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Forums - Website Topics - VGChartz Official Game of the Year 2022 – Preliminary Voting Now Open!

Funny enough the opposite Pokemon game was my biggest disappointment but also Im the only one here who'd say that I think lol

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TheWalrusCaesar said:

Funny enough the opposite Pokemon game was my biggest disappointment but also Im the only one here who'd say that I think lol

Added it for you.

Best Shooter:


I think it deserves a fighting chance, even if it had a rough launch.

I wondered which genre Elden Ring would end up, because quite frankly it fits some of them and also whichever category it is, it will slaughter everything else. Sadly it turned out to be RPG, that has some worthy entries in it, which now get overshadowed. But oh well.

Also probably the least suspenseful GOTY award in years, I wonder which game will it be. Some of the other categories will be exciting though.

Also I am happy to see Pentiment, Grounded, Vampire Survivors and Dwarf Fortress up here. They probably don't stand a chance as they are too niche, but maybe they can sneak into the final voting. And maybe someone will give them a try.

3DS-FC: 4511-1768-7903 (Mii-Name: Mnementh), Nintendo-Network-ID: Mnementh, Switch: SW-7706-3819-9381 (Mnementh)

my greatest games: 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023

10 years greatest game event!

bets: [peak year] [+], [1], [2], [3], [4]

TheWalrusCaesar said:

Funny enough the opposite Pokemon game was my biggest disappointment but also Im the only one here who'd say that I think lol

Yeah, I got Arceus and heard about all the love it was getting and I was stoked to play it. Made it less than 10 hours in and just wasn't liking it at all. the performance was way worse than Scarlet/Violet for me, and I hated all the grind and having to constantly catch and release pokemon and I found the controls to be unwieldy and honestly I don't know why people love that game but hate Scarlet/Violet even though the things people hate S/V for were way worse on Arceus. 

And while I liked the idea of doing special things to fill up a pokedex I just found it meandering, useless busy work. 

I will probably return to it at a later date but man, I think people got Arceus and Scarlet/Violet backwards. 

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I'm officially starting my campaign for Chop Goblins to win best shooter.

Vote Chop Goblins or the goblins will break into your home and chop you.

Last chance to get your votes in (or edit existing ones)! Prelim Voting closes in roughly 24 hours.