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Bofferbrauer2 said:
Eagle367 said:

They need a counterweight from the left, not from the Tories. Maybe a new party could rise. Tories should just die.

A counterweight only on the left would result in Labour becoming Labour in name only as it will slouch rightwards to catch those voters to beat the more leftwing party. A similar thing has happened in several countries, where Labour/Socialist/Social Democrat named parties are actually center-right or even right-wing parties.

Also, the Tories still useful as a bad example to point to.

Firstly, the current labour is plenty right already. The Tories have gone just too much into that whacko territory. Secondly of course tories won't just end. There will be a weak tory party as a worst case scenario. And other parties already exist in the UK too. Point being, tories aren't even useful as a bad example except in the history books and their present government.  Labour seriously needs a stronger left wing competitor. 

Just a guy who doesn't want to be bored. Also