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Forums - Politics Discussion - Will Liz Truss become the shortest-served PM in British history? Update: Yep!

Bofferbrauer2 said:

The big question is going to be: How many more PM's the Tories will burn through before the next General election?

On another note, the situation with Johnson is looking remarkably like Leno vs. Conan.

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Anyone remember the first time Trump was up for impeachment, and there was speculation that he might resign, get Mike Pence to pardon him, then make another presidential run later that year? I'm guessing Boris Johnson saw all the people saying how that was a ridiculous idea that would never work in reality, and thought "challenge accepted!"

Bofferbrauer2 said:
Eagle367 said:

I don't hope so. They suck. I hope they self destruct.

Labour needs some bit of a counterweight, lest they'll feel untouchable and their policies will become shitty. Hence why I just said somewhat: Enough to make some opposition so Labour's success won't go to their heads, but not enough to become a real contender anymore.

They need a counterweight from the left, not from the Tories. Maybe a new party could rise. Tories should just die.

Just a guy who doesn't want to be bored. Also

SanAndreasX said:
Bofferbrauer2 said:

Labour needs some bit of a counterweight, lest they'll feel untouchable and their policies will become shitty. Hence why I just said somewhat: Enough to make some opposition so Labour's success won't go to their heads, but not enough to become a real contender anymore.

Likewise, I would like to see the Republican Party become a viable option for different policies in running the country. I will never vote for them as long as they're in thrall to Trump, DeSantis, or the Evangelicals, and I also understand that I live in a two-party system, so voting third party is out.

In the US, the Republicans should end and then maybe a viable left wing party can actually rise. Dems have too many right wing people in there already

Just a guy who doesn't want to be bored. Also

Eagle367 said:
Bofferbrauer2 said:

Labour needs some bit of a counterweight, lest they'll feel untouchable and their policies will become shitty. Hence why I just said somewhat: Enough to make some opposition so Labour's success won't go to their heads, but not enough to become a real contender anymore.

They need a counterweight from the left, not from the Tories. Maybe a new party could rise. Tories should just die.

A counterweight only on the left would result in Labour becoming Labour in name only as it will slouch rightwards to catch those voters to beat the more leftwing party. A similar thing has happened in several countries, where Labour/Socialist/Social Democrat named parties are actually center-right or even right-wing parties.

Also, the Tories still useful as a bad example to point to.

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SanAndreasX said:
Bofferbrauer2 said:

The big question is going to be: How many more PM's the Tories will burn through before the next General election?

On another note, the situation with Johnson is looking remarkably like Leno vs. Conan.

It reminds me of Pope Benedict IX, who became pope 3 times in a row before being finally stripped of the title , exiled and excommunicated for good measure.

At least Johnson didn't sell the UK... yet!

New poll is out. The Tories are down to 16%, which is actually 2% higher than the previous one... but Labour won a staggering 62% in that poll, giving them a whooping 46% lead.

Oh, and Liz was already pretty disaster-prone before becoming the PM:

Twats gone; he couldn't get enough MPs to vote for him. They said they had over 100 but no proof and public support wasn't 100+ either so it was probably a lie to try to get support from MPs but it looks like they didn't fall for his shit. Prime Minister Rishi it is.

Last edited by Ryuu96 - on 23 October 2022


Bofferbrauer2 said:
Eagle367 said:

They need a counterweight from the left, not from the Tories. Maybe a new party could rise. Tories should just die.

A counterweight only on the left would result in Labour becoming Labour in name only as it will slouch rightwards to catch those voters to beat the more leftwing party. A similar thing has happened in several countries, where Labour/Socialist/Social Democrat named parties are actually center-right or even right-wing parties.

Also, the Tories still useful as a bad example to point to.

Firstly, the current labour is plenty right already. The Tories have gone just too much into that whacko territory. Secondly of course tories won't just end. There will be a weak tory party as a worst case scenario. And other parties already exist in the UK too. Point being, tories aren't even useful as a bad example except in the history books and their present government.  Labour seriously needs a stronger left wing competitor. 

Just a guy who doesn't want to be bored. Also