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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Unpopular games you feel are the Apex of a genre

Romance of the Three Kingdoms IX in the Strategy genre.

When it comes to Strategy, Romance is usually nowhere in the conversation. When it comes to best ROTK games, ROTK IX is usually nowhere in the conversation.

But honestly I loved it the most. The start is always brutal and barbarians take some tuning, but otherwise pretty much perfect. There are multiple avenues to victory but it all depends on your decisions and strategical ability to overcome larger countries. There are multiple scenarios and countless goals you can choose for yourself. I wish I could play it now, but I don't have it with me anymore.

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I think Astral Chain sold quite well but it's still a small seller, so that one is my pick.
Astral Chain is the best action game I ever played.

Wizardry 8

20 years old by now, it is considered the best Wizardry title and the Swan Song of the classic western CRPG as a whole. And that's despite it's developer, Sir-Tech, went bust just before the end of development, and the devs finishing up the game (apart from some minor cut content due to the circumstances) and patching the game mostly at home, with no prospect of pay or royalties. Talk about dedication!

Jagged Alliance 2

Speaking of Sir-Tech, Jagged Alliance 2 got nominated by PC Gamer for "Best Game nobody played". One of the best tactics games ever, with a dark humor "Elliot, you idiot! *slap* *slap*", very good voice acting (which was recorded at the same time as Wizardry 8 above, hence why that one also has superb voice acting), and some great expansions and mods to keep it fresh to this day.

I always felt Luigi's Mansion, as a franchise, is grossly overlooked by many. Superb games, especially the Gamecube original. I love the franchise. Superb times.


Vengeance 32 gb

RTX 4090 Ventus 3x E OC

Switch OLED

What a question. It's hard to know what genre to even look into. I will voice my own opinion on puzzle games. For me, this is hands down won

by Devil Dice. It's one of the favourite games of all time and easily the best puzzle game I've ever played.

Hmm, pie.

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I just recently finished Little Town Hero, so I'll go with that for my pick. I believe reviews for this game were mixed, but I love it. The whole time playing all I was thinking was, "FInally an RPG where you actually have to think." You can't just spam the attack button or just use your most powerful spell to plow through everything.

That's my problem with a lot of JRPGs and why I stopped playing them. RPGs are supposed to be about strategy, but invariably they almost always come down to brute strength, level grinding until you're strong enough to plow through everything in your path without a single thought.

LTH was such a breath of fresh air. It does the exact opposite of most JRPGs. The whole game takes place in one town, no boring travelling from place to place, no fluff, no filler, no random encounters, no useless items or weapons or party members. There are side quests but they are optional. And most importantly you have to THINK.  I won't explain the battle system here because I don't want to be here all day, but it's more like chess while most other JRPGs are like checkers.

Last edited by Paperboy_J - on 13 January 2023


Or it's other name. Terra Diver. Oddly this weas published by Japan only.  In an era full of amazing shoot em ups. This one of the best. Saturn has so many amazing shooters and while Radiant Silvergun is the most well known and talked about. This game deserves some attention. Because of prices I don't own a lot of shmups on my Saturn but this is one of the ones I do own.

Last edited by Leynos - on 13 January 2023

Bite my shiny metal cockpit!

Paperboy_J said:

I just recently finished Little Town Hero, so I'll go with that for my pick. I believe reviews for this game were mixed, but I love it. The whole time playing all I was thinking was, "FInally an RPG where you actually have to think." You can't just spam the attack button or just use your most powerful spell to plow through everything.

That's my problem with a lot of JRPGs and why I stopped playing them. RPGs are supposed to be about strategy, but invariably they almost always come down to brute strength, level grinding until you're strong enough to plow through everything in your path without a single thought.

RPGs are not really supposed to be strategic unless of course we are ranking about Strategic RGPs, but anyway I have some recommendations of JRPGS that you have think to avoid being crushed Shin Megami Tensei, Fire Emblem and Triangle Strategy comes to mind. All them solve grinding issues with different solutions and all them force you to understand what type of enemies you are facing and play accordingly 

None of them have random encounters either and you don't find them difficult enough hard/madness level will do the trick

Sin and Punishment: Star Successor is possibly the best rail shooter ever made.

It's stylish, packed with cool ideas and bursting with the kind of unhinged energy you'd expect from a Platinum game, runs at a blistering 60fps, and brilliantly showcases how transformative the Wiimote pointer was for shooting.
Unsurprisingly for such a niche title, hardly anyone played it, which is a damn shame.

Last edited by curl-6 - on 13 January 2023

Sleeping dogs is criminally overlooked. And imo, still one of the best action/openworld games out there.

The gameplay loop is great fun with excellent combat mixed with interactive enviroments. Those high speed/ocatane chases and excellent and humorous mini games/side missions. In a busy and busting streets of Hong Kong.. Kung-Fu'ing and taking down bad guys never felt so good. The story is great as is the progression system;where your actions have an effect on how you advance your skills() and unlocks.

Sadly, it flopped commercially.. only selling 1.5M copies world wide and was not enough for the game to be profiable. There was a sequel in development.. though that was cancelled shortly after, and IP remains under wraps at Square Enix.

Last edited by hinch - on 14 January 2023