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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Metroid Dread discussion

TruckOSaurus said:
IcaroRibeiro said:

Beat with less than 70% completion

Final boss is tricky, but once you understand how to overcome each of its moves it becomes overwhelmingly easy, each time I figured out to to come across with an attack or move I immediately turned the next match in cakewalk and I find myself a mediocre gamer at beast. What prevents you to defeat it in less than 3 tries is the fact each phase he changes his moves, and it takes some time to understand what to do, when to click x, etc, etc

I indeed doubt it would take me more than 3 tries to beat it again

It's a really good game, a 9/10 for me. I'm not feeling I'm gonna play it again soon though, I just don't see much more to explore and the challenges just have became frustrating as they are too hard. I feel like the maps miss some shortcuts, even in the endgame navigate was sorrowful, this easily killed my vibe to collect more items

There's a point where all teleportals get interconnected allowing you to warp to any teleportal no matter the color. I'm not sure if it's a specific teleportal or a number of teleportal found that unlocks it. For me, it was unlocked after I found a teleportal locked behind a storm missile block (in Burenia, I think?).

That's interesting. I thought I had discovered all of them, maybe not.

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I think once you reach every teleporter, you can travel between them regardless of their colour.

I think Mercury Steam went backwards on this one. Samus Returns allowed you to travel between any teleporters you found from the beginning. That encouraged backtracking in order to get new expansions after you got new abilities because you could go back to any area almost instantly. Unfortunately, Dread restricts which teleporters work between them until pretty much the end of the game. Which is... annoying. Specially when their previous game did it better.

I know Dread partially adresses this by making you visit every area multiple times in a somewhat organic and guided way, unlike Samus Returns where once you reached a new area you were pretty much done with the previous one (in terms of advancing the main plot). If you are in Ferenia and the game suddenly wants you to go to Artaria for an upgrade, it will guide you to a near teleporter, an elevator or some kind of transportation method. So you can use this oportunities to go hunt some items while on the way to the next upgrade, making the lack of interconnected teleporters not much of an issue. But still, it's a little annoyance that doesn't really have a reason to exist.

Last edited by Vodacixi - on 20 October 2021

Beat the game 3 days ago, it is a solid 8 for me. I enjoyed it a lot and it was challenging just the right amount.
All the boss fights were great, hard but after a few tries and learning the pattern you can do a no damage run even if you are not the most skilled player.
Last boss wasn't hard at all. Gameplay was the best part of the game, I am someone who enjoys games with story, but I know that isn't the goal with a game like Metroid. If the game had a story that captured the gamer even more could be a 9 or even higher.

foxmccloud64 said:
Vodacixi said:

Finally... I'm conflicted about the story. For one, I love the portrayal of Samus. She's constantly kicking ass... And the way she reacts to everything is yet another highlight from the game. I was also blown away by the ending as a whole and how they decided to continue Samus story. However... The story also felt a bit of a mess. Some things contradict stuff from older games (specially Fusion) and there are plot points that were pretty relevant in the Fusion ending, but in Dread are either ignored or adressed without actually making sense. It's a shame, because there was a lot of potential and they didn't really went for it. But then again, all in all I enjoyed the ending. A lot.

You are one of the few that has mentioned this, and it's one of the things i've never liked about how they have been juggling with the Metroid Franchise over the years, i know the plot has never been on the heavy exposure side like other games and their "cinematic style", since the strenghts of Metroid came mainly from the gameplay, being keypoints the atmosphere and the exploration, but ever since i saw the trailer i wondered, WTF what happened to her Fusion Suit that became even more different and powerfull at the ending?, wasn't she supposed to be at odds with the corrupts of the federation for disobeying orders?, why everytime there is something concerning Samus past including the chozo, the pirates, ridley or the Federation, the developers of subsequent games and media seem to disregard what the others have done and contradict things between them, Metroid is a Franchise i have enjoyed and admired over the years, that i always felt had a very interesting setting and a lore that could be much more exploitable just like Catlevania, Megaman and other series, but the guys at Nintendo even when delivering great games still seem unsure on how to manage the universe they are building (Sakamoto not helping things with Other M).

I would put some spoilers in there. You are technically not spoiling what's in the game... but you are spoiling what's NOT in the game. Which is pretty much the same xD

But I mostly agree with you. Except the suit thing. They explained in one of the Metroid Reports that the suit is different than in Fusion because after all the surgery and retiring parts, the Power Suit is slowly "regenerating", hence the mix bewteen "organic" parts that look like muscle tissue, a trace of the original Fusion Suit, and the newly grown metal parts.

mZuzek said:
Vodacixi said:

I think once you reach every teleporter, you can travel between them regardless of their colour.

I think Mercury Steam went backwards on this one. Samus Returns allowed you to travel between any teleporters you found from the beginning. That encouraged backtracking in order to get new expansions after you got new abilities because you could go back to any area almost instantly. Unfortunately, Dread restricts which teleporters work between them until pretty much the end of the game. Which is... annoying. Specially when their previous game did it better.

I know Dread partially adresses this by making you visit every area multiple times in a somewhat organic and guided way, unlike Samus Returns where once you reached a new area you were pretty much done with the previous one (in terms of advancing the main plot). If you are in Ferenia and the game suddenly wants you to go to Artaria for an upgrade, it will guide you to a near teleporter, an elevator or some kind of transportation method. So you can use this oportunities to go hunt some items while on the way to the next upgrade, making the lack of interconnected teleporters not much of an issue. But still, it's a little annoyance that doesn't really have a reason to exist.

Personally I'm glad they went this route. Fast travel is convenient for getting 100% items, which really you should only be doing at the very end of the game when you have all the abilities - other than that I really don't like it. It just takes away from the idea of having to learn the map design and understand the world, which is a core element of Metroid games. The less fast travel they have, the better as far as I'm concerned, and Dread does it well by always giving you teleporters in/to convenient locations so that progression never becomes too obtuse or involves too much backtracking.

I would say there are different kind of players. Some definetely wait until the end to go for all the items. But some others (myself included) like to backtrack from time to time when they get certain abilities that will allow us to get those items we couldn't get before.

But to each their own I guess xD

BTW, I'm so dumb

For the entire game I thought ADAM was... well, ADAM. I thought Raven Beak only impersonated him at the end of the game. Just that one time. But now I'm replaying the game on hard... and the way ADAM talks... "You wouldn't be a worthy adversary for RB...". "You are helpless, accept it". And he didn't called her lady a single time after Samus went down the elevator. How could I be so blind? xD

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Vodacixi said:

I would put some spoilers in there. You are technically not spoiling what's in the game... but you are spoiling what's NOT in the game. Which is pretty much the same xD

But I mostly agree with you. Except the suit thing. They explained in one of the Metroid Reports that the suit is different than in Fusion because after all the surgery and retiring parts, the Power Suit is slowly "regenerating", hence the mix bewteen "organic" parts that look like muscle tissue, a trace of the original Fusion Suit, and the newly grown metal parts.

oh yeah i went and put a spoiler tag in the post i made, my bad, about the suit the question i stated it was made when i watched the trailer, now that i played the game i'm aware of what the report "explains" about the suit regenerating but i don't completely buy it, mostly because of what i said about the developers doing whatever they want everytime they make a new game and contradict each other, it just seemed to me that they wanted to give her a more simple and form fitting suit in some parts, fusion didn't look as bulky as previous armor but looked "alienish" and in the end

 the spikes on her arms i think were depicted even bigger after she absorbed the SA-X and recovered her varia suit functionalities

, and now that i'm writing about it, in my personal opinion the suit in Dread is one of the blandest looking armors of a lot of the ones she had, but whatever, nonetheless is a great game and i hope it sells well enough so Nintendo don't get the idea to can the franchise for another decade. 

Well, last night's session was amazing.

Beat Experiment Z-57; epic fight and the best boss in the game so far. 

Getting the Screw Attack and blazing through the stages destroying everything in my path and reaching areas I never could before felt incredible and really drove home how far I'd come in terms of character progression.

Then came the rematch against the two robot Chozo in Burenia, who had given me so much trouble the first time in Ferenia, and must have killed me over a dozen times. Armed with more experience and the knowledge that I could charge the storm missiles on the run, I annihilated them on my first try. Revenge was sweet.

Kakadu18 said:
curl-6 said:

Try as I might I could never get into 2D Metroid before, but this one has me absolutely hooked. The combat, exploration, and upgrade loop is like a constant dripfeed of pure dopamine. Tonight I fight Experiment Z-57; nervous as hell as the boss fights so far have almost all pushed me to my limits, but I've come this far, I won't give up without a fight.

Experiment Z-57 is probably the most challenging one. Even when you know his attack patterns avoiding damage is very hard. Especially in the last phase. I had more trouble with him than with the final boss.

Tip: use the storm missiles especially in the first phase.

That's very reassuring to hear; so many folks talk about how insanely hard the final boss is and I'm really scared of fighting him and getting stuck, unable to finish so close to the end. I was able to beat experiment Z-57 though, so if I can do that maybe I can beat the game after all.

Last edited by curl-6 - on 20 October 2021

curl-6 said:

Well, last night's session was amazing.

Beat Experiment Z-57; epic fight and the best boss in the game so far. 

Getting the Screw Attack and blazing through the stages destroying everything in my path and reaching areas I never could before felt incredible and really drove home how far I'd come in terms of character progression.

Then came the rematch against the two robot Chozo in Burenia, who had given me so much trouble the first time in Ferenia, and must have killed me over a dozen times. Armed with more experience and the knowledge that I could charge the storm missiles on the run, I annihilated them on my first try. Revenge was sweet.

Kakadu18 said:

Experiment Z-57 is probably the most challenging one. Even when you know his attack patterns avoiding damage is very hard. Especially in the last phase. I had more trouble with him than with the final boss.

Tip: use the storm missiles especially in the first phase.

That's very reassuring to hear; so many folks talk about how insanely hard the final boss is and I'm really scared of fighting time and getting stuck, unable to finish so close to the end. I was able to beat experiment Z-57 though, so if I can do that maybe I can beat the game after all.

At the start the final boss will seem way more difficult than he is, daunting even because of how many different attacks he has and how different the phases are. But when you get the patterns down it gets way easier, after what feels like a thousand attempts.

Just beat the game.
14 hours with all items collected.
Died a shit ton of times, but I had too much fun to really care that match.
For the $60 I paid to get this game… I certainly think I got my money’s worth. XD

I’ll forego any story spoilers for anyone who still hasn’t finished it and is looking forward to that and I’ll stick to just gameplay.

It’s 2D Metroid alright. You got all your bells and whistles and standard stuff all here and working as it always has, so that’s good.
Every time I entered an EMMI area, I felt my palms sweat a little bit more.
Out of all the deaths I suffered in this game, about 2/3rds of them probably came from an EMMI. The timing on the Melee Counter for those things are strict as fuck!!!

This is the first Metroid game where I got 100% of the items and outside of a few bullshit items where I had to use a guide for, it was pretty fun exploring and searching for them.

As far as my personal Metroid rankings go:

Prime 1 is still the beat for me.
Followed by Dread and Super in a virtual tie. I’ll have to wait and see 3 months from now if my thoughts on Dread have changed and probably play Super again just so I know for sure.
Than Samus Returns, it was a fairly good game that was hindered by the 3DS’ hardware. Yeesh, I’m getting hand cramps just thinking about it.
And last on my list is Prime 2, which I still haven’t finished and don’t really feel like finishing right away because that game is more boring than watching paint dry. Good God, that game was boring as shit.

Still haven’t played: Prime 3, Fusion, Zero Mission, or Other M.

Last edited by PAOerfulone - on 20 October 2021

RolStoppable said:
TruckOSaurus said:
There's a point where all teleportals get interconnected allowing you to warp to any teleportal no matter the color. I'm not sure if it's a specific teleportal or a number of teleportal found that unlocks it. For me, it was unlocked after I found a teleportal locked behind a storm missile block (in Burenia, I think?).


I am pretty sure the requirement is to enter Itorash or whatever the name of the very final area is. Maybe it's even required to use the save point there, but since that one is right at the beginning of the area, you might as well use it before returning to the main areas again.

I had a playthrough with all teleporters being used at least once and all Chozo Soldiers defeated, including the one right before the elevator leading to Itorash, but there was no unlock of all teleporters getting connected; hadn't entered Itorash though. Conversely, I got the unlock on another playthrough where I hadn't used all teleporters, but had visited Itorash already.

I just tried. Reaching Itorash is enough, I did not save and went back. All teleporters are connected now. I was wondering if this could come in handy for speedrunners, but then again the whole way to Itorash and back again is pretty far, so rather not.
Last edited by GoOnKid - on 21 October 2021