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Forums - General Discussion - The post when you're high thread.

Spiders used to give me the creepies. I overcame it. Overpasses is next on my list. I always feel that I'm going to die by driving off the side of one. I avoid them at all costs. avoid getting banned for inactivity, I may have to resort to comments that are of a lower overall quality and or beneath my moral standards.

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To overcome your fear, go to France and drive over this bridge ;)

Viaduct de Milau

I’m both high and drunk, and I’m about to drink a martini that I made while both high and drunk.

Yes, girls living this up will fuck for fun:

I describe myself as a little dose of toxic masculinity.

DroidKnight said:

Spiders used to give me the creepies. I overcame it. Overpasses is next on my list. I always feel that I'm going to die by driving off the side of one. I avoid them at all costs.

Woo spiders!

Anyone like the singer Robyn?

Someone around a desktop please post a video.

I describe myself as a little dose of toxic masculinity.

I was describing music in physical terms and the high people get it, but the drunk only douchebags didn’t :D
Nothin against douchebags, those two bastards wouldn’t be my friends if I didn’t like them. But they are fucking douchebags.
I can’t believe I’m actually allowed to cook and make coffee right now. I’m making breadsticks! Gonna boil them in water with a mix of baking soda (I think that’s what you call it) then throw a mix of becel and rock salt (for some reason I have a huge bag of it. Don’t worry, it’s food grade, and it’ll stick to the fucking bread. I cook awesome while influenced by the muses.

I describe myself as a little dose of toxic masculinity.

Around the Network

Just had home made Lángos. So good.

The reason why you forget things while high has been elusive to scientists for centuries and the whole world secretly wants to know, and aren’t saying it because they’re ashamed! I said it, ashamed not to know. BUT!!! I have a theory! (PS, I love RPG music). Here it is:

When your brain time is stretched way the fuck out, the thought you just had occurred a long time ago (it might as well have been months, if not centuries) and you’re already bored of it.

I will do this theory like Thomas Malthus, who predicted that we were all going to die of starvation at some point because the amount of potatoes we can grow will eventually be outstripped by population growth. That’s right! He believed people would be fucking all the time and making babies! He didn’t believe in the condom, mostly because I don’t think it was invented in his time. Fucking and making babies! Babies would be everywhere! Anyway:

Postulate #1 - that brains have their own sub time that occurs different than the regular earth.

Postulate #2 - that cannabis is the main thing that stretches time out (making it longer) more than anything known to humanity and the main thing in getting you high if you’re smoking it, munching it down a successor component with edibles, or drinking the new water soluble nanoemulsions.

Postulate #3 - I made bread.

Assertion #1 -  people forget things while high .

Assertion #2 - I know the reason why, because of time stretching

Premise #1- people get bored.

Conclusion #1 Because postulate number 1 and 2 are factual, l time will take longer.

Conclusion #2 Because time took longer, if Premise 3 is correct, then the thought will be forgotten in the dark cloud of boredom.

Conclusion #3 Therefore people forget because they got bored of the thought after it occurred way longer ago than the relative time reality to an untoxicated person.

So premise 3 needs to be tested, since premise 1 and 2 happen I think it’s OK not to 

I’m testing it right now and everyone else should too. So we’re just testing the premise, that people get bored. Smoke weed and see if this happens a lot when time stretches out when you’re high. Then see if you forgot to do shit and got lazy and sat back on the couch eating corn chips instead of doing the shit you promised to do. Well, the corn chips part doesn’t have to happen, but it happens.

Last edited by Jumpin - on 09 December 2022

I describe myself as a little dose of toxic masculinity.

Found it!!!! I Made it here!!! This fucking rocks.

I just wanted to post…….. BUT…… NOOOO! I’m naked!!!! I HAVE NOE CLOTHES!!!!

I didn’t just write that!

I describe myself as a little dose of toxic masculinity.

Call me old fashioned, but I think drunk, high, and morning fucking is the best feeling in the world.

The equation for that is Morning(Drunk +High+Fucking)=Best feeling in the world

And maybe heroin.

But I don’t know. Haven’t tried. From what I’m aware it can be quite problematic.

EDIT: I was just warned I’ll regret this post.

P.S.EDIT, I know it was like an hour ago I posted this, but I had to be clear!!!! It’s not that I was going to regret it like someone else was going to clobber me with pieces of wood. But rather that I myself would regret it, personally. (You know, like morally, where my conscience would bother me, or maybe it’s just my shame? Because fuck my conscience! Jiminy cricket wannabe motherfucker! And fuck Tinkerbell too.Ahhhhh How can I stay mad at Tinkerbell?).

Last edited by Jumpin - on 17 December 2022

I describe myself as a little dose of toxic masculinity.

Merry Christmas
But I am currently unsure how to spell "merry".
... Ok, I looked it up, it is fine.