Avatar was a weird movie. Highest grossing movie at all time, yet kind of feels like it left no mark on pop culture. Wonder how well it will do without the novelty of 3d.
I honestly quite enjoyed the first Avatar.
I know it's huge success generated a lot of backlash but I thought it was good for what it was; a visually stunning popcorn flick.
This looks much the same, and as such I'll probably check it out.
Too much water
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Ryuu96 said: |
Not gonna lie, brought a tear to my eye.
And you know what? I think y'all are forgetting so many things about James Cameron. Dude has always been great about fusing spectacle with heart and has been responsible for multiple landmark movies and records.
He created two of the best ever sci-fi sequels ever (Aliens and Terminator 2). He directed back to back highest-grossing-ever records (Titanic and Avatar), and has been at the forefront of visual effects throughout his career. He has shown that he can take a simple story and make it resonate with a HUGE crowd, and he's shown that his movies are always visually stunning.
While I don't think this will be the next 'biggest movie ever' like Titanic and Avatar were (mostly due to the weird backlash his last movies got for the crime of being more successful than some people feel they deserve), but I still see this cracking 2 billion. I think we're in for a treat and both Wakanda Forever and the Way of Water are gonna make for an impactful 1-2 punch this holiday season.
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The first movie sucked. No desire to watch any sequels. I will never forget he took too much time on stage to talk about his shitty Ubisoft Avatar game at E3 2009 which pushed No More Heroes II off the show. I took a day off to watch that conference to hear news about NMH2. I was so pissed off lol.
The first Avatar is the only movie I went to the cinema twice to watch. The story was mediocre but the world was such a fantastic place to view. Created a sort of rush of feelings in my body.
I went to see the re-release in September. They added a 2 min underwater sequence of the sequel in the post credit.
The quality of the visuals and the 3D was incredible! Can’t wait to see it!
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