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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Switch OLED model just got announced.

Manlytears said:

This realy makes me think that "Switch 2" isn't too far away... perhaps 2023?

It would be quite funny if Nintendo dropped so many bombshell games in 2022 only to replace the Switch with a successor in 2023. 

Though honestly ... this would explain why EPD's core teams have been slow as molasses at getting tentpole games out. Aside from the odd experimental title, EPD has been like a snail for a while now. Very reminiscent of how you could tell most of EPD was just kind of done with the Wii U at some point and quietly transitioning to Switch. 

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I dont know exactly how I feel about Switch 2 being released earlier (late 2023, early 2024)

I find buying consoles at launch extremely pointless, too much hush to get your hands to play few games you can otherwise expect 2 years to decide if the library in the said system is worth it, this is even more true for Nintendo system that tends to get very lackluster third party support unless the system start selling by a lot

I think I would like to see Switch life extended, it's a good system with a extensive list of games to play and with much more to come. With a big userbase studios would still releasing games for Switch for a very long time

In this sense, I was more likely to buy a Switch revision (if the said revision was good enough to justify a purchase) than a Switch 2. A Switch "Pro" would mean 4 years of extended of support going forward from both Nintendo and third parties, hence a very good purchase. And even if I didn't bought the said revision, it would still mean a extended life expectancy for my standard Switch because it was still 4 more years of games regardless

A Switch 2 in 2023 will probably means Nintendo will no longer releasing many first parties after 2023 (if releasing any game at all) in a way to pressure the userbase to buy Switch 2. Then I will need to wait and see if Switch 2 will be more like what a PS5 is for PS4 or more like a Switch U. If it's a smooth transition, I'm buying after some months in the market, if it's not... well I hope they release a handheld version eventually so I can buy a cheaper version to play some games, but won't be my main console anymore

Also I hate to do this because it's not as if the "Switch Pro" itself is the problem, but, I'm just glad we got some hardware announcement so that we could shut the fuck up and go back to speculating about games. 

Seriously, whether or not a revision comes out is super boring to speculate on. Even if the revision is great, what's the point of speculating on it so much if you're just going to play have the same library again? And that's not to say there's no point in buying a revision to play games you already have, rather speculating on one just to have access to the same library again). 

160rmf said:
IcaroRibeiro said:

It was the standard modo operadis for Nintendo handhelds I think, they used to release an slightly updated version and then decreased the price of the more standard version. They did it even for DS in their peak and DS was selling over 30 million a year even more than Switch 

But this time my impression is they want to sell OLED as a premium version, you don't sell a perceveid more "premium" product with a standard price. They can still decrease Switch price anywhere in future anyways and make OLED 300 USD when they think it's the right time 

Edit: I think I also misunderstood Nintendo's strategy. I was sure they were going for a very long console lifestyle, 7 to 8 years and they were willing to make early adopters to purchase another version, of you sell a cheaper product you can keep new model sales high for years. But maybe Switch life won't be that big and they are satisfied with people buying only one copy, after all the true money is on software and people won't buy the same software twice just because they got a new Switch 

How can you know that? Yeah, this is a different approach than forcing early adopters to upgrade, but you can't take that as granted. There are many other ways to stimulate the system relevance

I'm sure they've also said multiple times that They want a long life cycle for Switch and at last report for Nintendo's earnings, Seitch had hit its half way point. They're for sure going for 8 years. If expect another refresh next year, ala Switch pro or something else in 2023.

If this were to happen, they could replace OG model with the OLED model at $299 and sell pro or whatever it is at $349/$399.

Last edited by JSG87 - on 10 July 2021

While I'd prefer 2024, a Switch successor in 2023 would be acceptable to me, so long as Switch is well supported up to its release.
I want Switch 1 to live up to its full potential in terms of accumulating an amazing library and passing SNES to become the best system ever, and that's gonna take a couple more years, or at least a very, very strong 2022.

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I intend to buy it because I use my switch on handheld mode frequently. I am a sucker for beautiful OLED screens.

Seems like a lot of people are upset just because the rumors were wrong. This is just a basic XL version. Better bigger screen and a few other tweaks to improve the system. Only $50 more so Nintendo will likely discontinue OG hybrid model sometime next year and this XL model will drop to $300 and replace the original as the standard hybrid model.

Don't expect many people to upgrade outside of Nintendo fanatics and video game collectors. This is more for new buyers to have a little bit nicer Switch to entice them to buy. No reason to hate on the model just because the rumors and reporting on those rumors were wrong. Switch still has several years left before there is a successor so nothing wrong with Nintendo putting out a little bit better model to replace the original for the last few years of Switch's lifecycle.

This model holds no interest for me, even though 95% of my gaming is handheld, but no reason to hate on it either. So much unnecessary hate just because people got hyped by rumors that turned out to be wrong. Also kinda makes sense to not release a big 4k tech upgrade model since Switch 2 will likely be launching something like 3 years after this model comes out, so not having a 4k "pro" model will help keep a big tech distinction between Switch and the successor. At the very least now they've got OLED screens in the pipeline and they fixed the kickstand design so makes design transition to successor just that much easier.

I must say, while the OLED model does not appeal to me personally as someone who only plays in docked mode and doesn't need a LAN connection or more internal memory, it does look very sexy with that silver-white finish and the sleeker dock. Definitely gives the vibe of a premium product. The superior screen should also add to this.

A favorite gaming blogger of mine said it best when he likened this to being the Game Boy Color to the OG Switch's "Game Boy." It definitely makes more sense through that lens, though I will still probably wait until it inevitably replaces the original model and drops to $300 in a year or two before making the investment. There's no particular issue with my current Switch other than it could be a bit brighter (and it has a small crack on the corner of the screen that kinda irks me), which makes an upgrade urgent for me right now. With the weak kickstand and smaller screen, OG Switch is not really ideal for tabletop gaming either (at least the more complex games). But while I like that concept, I rarely do tabletop gaming anyway. 

I will say that, given that I play the Switch in handheld mode 85% of the time, that this does hold more value to me than it would most. I like the fact that it'll have a bigger, far clearer (and I'm guessing more vibrant) screen which will adjust to the surrounding light, not to mention an actual heavy-duty, sturdy kickstand. It's a half step up to the inevitable "Switch Pro." Pretty cool, but I really hesitate to even spend $350 on it.

Last edited by DarthMetalliCube - on 13 July 2021


"We hold these truths to be self-evident - all men and women created by the, go-you know.. you know the thing!" - Joe Biden

Valdney said:

I intend to buy it because I use my switch on handheld mode frequently. I am a sucker for beautiful OLED screens.

I'll be upgrading for that reason. The console also reminds me a bit more, visually, of the Wii's sleek design. The Wii is still my favourite looking console of all time.

I'm a sucker for sexy looking consoles.

Also, these reasons

* My old Switch is getting a little junky.
* Bigger screen, sleeker look, 

I describe myself as a little dose of toxic masculinity.