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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Microsoft enters agreement to bring Call of Duty to Nintendo

bowserthedog said:

This bodes well also for Bethesda and ID continuing to support Nintendo. 

That would be a way better deal, Bethesda was always a great 3rd party support for the Switch

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The notion of Call of Duty on Nintendo is not some radical concept.
There were COD games on the Gamecube, Wii, Wii U, and DS.

Leynos said:

That is hilarious! They gave Nintendo the deal they offered Sony! Jim Ryan is shitting himself! I don't even like the series outside of Infinite Campaign but this is mad funny! ROFL

Infinite campaign? Are you confusing Halo for COD?

TheTitaniumNub said:
Leynos said:

That is hilarious! They gave Nintendo the deal they offered Sony! Jim Ryan is shitting himself! I don't even like the series outside of Infinite Campaign but this is mad funny! ROFL

Infinite campaign? Are you confusing Halo for COD?


Bite my shiny metal cockpit!

TheTitaniumNub said:
Leynos said:

That is hilarious! They gave Nintendo the deal they offered Sony! Jim Ryan is shitting himself! I don't even like the series outside of Infinite Campaign but this is mad funny! ROFL

Infinite campaign? Are you confusing Halo for COD?

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Leynos said:
TheTitaniumNub said:

Infinite campaign? Are you confusing Halo for COD?


LMFAO i totally forgot about Infinite Warfare's existence, my bad. 

Nintendo is by far the bigger deal, but MS also entered an agreement with Valve/Steam but Gabe Newell said it wasn’t necessary because MS always follows through with their promises and they just have a great relationship, Which is saying a lot since Steam is the biggest competitor to the Microsoft Store/Xbox app on PC.

And with hundreds of developers unionizing and MS letting them, working under Xbox will become a very tantalizing prospect for many developers.

Needless to say, this ain’t the same MS we were accustomed to for so many years.

Looking forward to cloud versions of COD.

KratosLives said:

I can't imagine a single person on the nintento platform who would be interested in call of duty.

My 11 year old has been begging to play Warzone... That shit is targeted at young kids. Fortnite is no longer cool (but he still plays that on Switch with his friends). My older teenager is into Rust with his friends, not interested in CoD. (But has tried Warzone)

It will sell/get played on the Switch. Just get a youtuber to say it's fun and kids are all over it. (I'm not bitter at all, trying to get him to play good games for years but some random youtuber is a better authority on games than me with thousands of games on my shelves. He even came back to ask me for a game I had been trying to get him to play for years, but now a youtuber played it so now it was cool and he was interested. Fuck influencers, far more dangerous than the old commercials)

SvennoJ said:

My 11 year old has been begging to play Warzone... That shit is targeted at young kids. Fortnite is no longer cool (but he still plays that on Switch with his friends). My older teenager is into Rust with his friends, not interested in CoD. (But has tried Warzone)

It will sell/get played on the Switch. Just get a youtuber to say it's fun and kids are all over it. (I'm not bitter at all, trying to get him to play good games for years but some random youtuber is a better authority on games than me with thousands of games on my shelves. He even came back to ask me for a game I had been trying to get him to play for years, but now a youtuber played it so now it was cool and he was interested. Fuck influencers, far more dangerous than the old commercials)

My son was the same way.  He is now in his twenties and eventually came to his senses.  He now detests the youtubers he once considered Gods. avoid getting banned for inactivity, I may have to resort to comments that are of a lower overall quality and or beneath my moral standards.