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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Sony has formed the ‘PlayStation PC’ label for its PC games push.

zero129 said:
Ka-pi96 said:

Kinda feels like PC gaming would need to take off in Japan for that to happen. Nintendo are still a very Japan centric company. Their push into mobile games shows they're at least willing to release on non-Nintendo platforms though. It does feel like it's more likely to happen at the moment than ever before.

I think the main reason for Sony and MS going to PC is Dev costs. The cost for the kind of games they are making are going to be even more this gen then last so imo one platform alone isnt enough to support the dev costs. Imo Nintendo has not yet even hit the dev costs of PS4/Xbox1, never mind what dev costs are going to be for proper nextgen Series X/PS5 games.

Not only dev cost, but the race for the bottom policy on the software side. The focus is on service and not selling games. Sony and Microsoft try to justify the pay online service and "given" games in this same service. The free game helps to race for the bottom policy, devaluation game in the eyes of consumers. 

I don´t see this, for a hardware manufactured, a good thing. 

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Agente42 said:

Not only dev cost, but the race for the bottom policy on the software side. The focus is on service and not selling games. Sony and Microsoft try to justify the pay online service and "given" games in this same service. The free game helps to race for the bottom policy, devaluation game in the eyes of consumers. 

I don´t see this, for a hardware manufactured, a good thing. 

What are you basing this on?

Sony & Microsoft's strategy when it comes to software and services are completely different. If they had similar strategies, Sony would put all their software on PS Now day one, similar to Microsoft's approach when it comes to Game Pass. 

Last edited by PotentHerbs - on 31 October 2021

I still don't think we're going to get day and date releases for PS5/PC this generation. There might be a few exceptions for multiplayer games but Sony makes billions in profit with their walled garden ecosystem. They won't even get 100% of the cut if they sell their first party software on Steam/Epic unlike the PS Store. If Sony had their own storefront then its a completely different scenario.

I think we'll see the first PS5 exclusive getting ported to PC around 2023/2024.

zero129 said:

Sackboy is rumored to be coming soonish. Imo the is only so many PS4 games Sony can port before they catch up with their PS5 releases.

But i also dont see day and date any time soon for Sony except for multi player games like you said. However i also dont see it staying at 2 years between ports etc. I think at some point we will come down to 6 months to a year for PS5 exclusives.

I think 6 months to a year is an extremely optimistic turnaround for PS5 exclusives to be ported to PC. I could see PS Now getting PS4/PS5 exclusives on a much quicker basis though.

Day n date is inevitable. Once Sony sees their hardware sales won't be affected they'll go all in on PC just like Microsoft.

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zero129 said:

I think your being very optimistic thinking it wont happen. PS console sales are not going to be effected by this otherwise all them people who just buy a console for Fifa or GTA etc would already own a PC. Im sure Sony have done the numbers and like i said when they talk about dev cost going up they are no longer on about PS4 games but PS5 games. How many PS4 games do they have to port?, you really think once they get done with them PS4 games they are just going to leave money on the table for a 2+ years?.

Sony have raised game prices to $70 to compensate for higher development costs. They also have a ton of PS4 games they could potentially port: Dreams, BloodBorne, SpiderMan, Ghost of Tsushima, Gran Turismo Sport, TLOU Part II, Miles Morales, GOWR, GT7, HFW, which would take a couple of years if we assume Sony is fast tracking their ports starting in 2022, already leaving a 2/3 year gap for PS5 exclusives to be ported to PC. 

That's also assuming Sony will only bother porting their bigger titles, while smaller games like Gravity Rush 2, The Last Guardian, Concrete Genie, etc won't be ported at all. 

Robert_Downey_Jr. said:
gtotheunit91 said:

Idk if I would say it's inevitable. Microsoft and Sony are insanely large companies where gaming is just one of many divisions within both companies. Nintendo doesn't have that luxury. Gaming IS Nintendo's entire business. They never sell their consoles at a loss and heavily invest in their first party games because they have to. During the Wii U days, they were losing so much money, people were thinking they were gonna go the way of Sega and go third-party. 

On the other side of the coin though, they may be investing and branching out into other mediums like theme parks, movies, and such as a way to bring in constant revenue where they aren't so dependent on their consoles and games selling so much all the time. Maybe, just maybe, one day Nintendo won't see PC as such a bad thing to bring their games to. Because right now, Nintendo just views PC as a way to take away from their console sales. 

Gaming is pretty huge for Sony now too after their laptops, cellphones, and other areas have either been sold off or marginalized.  I know they have a couple other areas like cameras and camera parts and financials but if PS4 had continued their downward trend in gaming they'd have been pretty screwed 

Sony is massive in sensors.

Their Camera sensors is one example... They sell by the bucket load.

--::{PC Gaming Master Race}::--

How long does it take to make a proper PC port? I don't think Sony wants to start making multiplats and rather stick to ports as they have always done. (Concentrate on the best optimized version for ps5 first) So the turnaround time from PS5 release to PC port is how ever long it takes to make a proper stable port after the PS5 release had its day one patches.

Better to release a working version on ps5 first, then a working version on PC, instead of a work in progress on both at the same time. Or worse, develop on PC first then find out there are lots of bottlenecks on console like with CP2077.

Can't you buy PC versions from Sony directly atm? They have the psn store online, but I see there is indeed no PC segment under games, and no PC version for horizon zero dawn. Kinda odd, but you don't need a PS account for the Steam version I assume? I guess Sony really wants to keep it separate?

SvennoJ said:

How long does it take to make a proper PC port? I don't think Sony wants to start making multiplats and rather stick to ports as they have always done. (Concentrate on the best optimized version for ps5 first) So the turnaround time from PS5 release to PC port is how ever long it takes to make a proper stable port after the PS5 release had its day one patches.

Better to release a working version on ps5 first, then a working version on PC, instead of a work in progress on both at the same time. Or worse, develop on PC first then find out there are lots of bottlenecks on console like with CP2077.

Can't you buy PC versions from Sony directly atm? They have the psn store online, but I see there is indeed no PC segment under games, and no PC version for horizon zero dawn. Kinda odd, but you don't need a PS account for the Steam version I assume? I guess Sony really wants to keep it separate?

Considering they created the PS PC label, I would say it is very likely for them to start to offer their PC Ports on the PS APP and online store. Could even end up with cross-buy options.

duduspace11 "Well, since we are estimating costs, Pokemon Red/Blue did cost Nintendo about $50m to make back in 1996"

Mr Puggsly: "Hehe, I said good profit. You said big profit. Frankly, not losing money is what I meant by good. Don't get hung up on semantics"

Azzanation: "PS5 wouldn't sold out at launch without scalpers."

Definitely won't be buying a PS5pro nor PS6 at this point. Got no issue with waiting for the superior PC ports of Sony's games.

4 ≈ One