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Forums - Sales Discussion - Lifetime Consoles Showdown: August 2024 (Extra charts updated)


Will the Switch beat the Wii+3DS (37.5M) in JAPAN Lifetime?

Yes 12 80.00%
No 3 20.00%
XtremeBG said:
Phenomajp13 said:

See this is a great post, I fully agree. What bothers me about you sometimes is that you let your console cheerleading for Sony get in the way of great post you are clearly capable of. This post here just completely proved when you pull out your ranges of 159 to 161 million is proof of you moving the goal post just in case PS2 is threaten, no one is blind it is obvious. You are on record under shooting Switch, so you can stop with the confidence of where it's going to land. You predicted in April 2023 that Switch's Japan sales would be closer to DS's 2.6 million than Wii's 4 million. You were talking to Curl about how you had to adjust up your prediction for Switch when he called you out. I wish you could just stick to the facts and figures and put an end to the obvious Switch hate. You contribute quite a bit to the site that shows you are capable of great post but then turnaround and make console warrior post. 

So you are some old users who just is posting from new account or has been banned before maybe ?

I am pulling ranges between 159 and 161 because that has been calculated and approved by many people on the web and even here. Another reason is that if Switch lands in this range it will again outsold PS2 without a debate (160 and 161M namely) That is why this range stays. I also think PS2 is at 159M. And I am not moving anything. I am not shooting Switch, I am telling my opinions and projections which almost every time are coming true. When Switch was at it's peak period I said 25M for 2021. Is that shooting ? Is that bad projection ? No. It even was highball since it did 24M that year. About my prediction for Japan earlier this year I said somewhere around 3.5M not 2.6M. I don't know where are you getting your infos.. And I said 3.5M because it's normal to be in decline and most of the people here even the Switch fans, also predicted decline in sales with similar projections. You can't blame me. As it turns out Switch did have stronger than normal year in Japan, therefore I slightly adjusted my prediction. What wrong there is about that ? Hundreds of people are making wrong predictions all the time for all the consoles, with being off the target by much much more than I was here. And in the end I was still in a close range to the real result. Also there is no Switch hate for me. As I already told, When it's selling well I make high predictions for it. When I think it is on decline, then of course I will make lower predictions. I even have written that I like the system and have plans to buy one back in 2021. And guess what? I did get one. So there is no reason for me to hate on Switch. Everything positively or negatively you see I am saying is my opinions and predictions of what I think will happen. Not that I will always like what will happen. There is a difference.

Nothing wrong with making predictions, except your word can't be trusted. Either you can't remember what you say or you flatout lie. I quoted the post I was talking about in that Famitsu thread. You literally said in April 2023, Switch would be closer to DS 2.8 million than 3DS 3.3 million. Then told Curl you made that prediction of 3.5 million before the year even started (2023). That's a lie, you literally restated your prediction in April 2023 and arguably even lowered your prediction. Nothing wrong with making incorrect predictions but then you turnaround and lie. Or maybe you aren't lying and just forgot? Either way, its suspicious behavior. You undershot Switch, there is no denying that. You have several other post showing your true colors but ill leave it at this. I am a poster that lost my login credentials by the way. Why does it matter? Especially when I back up what I say.

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Phenomajp13 said:

Nothing wrong with making predictions, except your word can't be trusted. Either you can't remember what you say or you flatout lie. I quoted the post I was talking about. You literally said in April 2023, Switch would be closer to DS 2.8 million than 3DS 3.3 million. Then told Curl you made that prediction of 3.5 million before the year even started. That's a lie, you literally reiterated your prediction in April 2023 and arguably even lowered your prediction. Nothing wrong with making incorrect predictions but then you turnaround and lie. Or maybe you aren't lying and just forgot? Either way, its suspicious behavior. You undershot Switch, there is no denying that. You have several other post showing your true colors but ill leave it at this. I am a poster that lost my login credentials by the way. Why does it matter? Especially when I back up what I say.

So you are trusting predictions by random people on the web ? And you expect everyone's prediction to be trusted ? You are waiting for predictions from people so that you can trust them ? Laughable. No comment.

I already answered you about the quote that I was just answering why I have made the comparison I made earlier in the year. When My prediction changed to 4M I changed it to the DS'4.2M year as you can see. And if you think it's a lie then why you don't find out my post from last year than eh ? Why are you finding only what you want and quote but you can't find what I've written last year ? Also if you are following me than you will see that I have written much more times I expect Switch to sell 4M or earlier in the year 3.5M than I have written under 3M ever. You are just hanging onto some words or sentences and you ignore every other post I have made. Also what colors ? what suspicous behavior ? Everyone can talks whatever he wants. And you can't stop or change anything. The site is not for showing true colors or lie it's for expressing your opinions, and that is what people do including me. And I can write or do whatever I want to and you can't tell me anything or make me do or say anything. My true colors are my identity. Just like there are many fans highballing the Switch, just like there are many fans doing the same with other consoles, just like there are realist and pesimists. Everyone can be whatever he wants to and no one can judge him. I will write whatever I want, and will predict whatever I want, and will change it whenever I want. And you won't and can't tell me. And I don't care about what you think. If you want think that I am the baddest person on earth. I will still continue do everything the way I think it's right.

My sales comparison threads:

Ultimate Showdowns: JP 2023 / JP 2024 / 2024 / 2023 / 20222021

Lifetime Showdown / Historical Showdown / YOY Charts / 140M+ Club Chart / Quantity of Games

XtremeBG said:
Phenomajp13 said:

Nothing wrong with making predictions, except your word can't be trusted. Either you can't remember what you say or you flatout lie. I quoted the post I was talking about. You literally said in April 2023, Switch would be closer to DS 2.8 million than 3DS 3.3 million. Then told Curl you made that prediction of 3.5 million before the year even started. That's a lie, you literally reiterated your prediction in April 2023 and arguably even lowered your prediction. Nothing wrong with making incorrect predictions but then you turnaround and lie. Or maybe you aren't lying and just forgot? Either way, its suspicious behavior. You undershot Switch, there is no denying that. You have several other post showing your true colors but ill leave it at this. I am a poster that lost my login credentials by the way. Why does it matter? Especially when I back up what I say.

So you are trusting predictions by random people on the web ? And you expect everyone's prediction to be trusted ? You are waiting for predictions from people so that you can trust them ? Laughable. No comment.

I already answered you about the quote that I was just answering why I have made the comparison I made earlier in the year. When My prediction changed to 4M I changed it to the DS'4.2M year as you can see. And if you think it's a lie then why you don't find out my post from last year than eh ? Why are you finding only what you want and quote but you can't find what I've written last year ? Also if you are following me than you will see that I have written much more times I expect Switch to sell 4M or earlier in the year 3.5M than I have written under 3M ever. You are just hanging onto some words or sentences and you ignore every other post I have made. Also what colors ? what suspicous behavior ? Everyone can talks whatever he wants. And you can't stop or change anything. The site is not for showing true colors or lie it's for expressing your opinions, and that is what people do including me. And I can write or do whatever I want to and you can't tell me anything or make me do or say anything. My true colors are my identity. Just like there are many fans highballing the Switch, just like there are many fans doing the same with other consoles, just like there are realist and pesimists. Everyone can be whatever he wants to and no one can judge him. I will write whatever I want, and will predict whatever I want, and will change it whenever I want. And you won't and can't tell me. And I don't care about what you think. If you want think that I am the baddest person on earth. I will still continue do everything the way I think it's right.

No im not trusting your prediction, obviously I was calling out the lies. That should be appreciated by the other posters. Why do you think criminals are public information? It's for the rest of society to know what type of person they are. Im showing the rest of the site, your word can't be trusted. My friend, in other words, I am calling you a dishonest person or liar. This isn't what I think of you, this is what I backed up with your post.  

Phenomajp13 said:
XtremeBG said:

So you are some old users who just is posting from new account or has been banned before maybe ?

I am pulling ranges between 159 and 161 because that has been calculated and approved by many people on the web and even here. Another reason is that if Switch lands in this range it will again outsold PS2 without a debate (160 and 161M namely) That is why this range stays. I also think PS2 is at 159M. And I am not moving anything. I am not shooting Switch, I am telling my opinions and projections which almost every time are coming true. When Switch was at it's peak period I said 25M for 2021. Is that shooting ? Is that bad projection ? No. It even was highball since it did 24M that year. About my prediction for Japan earlier this year I said somewhere around 3.5M not 2.6M. I don't know where are you getting your infos.. And I said 3.5M because it's normal to be in decline and most of the people here even the Switch fans, also predicted decline in sales with similar projections. You can't blame me. As it turns out Switch did have stronger than normal year in Japan, therefore I slightly adjusted my prediction. What wrong there is about that ? Hundreds of people are making wrong predictions all the time for all the consoles, with being off the target by much much more than I was here. And in the end I was still in a close range to the real result. Also there is no Switch hate for me. As I already told, When it's selling well I make high predictions for it. When I think it is on decline, then of course I will make lower predictions. I even have written that I like the system and have plans to buy one back in 2021. And guess what? I did get one. So there is no reason for me to hate on Switch. Everything positively or negatively you see I am saying is my opinions and predictions of what I think will happen. Not that I will always like what will happen. There is a difference.

Nothing wrong with making predictions, except your word can't be trusted. Either you can't remember what you say or you flatout lie. I quoted the post I was talking about in that Famitsu thread. You literally said in April 2023, Switch would be closer to DS 2.8 million than 3DS 3.3 million. Then told Curl you made that prediction of 3.5 million before the year even started (2023). That's a lie, you literally restated your prediction in April 2023 and arguably even lowered your prediction. Nothing wrong with making incorrect predictions but then you turnaround and lie. Or maybe you aren't lying and just forgot? Either way, its suspicious behavior. You undershot Switch, there is no denying that. You have several other post showing your true colors but ill leave it at this. I am a poster that lost my login credentials by the way. Why does it matter? Especially when I back up what I say.

This whole thing seems odd. Your posts do read as a previous user.  Then you avoided any questions about that making it even more suspicious. Plus multiple people seem to be having problems with you in this thread.

I'm going to go ahead and thread ban you from this specific thread while there is a discussion of who you are, or aren't.

You are bound to love Earthbound.

Zippy6 said:

Do they really produce down to the single digit unit? I find this odd. I always thought 100 units or even 1000 units are the lowest you can produce. I mean, for a console or handheld manufacturer when you see that demand in the market is completely gone I guess you produce the last 1000 or 100 units. How you end with a number of ...607 is strange to me (maybe the last 600 units produced +7 extra they produced for gifts for employees or relatives of them). 

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Fight-the-Streets said:
Zippy6 said:

Do they really produce down to the single digit unit? I find this odd. I always thought 100 units or even 1000 units are the lowest you can produce. I mean, for a console or handheld manufacturer when you see that demand in the market is completely gone I guess you produce the last 1000 or 100 units. How you end with a number of ...607 is strange to me (maybe the last 600 units produced +7 extra they produced for gifts for employees or relatives of them). 

This was the lone exception to getting figures down to the exact number. This photo was posted by Shawn Layden recently on Twitter. 

VGChartz Sales Analyst and Writer - William D'Angelo - I stream on Twitch and have my own YouTubeFollow me on Twitter @TrunksWD.

Writer of the Sales Comparison | Weekly Hardware Breakdown Top 10 | Weekly Sales Analysis | Marketshare Features, as well as daily news on the Video Game Industry.

To all readers and visitors of my thread, sorry about the spam with the anonymous nobody .. If I could know it would get to such a big spam I wouldn't answer him in the first place ..

@Bandorr Please delete all the spammy posts (my answers to him included) if it's possible. Thanks.

Last edited by XtremeBG - on 15 January 2024

My sales comparison threads:

Ultimate Showdowns: JP 2023 / JP 2024 / 2024 / 2023 / 20222021

Lifetime Showdown / Historical Showdown / YOY Charts / 140M+ Club Chart / Quantity of Games

XtremeBG said:

To all readers and visitors of my thread, sorry about the spam with the anonymous nobody .. If I could know it would get to such a big spam I wouldn't answer him in the first place ..

@Bandorr Please delete all the spammy posts (my answers to him included) that were just written because of this maniac .. if it's possible. Thanks.

You are forgiven =]

And with PSP exact numbers you may get even more precise of the others.

duduspace11 "Well, since we are estimating costs, Pokemon Red/Blue did cost Nintendo about $50m to make back in 1996"

Mr Puggsly: "Hehe, I said good profit. You said big profit. Frankly, not losing money is what I meant by good. Don't get hung up on semantics"

Azzanation: "PS5 wouldn't sold out at launch without scalpers."

DonFerrari said:

You are forgiven =]

And with PSP exact numbers you may get even more precise of the others.

You mean about the PS2 numbers ?

My sales comparison threads:

Ultimate Showdowns: JP 2023 / JP 2024 / 2024 / 2023 / 20222021

Lifetime Showdown / Historical Showdown / YOY Charts / 140M+ Club Chart / Quantity of Games

XtremeBG said:
DonFerrari said:

You are forgiven =]

And with PSP exact numbers you may get even more precise of the others.

You mean about the PS2 numbers ?

Yep, and PSVita if you from considering splits from Sony totals for all consoles using know quantities at that moment).

duduspace11 "Well, since we are estimating costs, Pokemon Red/Blue did cost Nintendo about $50m to make back in 1996"

Mr Puggsly: "Hehe, I said good profit. You said big profit. Frankly, not losing money is what I meant by good. Don't get hung up on semantics"

Azzanation: "PS5 wouldn't sold out at launch without scalpers."