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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Nintendo's Success Is Your Greatest Enemy!

There is no mob here. You made that nonsense up. Your non-arguments are just that terrible. And your responses in this thread have been infinitely worse.

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ZyroXZ2 said:
Doctor_MG said:

Edit: I actually had a pretty good reply typed out. I only paid attention to your response to me, bolded what I was arguing and sent it. After I submitted the comment I read what you wrote at the bottom that was separate from the responses and noticed that you A) lumped me in with everyone else even though I'm not paying attention to what you guys are arguing about and B) suggested I was basically just a stupid fanboy.

I don't appreciate that at all. I'm going to take your advice and ignore you. Good day. 

If you lumped yourself in with that, that's on you.  I would have figured it was pretty obvious who the bad actors were, so even though I've got nothing against you (and was pretty clear in replies to you that I was having normal discourse with you) or really anyone else that doesn't do obvious personal attacks or straight up denigrates me, know that if you decide to reply, I'll still discuss it with you.

curl-6 said:

We don't need to convince each other, it's okay to have different experiences and opinions of a given system or company, and I actually find it enjoyable to talk about, so thanks for the discussion.

ZyroXZ2 said:

I'm actually rather glad we got some people all piled up in here. It's far easier to address a larger number of people than one-by-one... Then again, as the saying from MiB goes, "a person is smart, people are stupid". Or in other words, mob mentality is hard to curb.  But to those people, and you know who you are...

I'll drop a nice little nugget of knowledge: if you want people like me to drop off the face of the Earth, the real trick is to NOT get all riled up and just ignore/block me. You want to know why the actual toxic videos (because anyone with more than 10 IQ knows my video wasn't actually toxic aside from its two jabs at fanboys) do so well? Because it angers the mob mentality. You want to know why people purposely use REAL clickbait headlines (because my headline ain't no clickbait, either, it just offends Nintendo fanboys because it contains the words "Nintendo" and hyperbole with "greatest enemy"), misinformation, and general negativity to anger the masses? Because it WORKS. And it's not because of them, it's because of you all thinking you're winning and "right". This, this thread is why negativity thrives: toxic people beget toxic people. "Let's all gang up on this guy, yeaaaa, he's so stupid!" and all you've done is create the very conundrum many of you accuse me of. Of course, that's because you're LOOKING for it, and there's the real problem. It's not me, it's you. The good news is that I don't plan to take advantage of it, and never will. You THINK I do, but seriously, you're just weaving webs of meaning where there isn't any.

You want the real win? Do what you normally do: don't watch my stuff, block me, pay no attention to it. Otherwise, this behavior, it's what MAKES gaming journalism what it is today. It's what MAKES content creators seeking fame and fortune try extra hard to clickbait you into getting mad, to inject one-sided or highly opinionated statements into their articles/content specifically aimed to rile you up. Don't fall for it, because I know you do if you're in here in this thread fighting an invisible fight. You're the very thing it feeds off of. And while I made light of this mindsight with the "answer to Zelda" stuff, my actual expectations around here are the usual maybe 10 views I get. I mostly come here for the handful of good people here who aren't looking around for stuff to be mad about and just want some stuff to watch or talk about (I've proven I'm happy to have discourse with someone who isn't coming at my like their feelings are hurt). For the record, though, this thread has only resulted in about 50 views of the video, which is abnormally high and as I said, even a shock to me lol

Let's hope there is no next time because you're all going to wise up in unison. Mob mentality can be curbed, right? RIGHT?

OH SHIT, I have Steam Deck vs Switch videos coming... WELP

I notice you stopped quoting me here, but to echo my statement above, I don't see a need for this to be adversarial.

I don't agree with you, but that doesn't mean I hold anything against you or want you to go away or shut up. Heck, this thread is one of the most interesting ones the forum has seen in recent weeks to be honest, its been a while since we had some good old fashioned debate going on.

I may be a Nintendo fan, but that doesn't mean I have a problem with people criticizing them. I may post a rebuttal, but that's not a demand that you see things my way. 

You're fine, I clearly said earlier in this thread I recognize you're not emotionally thrashing your replies.  It's funny because I have a video that's been planned for a month or so that will come months from now, but I discuss the core of "gamer" social aptitude, or often the lack thereof.  There's a reason most of the general public continues to perceive "gamers" a certain way, and while I clearly know it's not everyone that fits the stereotype, there's a core issue with how "gamers" handle socializing over videogames that is widerspread than most other communities.

I've been on a LOT of forums over the years: cars, tech, etc. and even though every forum has the usual nutjobs, gaming somehow has them in far higher relative numbers.  Have I had disputes over cars?  Yup.  Have I had disputes over sports or tech?  Absolutely.  But when it happens in gaming, there's some serious loss of objectivity that it's just videogames at the end of the day, and instead there's this lack of ability to handle social adversity.  Instead, "gamers" almost always use some form of extreme prejudice against a person, whether it's their console of choice, their criticisms, and relate it to who they are as a person.  I've watched dudes argue over sports, and it never looks like dudes arguing over videogames.  In fact, two dudes arguing over sports highly likely have more respect for each other than two dudes arguing over videogames.

For the record, I recall you and I have had disagreements before, but I think you're also an example of where I don't make it personal unless someone else does.  We can disagree all day, and I've still got no beef with you.  But if it gets personal, then I just jump right into the mud with them lol

JWeinCom said:


I'm presuming you have chosen to lump yourself in with the other guy above and ignore me?  I can't tell, these quote trees got so massive...  Whatever it is, if you can't determine who the obvious ones are and who aren't, I'm not about to sit here and type out usernames

Kakadu18 said:

@ZyroXZ2 So if a larger number of people disagree with you and voice that disagreement they're all just a mob of fanboys and therefore all arguments are invalid. Makes total sense.

Chyeaaa, there's that reach to create meaning where there isn't any.  But just in case it wasn't clear to you: agreement and disagreement are not based on numbers or right/wrong for sane minded people.  The statement about the mob is that many people use or need numbers to feel safe in their thoughts, and that makes it VERY hard for that person to ever see otherwise.  It's called "mob mentality" because it represents an inability for a large number of people to think independently.  Now if you're out here thinking everyone disagrees with me, that's clearly not the case...

psychicscubadiver said:

Oh, I haven't watched your video. It's clickbait and doesn't deserve the engagement.

I have been following this thread and it's amusing to see you spin and deflect without addressing actual criticisms. Like the 'we outnumber him so we're winning' which is a incredible strawman of my joke about how you're interacting with criticism. Only an idiot thinks you can 'win' a forum argument.

And implying 'all you guys are just disagreeing because you're fanboys' is silly. I'd say the same if you made these claims about any console maker. 

But do I agree with you on one thing. It is probably best to ignore you since you're either being deliberately obtuse to get hate-views or just that bone-headed.

Yes, I know you didn't watch it, it was kind of obvious.  You're part of the mob, in case anyone wanted me to point someone out lmfao...  Because if you thought for yourself, you'd have something actually useful to disagree with and present some information on the contrary, but instead you just have to ride off what you perceive as things "everyone else" is thinking and go with it.  You have nothing to say on your own because you don't actually know what was said, but here you are riding along with the mob.

I mean, sheesh, talk about bone-headed... lol

curl-6 said:

Also, anyone who is familiar with the Nintendo fanbase know that nobody criticizes Nintendo more than their ardent fans.
Look at the response to games like Metroid Prime Federation Force or Animal Crossing Amiibo Festival, where petitions to have them canceled amassed tens of thousands of signatures.
The notion that the fanbase will defend anything they do to the death is quite unrealistic.

It's not a matter of fans disagreeing on principal, it's simply that Nintendo's success does indeed tangibly benefit us in more ways than it harms us.

To some extent, there is the presence of Nintendo fans who expect better.  But they clearly aren't in healthy enough numbers to make any real difference, hence the "Nintendo will do whatever they want anyway" thing.  That's because Nintendo follows the numbers, and so they work in ways that are impersonal because they're so big that they can.  That's also kind of the underlying point, here: there ISN'T enough criticism because the money keeps flowing from people who love everything Nintendo.

And that, of course, is the real criticism that I have a tough time arguing when people tell me, "okay, you say all this, yet here you are buying stuff, too".  I think that's part of why I even keep doing the channel: if I'm going to feed the machine, I'm going to make my decisions public so that someone else can make a more informed decision.  Of course, many people try to do that with "user reviews", but those are also... often... well, quite terrible and unreliable in gaming.  That's somewhat proven in this thread why user reviews are so useless: there's often a mob mentality with it which is why you see so many 10s or 0s because people are just out to attack or defend and lack the core logic to provide proper explanation or critique.  Instead, it becomes personal, and when it's personal, it becomes emotional, and when it's emotional, it becomes extremes lol

Had something typed out, but decided I didn't want to get involved any further, so I deleted it and it won't let you leave it empty, hence c.

ZyroXZ2 said:
curl-6 said:

We don't need to convince each other, it's okay to have different experiences and opinions of a given system or company, and I actually find it enjoyable to talk about, so thanks for the discussion.

ZyroXZ2 said:

I'm actually rather glad we got some people all piled up in here. It's far easier to address a larger number of people than one-by-one... Then again, as the saying from MiB goes, "a person is smart, people are stupid". Or in other words, mob mentality is hard to curb.  But to those people, and you know who you are...

I'll drop a nice little nugget of knowledge: if you want people like me to drop off the face of the Earth, the real trick is to NOT get all riled up and just ignore/block me. You want to know why the actual toxic videos (because anyone with more than 10 IQ knows my video wasn't actually toxic aside from its two jabs at fanboys) do so well? Because it angers the mob mentality. You want to know why people purposely use REAL clickbait headlines (because my headline ain't no clickbait, either, it just offends Nintendo fanboys because it contains the words "Nintendo" and hyperbole with "greatest enemy"), misinformation, and general negativity to anger the masses? Because it WORKS. And it's not because of them, it's because of you all thinking you're winning and "right". This, this thread is why negativity thrives: toxic people beget toxic people. "Let's all gang up on this guy, yeaaaa, he's so stupid!" and all you've done is create the very conundrum many of you accuse me of. Of course, that's because you're LOOKING for it, and there's the real problem. It's not me, it's you. The good news is that I don't plan to take advantage of it, and never will. You THINK I do, but seriously, you're just weaving webs of meaning where there isn't any.

You want the real win? Do what you normally do: don't watch my stuff, block me, pay no attention to it. Otherwise, this behavior, it's what MAKES gaming journalism what it is today. It's what MAKES content creators seeking fame and fortune try extra hard to clickbait you into getting mad, to inject one-sided or highly opinionated statements into their articles/content specifically aimed to rile you up. Don't fall for it, because I know you do if you're in here in this thread fighting an invisible fight. You're the very thing it feeds off of. And while I made light of this mindsight with the "answer to Zelda" stuff, my actual expectations around here are the usual maybe 10 views I get. I mostly come here for the handful of good people here who aren't looking around for stuff to be mad about and just want some stuff to watch or talk about (I've proven I'm happy to have discourse with someone who isn't coming at my like their feelings are hurt). For the record, though, this thread has only resulted in about 50 views of the video, which is abnormally high and as I said, even a shock to me lol

Let's hope there is no next time because you're all going to wise up in unison. Mob mentality can be curbed, right? RIGHT?

OH SHIT, I have Steam Deck vs Switch videos coming... WELP

I notice you stopped quoting me here, but to echo my statement above, I don't see a need for this to be adversarial.

I don't agree with you, but that doesn't mean I hold anything against you or want you to go away or shut up. Heck, this thread is one of the most interesting ones the forum has seen in recent weeks to be honest, its been a while since we had some good old fashioned debate going on.

I may be a Nintendo fan, but that doesn't mean I have a problem with people criticizing them. I may post a rebuttal, but that's not a demand that you see things my way. 

You're fine, I clearly said earlier in this thread I recognize you're not emotionally thrashing your replies.  It's funny because I have a video that's been planned for a month or so that will come months from now, but I discuss the core of "gamer" social aptitude, or often the lack thereof.  There's a reason most of the general public continues to perceive "gamers" a certain way, and while I clearly know it's not everyone that fits the stereotype, there's a core issue with how "gamers" handle socializing over videogames that is widerspread than most other communities.

I've been on a LOT of forums over the years: cars, tech, etc. and even though every forum has the usual nutjobs, gaming somehow has them in far higher relative numbers.  Have I had disputes over cars?  Yup.  Have I had disputes over sports or tech?  Absolutely.  But when it happens in gaming, there's some serious loss of objectivity that it's just videogames at the end of the day, and instead there's this lack of ability to handle social adversity.  Instead, "gamers" almost always use some form of extreme prejudice against a person, whether it's their console of choice, their criticisms, and relate it to who they are as a person.  I've watched dudes argue over sports, and it never looks like dudes arguing over videogames.  In fact, two dudes arguing over sports highly likely have more respect for each other than two dudes arguing over videogames.

For the record, I recall you and I have had disagreements before, but I think you're also an example of where I don't make it personal unless someone else does.  We can disagree all day, and I've still got no beef with you.  But if it gets personal, then I just jump right into the mud with them lol

curl-6 said:

Also, anyone who is familiar with the Nintendo fanbase know that nobody criticizes Nintendo more than their ardent fans.
Look at the response to games like Metroid Prime Federation Force or Animal Crossing Amiibo Festival, where petitions to have them canceled amassed tens of thousands of signatures.
The notion that the fanbase will defend anything they do to the death is quite unrealistic.

It's not a matter of fans disagreeing on principal, it's simply that Nintendo's success does indeed tangibly benefit us in more ways than it harms us.

To some extent, there is the presence of Nintendo fans who expect better.  But they clearly aren't in healthy enough numbers to make any real difference, hence the "Nintendo will do whatever they want anyway" thing.  That's because Nintendo follows the numbers, and so they work in ways that are impersonal because they're so big that they can.  That's also kind of the underlying point, here: there ISN'T enough criticism because the money keeps flowing from people who love everything Nintendo.

And that, of course, is the real criticism that I have a tough time arguing when people tell me, "okay, you say all this, yet here you are buying stuff, too".  I think that's part of why I even keep doing the channel: if I'm going to feed the machine, I'm going to make my decisions public so that someone else can make a more informed decision.  Of course, many people try to do that with "user reviews", but those are also... often... well, quite terrible and unreliable in gaming.  That's somewhat proven in this thread why user reviews are so useless: there's often a mob mentality with it which is why you see so many 10s or 0s because people are just out to attack or defend and lack the core logic to provide proper explanation or critique.  Instead, it becomes personal, and when it's personal, it becomes emotional, and when it's emotional, it becomes extremes lol

When Nintendo fucks up, people generally pass on their systems to a sufficient degree that they have to change course; see the Wii U, Virtual Boy, or Gamecube for example. So it's not like they can do whatever they want, the market will clearly punish them if they don't offer a good enough proposition.

As with any company, there are some times when stuff I don't like still succeeds, but all I can do is vote with my wallet. I didn't buy games like 1-2 Switch or ARMS or the Mario sports games for example because I didn't like what they were offering.

After the long dry years of the Wii U though, where the lack of sales meant terrible droughts and a severe lack of third party software, I personally find owning a highly successful Nintendo system again to be a big relief. I haven't finished Monster Hunter Rise Sunbreak yet or even started FIST Forged In Shadow Torch, and the next few months are about to bombard me with Xenoblade 3, Splatoon 3, Nier Automata, and Bayonetta 3. I haven't been this happy as gamer since... far out, 2010 I think.

Last edited by curl-6 - on 28 July 2022

curl-6 said:

When Nintendo fucks up, people generally pass on their systems to a sufficient degree that they have to change course; see the Wii U, Virtual Boy, or Gamecube for example. So it's not like they can do whatever they want, the market will clearly punish them if they don't offer a good enough proposition.

As with any company, there are some times when stuff I don't like still succeeds, but all I can do is vote with my wallet. I didn't buy games like 1-2 Switch or ARMS or the Mario sports games for example because I didn't like what they were offering.

The WIi U was designed to make bank even if they fucked up, which they did end up getting both in the end. They fucked up, but they still managed to make bank on the system, enough to consider it a setback, but not a "oh shit we've made no money from the system at all this entire gen", so they still got something out of it instead of absolute "you fucked up, now you're gonna suffer the consumer wrath" style of punishment they should have gotten. Despite that setback, they were still rewarded enough to make money back on the system they didn't push hard enough on, which tells me that there was a decent size of the fanbase to help them get that far, instead of hardly any at all. 

Let's take babylon's fall for example, yes that's a game and not a system, but because of the way it was designed to be, and the lack of marketing, and exclusivity shit, it sold like utter crap and now has less players than it did on day/week one. That's how a game/system should be punished, or hell, the recent crap going down with VR chat has tons of folks requesting refunds and leaving negative reviews. That's basically become a big PR nightmare for VRChat, while Nintendo still got to slide by with the Wii U and make bank and still not have to worry all that much about PR, because they brought out the Switch.

Point is, the fans helped them get by, they just weren't punished hard enough, and with the Switch it's all magically water under the bridge, despite the joycon issue still looming over the system (and me having a 2nd pair busted, with Nintendo asking for another £70 from me if I ever want to play the system I bought ever again). 

You may have not bought much into the Wii U, but others did. You have to remember that one purchase doesn't make for a a greater snowball effect, it takes bigger numbers for a greater effect to happen. 

Step right up come on in, feel the buzz in your veins, I'm like an chemical electrical right into your brain and I'm the one who killed the Radio, soon you'll all see

So pay up motherfuckers you belong to "V"

Even if the Wii U made money from Nintendo, there is no doubt they missed their targets and there was hell to pay via the board and shareholders. I don't think business is as simple as some are making it out to be.

At the end of the day Nintendo makes some really god awful decisions.... but consumers love Nintendo games, Nintendo games are exclusives. Nintendo is doing Nintendo based on market desire. Nintendo's downfall will be if they stop making some of the best games in the industry. As long as Nintendo has great software, they aren't going anywhere. Perhaps I am part of the problem, but despite annoyances I have with Switch I am not missing out on Zelda, Metroid and Mario.

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Chazore said:
curl-6 said:

When Nintendo fucks up, people generally pass on their systems to a sufficient degree that they have to change course; see the Wii U, Virtual Boy, or Gamecube for example. So it's not like they can do whatever they want, the market will clearly punish them if they don't offer a good enough proposition.

As with any company, there are some times when stuff I don't like still succeeds, but all I can do is vote with my wallet. I didn't buy games like 1-2 Switch or ARMS or the Mario sports games for example because I didn't like what they were offering.

The WIi U was designed to make bank even if they fucked up, which they did end up getting both in the end. They fucked up, but they still managed to make bank on the system, enough to consider it a setback, but not a "oh shit we've made no money from the system at all this entire gen", so they still got something out of it instead of absolute "you fucked up, now you're gonna suffer the consumer wrath" style of punishment they should have gotten. Despite that setback, they were still rewarded enough to make money back on the system they didn't push hard enough on, which tells me that there was a decent size of the fanbase to help them get that far, instead of hardly any at all. 

Let's take babylon's fall for example, yes that's a game and not a system, but because of the way it was designed to be, and the lack of marketing, and exclusivity shit, it sold like utter crap and now has less players than it did on day/week one. That's how a game/system should be punished, or hell, the recent crap going down with VR chat has tons of folks requesting refunds and leaving negative reviews. That's basically become a big PR nightmare for VRChat, while Nintendo still got to slide by with the Wii U and make bank and still not have to worry all that much about PR, because they brought out the Switch.

Point is, the fans helped them get by, they just weren't punished hard enough, and with the Switch it's all magically water under the bridge, despite the joycon issue still looming over the system (and me having a 2nd pair busted, with Nintendo asking for another £70 from me if I ever want to play the system I bought ever again). 

You may have not bought much into the Wii U, but others did. You have to remember that one purchase doesn't make for a a greater snowball effect, it takes bigger numbers for a greater effect to happen. 

First, Nintendo didn't "make bank" with the Wii U.  Nintendo posted its first losses in over 3 decades during the transition from Wii to Wii U.

Nintendo Records $531.1 Million Annual Loss- 4/26/2012

Nintendo Earnings Disappoint As Wii U Sales Continue To Fall - 7/31/2013

Nintendo posts $456 million annual operating loss - 5/7/2014

Nintendo suffers huge first-quarter loss as Wii U and 3DS sales tumble- 7/27/2016

As for the "fans let them get by" statement, some people enjoyed the Wii U as a console, myself included.  The Gamepad, maligned as it was by the masses, actually did bring innovative gameplay with it.  In Lego City, when an npc character would call Chase McCain's communicator, you would see that characters face talking to you on the Gamepad, and their voice would come through the Gamepad's speakers.  That's a higher level of immersion than an onscreen popup as how it has to be handled in other games on other consoles.  In Madden 13, you can draw-up Hot Routes at the Line of Scrimmage on offense and defense.  This added a whole new ease of changing plays on the fly that would have required multiple button presses and predetermined routes to achieve in other Madden games on other consoles.  I continued playing this version of Madden for years afterwards due to this feature.  Meanwhile, every year, you hear complaints from Madden fans about the lack of innovation from each successive Madden game on other consoles.  These are just a few gameplay examples that immediately come to mind.  There were quality of life features as well.  Going from typing on the virtual keyboard of the Wii U gamepad to having to manually click to each letter of every word of every sentence on another consoles controller feels like a massive step backwards.  The Wii U gamepad became my goto for both YouTube and Google, because of how much easier they were to navigate than on other consoles.  So, yeah, the Wii U had positive things going for it that the majority of gamers overlooked.  That doesn't make all Wii U owners blind Nintendo fans who buy anything Nintendo puts in front of them.

Having said that, Nintendo absolutely didn't "get a pass from Nintendo fans" through that generation.  The much higher sales Wii U software have enjoyed as Switch releases prove that a very large number of gamers indeed held back their money from buying a system and games they otherwise would have purchased and enjoyed.

Also, how many other console manufacturers do you see personally take pay cuts at the executive level in response to the negative reception of their hardware?

Iwata And Miyamoto Both Take Pay Cuts In Response To Nintendo's Poor Financial Results- 1/29/2014

"It has been revealed that Nintendo president Satoru Iwata will be taking a 50 percent pay reduction following Nintendo's recent financial results.

He's not the only one taking a cut; legendary game designer Shigeru Miyamoto will see his wage slashed by 30 percent, as will fellow Nintendo veteran Genyo Takeda. The seven other members of the company's board will each shoulder a 20 percent reduction.

The news comes after Nintendo issued warnings of further financial losses in the future, attributed to the poor commercial performance of the Wii U console. Nintendo expects to make a loss in Q4 of 2014."

*Regarding your joycons, have you tried spraying Deoxit into the thumbstick?  In most cases, it's a buildup of dead skin/debris that get inside the controller which causes the drift.  I still have my launch day Switch joycons, and I've probably sprayed them with Deoxit twice in 5 years, and it eliminated the drift for a long while both times.  I'm not dismissing the drift as a controller quality issue, mind you.  Just mentioning something that has worked for me as a speedy and cheap fix solution.

Mandalore76 said:

Also, how many other console manufacturers do you see personally take pay cuts at the executive level in response to the negative reception of their hardware?

I  agree with your post, but I think you tried too hard here. Why should we care for how a company handle their directors when business are doing bad? They could be fired if the sales are bombing and I personally wouldn't be really concerned. Or they could do nothing and keep the same staff, which I wouldn't care either  

Chrkeller said:

Even if the Wii U made money from Nintendo, there is no doubt they missed their targets and there was hell to pay via the board and shareholders. I don't think business is as simple as some are making it out to be.

At the end of the day Nintendo makes some really god awful decisions.... but consumers love Nintendo games, Nintendo games are exclusives. Nintendo is doing Nintendo based on market desire. Nintendo's downfall will be if they stop making some of the best games in the industry. As long as Nintendo has great software, they aren't going anywhere. Perhaps I am part of the problem, but despite annoyances I have with Switch I am not missing out on Zelda, Metroid and Mario.

Not only this

Nintendo is the only company creating handhelds

I can't stand mobile gaming and Steam Deck is not even sold where I live, not to mention the endless queue to get one

I could hate Nintendo games (which is not the case, they are my second favorite publisher, actually my favorite currently) and would still buy their hardware only to play third parties portable 

That's why I had no problem ignoring Wii and Wii U existence, but didn't have to think twice before getting a Switch 

This is a inherently problem of having so few console makers. I have no option, it's about picking whatever is available or finding another hobby 

Mandalore76 said:

*Regarding your joycons, have you tried spraying Deoxit into the thumbstick?  In most cases, it's a buildup of dead skin/debris that get inside the controller which causes the drift.  I still have my launch day Switch joycons, and I've probably sprayed them with Deoxit twice in 5 years, and it eliminated the drift for a long while both times.  I'm not dismissing the drift as a controller quality issue, mind you.  Just mentioning something that has worked for me as a speedy and cheap fix solution.

I get it, you guys are the best fandom in the entire games industry that you will dislocate Nintendo's arm if they ever did you any wrong.

Also no, I don't have access to this Deoxit spray you're talking about. I can't even find a proper screwdriver for a screw size as small as the Joycons. I looked it up and it's usually the rubber peice wearing down or not making proper contact with the rest of the circuitry. Only some cases I've seen where dead skin becomes the issue. I mostly kept my switch in it's Dock to prevent it from getting messy, and used rubber guards for it to prevent said skin from getting inside the cons themselves.

This is my second pair and they didn't even last a full year.

I just think it's utter bullshit that I have to pay £65 a pop for a controller that breaks down every few months, it's insanely ludicrous and it's the only system I've ever had drift issues with (never had it happen to any console or gamepads for me, not even the Switch pro gamepad).

What Nintendo should have done is bite their lip and allow for full gamepad refunds WW, yes it would dent their bigass wallet, but that's the price you pay for going with a shoddy client.

Step right up come on in, feel the buzz in your veins, I'm like an chemical electrical right into your brain and I'm the one who killed the Radio, soon you'll all see

So pay up motherfuckers you belong to "V"

IcaroRibeiro said:
Mandalore76 said:

Also, how many other console manufacturers do you see personally take pay cuts at the executive level in response to the negative reception of their hardware?

I  agree with your post, but I think you tried too hard here. Why should we care for how a company handle their directors when business are doing bad? They could be fired if the sales are bombing and I personally wouldn't be really concerned. Or they could do nothing and keep the same staff, which I wouldn't care either  

I don't get why anyone here would care if Roger Smith got fired, because I sure as hell know that anyone working at Nintendo, Sony, MS or any other company on the planet wouldn't care if any one of us got fired or let go, so I don't see why we have to suddenly care. 

A CEO taking a cut into their own pay should be the default go-to, not the outlier.

Step right up come on in, feel the buzz in your veins, I'm like an chemical electrical right into your brain and I'm the one who killed the Radio, soon you'll all see

So pay up motherfuckers you belong to "V"