

When I was talking about losing the experience, and how that was on talk against PS4, if your rift takes over 1min instead of 1s that breaks the mechanic. We aren't talking about loading a new world, chapter, mission, etc, we are talking about stuff that is happening during the action. It taking 5s although not ideal yes wouldn't say breaks the mechanic.

Traveller's Tale founder have as much insight about the code and the mechanics of the game as anyone that isn't involved on the game. When he makes a game that is anywhere comparable to R&C we may take his opinion in count. Because saying "we had games that had transition during action" as proof that you could do the game on PS3 then we should go even further and say R&C could be done on PS1 because you had almost instant transition on Soul's Reaver. Making a single element of the game "work" very barebones and make the game itself could be made it very moronic. Because again if you make your whole stream loaded at once in the RAM (let's say make the current stage 1/3 of the maximum occupance of the RAM and then use the rest to preload the next 2 areas of the jump while you also load whatever newer sequence on the RAM meanwhile... that would mean you have a much smaller, bare, poor experience "to make it work").

If this type of game was possible before, doesn't it sound strange to you that it wasn't made before since there are hundred of developers out there? Go to the explanation from Mark Cerny regarding why the new I/O brought such improvement to the playstation. Making it easier, since you can load assets a lot faster from the SSD to the RAM you can then refresh that data a lot faster so you can make not only loading faster but also have more data being transfered for the action (like when he showed POV of the char that you would only load and process what was in front and let's say 0.2s of rotating view to each side instead of all the environment because someone trasversing or looking around would have stuff not loaded if they depended of the HDD to feed the RAM instead of a fast SSD.

Again if you don't want others to be agressive to you, you may as well avoid being agressive to others or trying to take  digs at them. I certainly said on the "insominiac not lying, right" segment that got you triggered as in mockery, but yep you may get offensive against me because that doesn't bother me at all. Still DF is clearly on the same page as me, because they understand context, which you seem to ignore to win the point.

All of which leads us onto one of the more inane discussion points we've seen: the fact that the game runs on slower machines with no SSD when Insomniac claimed that the SSD was essential for the game they'd created. First of all, the difference between the console experience and the 'very low' setting is frankly immense in terms of data transfer. Secondly, the comment was likely made in relation to the other development platform available to them, the PlayStation 4. In the video you'll witness the carnage of what happens when you try to run Ratchet and Clank: Rift Apart on a launch PS4 512GB HDD - even the very low setting doesn't work and the game eventually crashes.

Last edited by DonFerrari - on 27 July 2023

duduspace11 "Well, since we are estimating costs, Pokemon Red/Blue did cost Nintendo about $50m to make back in 1996"

Mr Puggsly: "Hehe, I said good profit. You said big profit. Frankly, not losing money is what I meant by good. Don't get hung up on semantics"

Azzanation: "PS5 wouldn't sold out at launch without scalpers."

Speaking of Ratchet and Clank.

I've started on Ratchet and Clank Into the Nexus on PS3.

Holy smokes....what happened when they made this game? All the other games had great frame rate and if I remember it was 60 or at least felt like it was 60 (whether it was the PS2 or earlier PS3 games).

I thought my PS3 was going crazy but searching up Google, many people are saying the same thing over the years since its release in 2013.

Anyways, I'm hoping the performance gets better after the beginning lol - cause this is really horrible, its especially the worst when you break the crates/boxes.