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I'm running a bit late on the showcase. I've been seeing a lot of positive comments on the pacing and content structure of the show, and I have to agree. It felt quite good. Forza MS, eye candy, eye candy, eye candy. Redfall, I had to stop halfway through its part, to avoid anymore information coming my way. The action vs creepy factor was very appealing and as far as graphics, looks great, I don't need too much detail, the atmospheric feel is plenty for me.

Nice surprise shadow launch.

I know I will jump back into ESO eventually, I just don't know how many more years I want to lose to it. Legends looked gorgeous, but multi-player has always been hit and miss for me. Trying to get a bunch of strangers to coordinate with each other to accomplish anything sucks in every game (we need to get together and make our own teams).

Overall, quite enjoyable. Hope to see more of these from now on.

Rating: 8.8/10

Last edited by DroidKnight - on 26 January 2023 avoid getting banned for inactivity, I may have to resort to comments that are of a lower overall quality and or beneath my moral standards.

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shikamaru317 said:

Doesn't seem like the new Redfall gameplay won over any more doubters than the E3 gameplay did last year, like/dislike ratio is just as bad if not worse. Seeing 2.2k likes/1.5k dislikes on the main Bethesda Youtube channel, 413 likes and 228 dislikes on Gamespot reposting, 1.2k likes and 482 dislikes on IGN.

I suspect it is the production value throwing most people off as the gameplay seems good (I was a bit skeptical of the game before but they won me over today with the new Gameplay footage). It just doesn't look like a AAA Xbox Series/PC only exclusive should look. In some ways it looks worse than the now 6 year old Dishonored 2, which had to be able to run on base Xbox One. For instance look at the differences in interior quality here:

The hardwood flooring looks worse than in Dishonored 2, the lantern texture sucks compared to similar pieces of environmental clutter on the desk in Dishonored 2, the clothing textures on the man look very outdated, even the lighting seems worse.

I suspect that after Dishonored 2 underperformed in sales, Bethesda pulled alot of their budget, which is why neither Deathloop nor Redfall looked as good graphically as Dishonored 2. It's a real shame. Hopefully Xbox will give them back a proper AAA budget for their next 2 games from Arkane Lyon and Arkane Austin.

If the game is any good I'm sure it will do well with Gamepass and could get long term support. Arkane games are kinda hard sells based on trailers and gameplay videos imo. 


Still at it.  I had trouble with this one popping.

I tried 3 times before I looked it up.  The suggestion was to get all the way to where the gutters were last and then close out completely out of the game and then reboot it and finish the gutters and it worked. avoid getting banned for inactivity, I may have to resort to comments that are of a lower overall quality and or beneath my moral standards.

jason1637 said:
shikamaru317 said:

Doesn't seem like the new Redfall gameplay won over any more doubters than the E3 gameplay did last year, like/dislike ratio is just as bad if not worse. Seeing 2.2k likes/1.5k dislikes on the main Bethesda Youtube channel, 413 likes and 228 dislikes on Gamespot reposting, 1.2k likes and 482 dislikes on IGN.

I suspect it is the production value throwing most people off as the gameplay seems good (I was a bit skeptical of the game before but they won me over today with the new Gameplay footage). It just doesn't look like a AAA Xbox Series/PC only exclusive should look. In some ways it looks worse than the now 6 year old Dishonored 2, which had to be able to run on base Xbox One. For instance look at the differences in interior quality here:

The hardwood flooring looks worse than in Dishonored 2, the lantern texture sucks compared to similar pieces of environmental clutter on the desk in Dishonored 2, the clothing textures on the man look very outdated, even the lighting seems worse.

I suspect that after Dishonored 2 underperformed in sales, Bethesda pulled alot of their budget, which is why neither Deathloop nor Redfall looked as good graphically as Dishonored 2. It's a real shame. Hopefully Xbox will give them back a proper AAA budget for their next 2 games from Arkane Lyon and Arkane Austin.

If the game is any good I'm sure it will do well with Gamepass and could get long term support. Arkane games are kinda hard sells based on trailers and gameplay videos imo. 

Yep, while there are definitely alot of dislikes on the videos, if you look at the actual top comments on the videos, most of them are positive, so there are clearly alot of people hyped for it still. I know they won me over, what they showed convinced me that what the director said was right, it does seem to be more Far Cry + Arkane's past Games + Left 4 Dead than it seems to be like Borderlands, like the alpha test leaker originally said it was. I'm not getting Borderlands vibes from it at all really, aside from the enemies seeming a tad bullet spongy much like Borderlands, and both series having tiered loot and 4 playable characters with multiple skill trees each. The dialogue between the 4 characters in this demo also seemed alot better than the dialogue between them in the reveal trailer, which seemed like gen z focused cringe at the time.

While I do wish it had better graphics, I will definitely play it day one thanks to Gamepass.

Last edited by shikamaru317 - on 26 January 2023

We’ve reached the logical end about Redfall complaints … hardwood flooring.

Ride The Chariot | ‘25 Completed

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ugh I didn't know this trash comes with Xbox achievements on PC....

Hopefully MS ignores this game for future Game Pass for PC updates.

Last edited by Barozi - on 26 January 2023

The achievements for Forsproken are probably “listen to main character say fuck 250 times”

Ride The Chariot | ‘25 Completed