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I guess I'll have to shop at different stores for Black Friday. Seen Star Wars for 30 at WalMart, RE4 Remake for 30 at WalMart as well, and Hogwarts Legacy will be 30 at Target. or Amazon can just do me a solid and price match all these games, although I haven't seen Star Wars in stock in quite a while on Amazons site.

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Manlytears said:

Humbly, i ask the esteemed users here...
From a business point of view, do you think it would be a good deal for Xbox to have 1 console and be 100% multiplatform at the same time?
Having a console is a correct decision for MS and, at least for now, a necessity for gamepass expansion, but what about having exclusives for the Xbox console? Is it really important? Gamepass reduced game sales on Xbox, so wouldn't it be smart to recover those sales with users who don't have access to gamepass?

I mean, theoretically Xbox users will make use of Gamepass, which is one of the platform's main attractions. In an ideal world for MS, Gamepass would be on all platforms, PlayStation, Switch, Apple, etc., but that doesn't seem possible. That said, I believe the next best thing for Xbox would be to get sales from other platform users (who can't use Gamepass)?

Xbox has Gamepass, the reason to invest in the console and the main revenue generator. In parallel, Gamepass games can be sold on Playstation, Nintendo, PC... all at full price, generating more revenue. Does it make sense to you? Or does it seem like a bad idea?

How could GP subscriptions, let alone console sales, go up if there weren't any major exclusive titles being added to the service? Giving players the incentive to buy an Xbox. 2022 was a huge lull in terms of first party output and the slow increase in GP subscribers proved that. Starfield alone was the biggest increase in GP subscriptions in the history of the service. 

Xbox players have already been through enough of "Xbox has no games" for nearly a decade now. Now Xbox is getting out of that rut that the previous management got the brand into. There would be absolutely ZERO reason to get an Xbox if MS was fully multiplatform. If GP was on PlayStation or Nintendo, then 10/10 console players will just buy a PS5 or Switch because they'll also be able to play God of War or Zelda. You would have to be an absolute idiot to buy an Xbox in that scenario. 

Xbox needs to have exclusives to have growth in both subscriptions and console sales and make Xbox purchasers feel like their time and business is being appreciated. PC in general appears to be considered neutral ground in the console space, which seems to be why Sony is becoming a lot more comfortable releasing their games on PC.

So at this point, Microsoft has really put themselves in a no-lose situation. You're buying our games on console or PC? Cool, thanks for the money. You're playing our games through our subscription service on console or PC? Cool, thanks for the money you're giving us monthly. No matter how you're interacting with Xbox's games, you're giving them money in one way or another. So there's no need to have this type of model you're proposing. 

You called down the thunder, now reap the whirlwind

Manlytears said:

Humbly, i ask the esteemed users here...
From a business point of view, do you think it would be a good deal for Xbox to have 1 console and be 100% multiplatform at the same time?
Having a console is a correct decision for MS and, at least for now, a necessity for gamepass expansion, but what about having exclusives for the Xbox console? Is it really important? Gamepass reduced game sales on Xbox, so wouldn't it be smart to recover those sales with users who don't have access to gamepass?

I mean, theoretically Xbox users will make use of Gamepass, which is one of the platform's main attractions. In an ideal world for MS, Gamepass would be on all platforms, PlayStation, Switch, Apple, etc., but that doesn't seem possible. That said, I believe the next best thing for Xbox would be to get sales from other platform users (who can't use Gamepass)?

Xbox has Gamepass, the reason to invest in the console and the main revenue generator. In parallel, Gamepass games can be sold on Playstation, Nintendo, PC... all at full price, generating more revenue. Does it make sense to you? Or does it seem like a bad idea?

Well, as users we all would be better off if everything is multiplat, right?

But this is from a business point of view, and that makes it into an: it depends. It depends what is the core business (and I'm not sure what it is for MS). If your core business is games and services, than releasing a hardware can be beneficial as you can push stuff, offer players an alternative and be a bit independent of other manufacturers. Valve does that with SteamDeck. SteamDeck isn't at all positioned to obliterate all competition, it is an offer for players but Valve is fine if you play Steam games on other devices.

But if the hardware is the core of your business, maybe as a jumping board to introduce more services or devices than you need exclusives to push it.

I can't really tell what the Xbox is for MS.

3DS-FC: 4511-1768-7903 (Mii-Name: Mnementh), Nintendo-Network-ID: Mnementh, Switch: SW-7706-3819-9381 (Mnementh)

my greatest games: 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023, 2024

10 years greatest game event!

bets: [peak year] [+], [1], [2], [3], [4]

Holy crap this is a MASSIVE patch! Every single hero in the game seems to be tuned. I wonder if more content is finally being worked on now. 

Last edited by G2ThaUNiT - on 16 November 2023

You called down the thunder, now reap the whirlwind

Completed Yakuza like a dragon Gaiden, personally it is one of my favourites, their isn't that much to do but  what it delivers is pretty great.

Also some of my favourite sidequests/stories + a lot of content that will reminiscence you about the other older games.

Just saw the BF deals in the store, not that much that I really want gonna wait some days to buy something.

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Now that the deal has gone through, bring Bleeding Edge characters over to COD as payable cosmetics. Yes, I am bringing that game up in 2023.

coolbeans said:

Now that the deal has gone through, bring Bleeding Edge characters over to COD as payable cosmetics. Yes, I am bringing that game up in 2023.

Could a few of them work in Overwatch? Never played Bleeding Edge or Overwatch, Lol.

Ryuu96 said:
coolbeans said:

Now that the deal has gone through, bring Bleeding Edge characters over to COD as payable cosmetics. Yes, I am bringing that game up in 2023.

Could a few of them work in Overwatch? Never played Bleeding Edge or Overwatch, Lol.

They'd certainly be more fitting in OW, but COD's Fortniteification means anything goes at this point. 

Ryuu96 said:
coolbeans said:

Now that the deal has gone through, bring Bleeding Edge characters over to COD as payable cosmetics. Yes, I am bringing that game up in 2023.

Could a few of them work in Overwatch? Never played Bleeding Edge or Overwatch, Lol.

Yeah that was my initial thought lol. I never played Bleeding Edge, but they definitely seemed to try to go for the Overwatch crowd from the marketing material.

You called down the thunder, now reap the whirlwind