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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Sony has formed the ‘PlayStation PC’ label for its PC games push.

SvennoJ said:

How long does it take to make a proper PC port? I don't think Sony wants to start making multiplats and rather stick to ports as they have always done. (Concentrate on the best optimized version for ps5 first) So the turnaround time from PS5 release to PC port is how ever long it takes to make a proper stable port after the PS5 release had its day one patches.

Better to release a working version on ps5 first, then a working version on PC, instead of a work in progress on both at the same time. Or worse, develop on PC first then find out there are lots of bottlenecks on console like with CP2077.

Can't you buy PC versions from Sony directly atm? They have the psn store online, but I see there is indeed no PC segment under games, and no PC version for horizon zero dawn. Kinda odd, but you don't need a PS account for the Steam version I assume? I guess Sony really wants to keep it separate?

CDPR designed 2077 for no real specific platform as a target (since even PC has it's own issues), but it should have been a game aimed at PC/Current gen instead of last gen/PC/Current gen (which is still delayed).

You can design a game for PC first and have it scale down to what console can handle (which is what a lot of indie devs tend to work with, since they release on PC first or consoles at the same time, but primarily design for what works on PC).

If it were up to me, they'd be working out the kinks and issues with their PC ports, making sure each release is of premium polish (instead of hit and misses like we're getting with HZD, then Days Gone being alright, yet still suffering from weird hitching, and we don't know what GoW will end up like since it's not out yet and also outsourced). We know for the most part that with their uniformity, their console versions will be fine, but they do need to put more effort into cleaning up their PC releases, even if they are down the line. 

Sony doesn't require you to sign in or use a PSN account when buying their games on Steam, and I honestly hope it stays that way (we really don't need an extra hoop or layer of DRM on there, especially with late ports). 

Step right up come on in, feel the buzz in your veins, I'm like an chemical electrical right into your brain and I'm the one who killed the Radio, soon you'll all see

So pay up motherfuckers you belong to "V"

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Chazore said:

CDPR designed 2077 for no real specific platform as a target (since even PC has it's own issues), but it should have been a game aimed at PC/Current gen instead of last gen/PC/Current gen (which is still delayed).

You can design a game for PC first and have it scale down to what console can handle (which is what a lot of indie devs tend to work with, since they release on PC first or consoles at the same time, but primarily design for what works on PC).

If it were up to me, they'd be working out the kinks and issues with their PC ports, making sure each release is of premium polish (instead of hit and misses like we're getting with HZD, then Days Gone being alright, yet still suffering from weird hitching, and we don't know what GoW will end up like since it's not out yet and also outsourced). We know for the most part that with their uniformity, their console versions will be fine, but they do need to put more effort into cleaning up their PC releases, even if they are down the line. 

Sony doesn't require you to sign in or use a PSN account when buying their games on Steam, and I honestly hope it stays that way (we really don't need an extra hoop or layer of DRM on there, especially with late ports). 

It does make you wonder, design for PC first, end result is sub optimal on consoles. Design on console first, end result tends to have issues on PC. Consoles are still different in significant ways when it comes to game engines. And now games on console can start relying on SSD read speeds, while PC releases tend to have to support HDD for now.

I hope no PSN sign in will stay as well. FS2020 has a lot of hoops that need to work, including XBox Live sign in. One day XBox Live was down or the game couldn't reach it, which resulted in getting signed out and not being able to play of course. Yet the worst part was that all my progress got reset after signing back in to XBL. Half the settings were gone as well, back to 0 flight hours. To play FS2020 I need to be signed in with my Microsoft account, XBL account and Steam account. Fun! Steam overlay, XBox game bar overlay, Windows of course, just a little overhead lol.

However, I imagine it will be required for cross-play at some point.

SvennoJ said:
Chazore said:

CDPR designed 2077 for no real specific platform as a target (since even PC has it's own issues), but it should have been a game aimed at PC/Current gen instead of last gen/PC/Current gen (which is still delayed).

You can design a game for PC first and have it scale down to what console can handle (which is what a lot of indie devs tend to work with, since they release on PC first or consoles at the same time, but primarily design for what works on PC).

If it were up to me, they'd be working out the kinks and issues with their PC ports, making sure each release is of premium polish (instead of hit and misses like we're getting with HZD, then Days Gone being alright, yet still suffering from weird hitching, and we don't know what GoW will end up like since it's not out yet and also outsourced). We know for the most part that with their uniformity, their console versions will be fine, but they do need to put more effort into cleaning up their PC releases, even if they are down the line. 

Sony doesn't require you to sign in or use a PSN account when buying their games on Steam, and I honestly hope it stays that way (we really don't need an extra hoop or layer of DRM on there, especially with late ports). 

It does make you wonder, design for PC first, end result is sub optimal on consoles. Design on console first, end result tends to have issues on PC. Consoles are still different in significant ways when it comes to game engines. And now games on console can start relying on SSD read speeds, while PC releases tend to have to support HDD for now.

I hope no PSN sign in will stay as well. FS2020 has a lot of hoops that need to work, including XBox Live sign in. One day XBox Live was down or the game couldn't reach it, which resulted in getting signed out and not being able to play of course. Yet the worst part was that all my progress got reset after signing back in to XBL. Half the settings were gone as well, back to 0 flight hours. To play FS2020 I need to be signed in with my Microsoft account, XBL account and Steam account. Fun! Steam overlay, XBox game bar overlay, Windows of course, just a little overhead lol.

However, I imagine it will be required for cross-play at some point.

Try and see what happens if you disable the overlays both steam and the xbox app allow that

 "I think people should define the word crap" - Kirby007

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kirby007 said:

Try and see what happens if you disable the overlays both steam and the xbox app allow that

They're not visible until you activate them, don't know if that means they're there or not.

The overhead from Steam is visible in the various steamwebhelpers that are running consuming over 600 MB of ram together. Not a problem since I upgraded to 32GB ram and since the XBox optimizations for FS2020. Before that, 16GB ram was a tight fit and every bit of 'waste' was unwanted.

The overhead from GameBar is negligible compared to Steam, only 31MB of RAM. It's still writing to disk and talking to a server, dunno why. GameBarLoggingSession.

The biggest 'competition' comes from MSMpEng or windows update. The other day it decided to get Windows 11 update ready for me (I found out later) while flying and everything was slow and sluggish. When it was done downloading/checking whatever it needed it finally asked me whether I wanted Windows 11 (no).

Anyway, just the stuff that comes along when playing on PC. I disabled and uninstalled all other fluff and services I don't need. For example background indexing for search and memory compression (just takes extra time, got plenty ram now) Just like TVs, windows needs a game mode!

DonFerrari said:
SvennoJ said:

How long does it take to make a proper PC port? I don't think Sony wants to start making multiplats and rather stick to ports as they have always done. (Concentrate on the best optimized version for ps5 first) So the turnaround time from PS5 release to PC port is how ever long it takes to make a proper stable port after the PS5 release had its day one patches.

Better to release a working version on ps5 first, then a working version on PC, instead of a work in progress on both at the same time. Or worse, develop on PC first then find out there are lots of bottlenecks on console like with CP2077.

Can't you buy PC versions from Sony directly atm? They have the psn store online, but I see there is indeed no PC segment under games, and no PC version for horizon zero dawn. Kinda odd, but you don't need a PS account for the Steam version I assume? I guess Sony really wants to keep it separate?

Considering they created the PS PC label, I would say it is very likely for them to start to offer their PC Ports on the PS APP and online store. Could even end up with cross-buy options.

Microsoft does that and it's definitely an advantage to buy from them instead of Steam when you own an Xbox along with your PC (Xbox APP). Buy once and you get the PC (Xbox APP) and Xbox versions. You also get cross-save and shared achievements (if you care for those). Most PC gamers don't use the Microsoft Store even with this, and even before their games went to Steam. So even if Sony brought their games exclusively to their own PC Launcher and has cross-buy, I don't think they'll sell well. So it's best to offer their games on Steam (and GOG) along with their own storefront.

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SvennoJ said:

It does make you wonder, design for PC first, end result is sub optimal on consoles. Design on console first, end result tends to have issues on PC. Consoles are still different in significant ways when it comes to game engines. And now games on console can start relying on SSD read speeds, while PC releases tend to have to support HDD for now.

I hope no PSN sign in will stay as well. FS2020 has a lot of hoops that need to work, including XBox Live sign in. One day XBox Live was down or the game couldn't reach it, which resulted in getting signed out and not being able to play of course. Yet the worst part was that all my progress got reset after signing back in to XBL. Half the settings were gone as well, back to 0 flight hours. To play FS2020 I need to be signed in with my Microsoft account, XBL account and Steam account. Fun! Steam overlay, XBox game bar overlay, Windows of course, just a little overhead lol.

However, I imagine it will be required for cross-play at some point.

Whenever MS decide to get off their arses with DX ultimate and actually push it out for devs to make use of, then PC would likely be getting better use of SSD's (But I don't see that happening much since DX 12 has been a crapshoot for yrs now and apparently devs still don't know how to fully utilise it), but for now all they do is improve some game loading times and that's about it. 

Yeah, I'm not a fan of certain Xbox based games requiring the Windows Live sign-in (like Minecraft recently deciding to entirely do away with MJ accounts and now requiring full WL sign-ins).

At least when Steam goes down, I'm still able to play my games in offline mode, yet half these clients with their forced sign-ins don't provide such a feature, it's quite annoying (Main reason why I stopped using Uplay, and once HotS shuts down, I'll probably stop using Battlenet as well). 

Oh god, I had to disable Game bar, because that shit popped up at times when I didn't want it to, that and I'm a task manager resource sensitive guy, so I tend to disable anything Windows gaming related at any given time (also disable Steam overlay since I can use GeForce experience for an in-depth fps/stats counter if I need to use it). 

Step right up come on in, feel the buzz in your veins, I'm like an chemical electrical right into your brain and I'm the one who killed the Radio, soon you'll all see

So pay up motherfuckers you belong to "V"

Sogreblute said:
DonFerrari said:

Considering they created the PS PC label, I would say it is very likely for them to start to offer their PC Ports on the PS APP and online store. Could even end up with cross-buy options.

Microsoft does that and it's definitely an advantage to buy from them instead of Steam when you own an Xbox along with your PC (Xbox APP). Buy once and you get the PC (Xbox APP) and Xbox versions. You also get cross-save and shared achievements (if you care for those). Most PC gamers don't use the Microsoft Store even with this, and even before their games went to Steam. So even if Sony brought their games exclusively to their own PC Launcher and has cross-buy, I don't think they'll sell well. So it's best to offer their games on Steam (and GOG) along with their own storefront.

Wasn't focused on the how much it will sell extra, just that as you said for gamers that have both Hardware that would be an incentive to buy on their store. I know some people made use of cross save on PS3/PSP and PS4/Vita.

duduspace11 "Well, since we are estimating costs, Pokemon Red/Blue did cost Nintendo about $50m to make back in 1996"

Mr Puggsly: "Hehe, I said good profit. You said big profit. Frankly, not losing money is what I meant by good. Don't get hung up on semantics"

Azzanation: "PS5 wouldn't sold out at launch without scalpers."