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I dont know exactly how I feel about Switch 2 being released earlier (late 2023, early 2024)

I find buying consoles at launch extremely pointless, too much hush to get your hands to play few games you can otherwise expect 2 years to decide if the library in the said system is worth it, this is even more true for Nintendo system that tends to get very lackluster third party support unless the system start selling by a lot

I think I would like to see Switch life extended, it's a good system with a extensive list of games to play and with much more to come. With a big userbase studios would still releasing games for Switch for a very long time

In this sense, I was more likely to buy a Switch revision (if the said revision was good enough to justify a purchase) than a Switch 2. A Switch "Pro" would mean 4 years of extended of support going forward from both Nintendo and third parties, hence a very good purchase. And even if I didn't bought the said revision, it would still mean a extended life expectancy for my standard Switch because it was still 4 more years of games regardless

A Switch 2 in 2023 will probably means Nintendo will no longer releasing many first parties after 2023 (if releasing any game at all) in a way to pressure the userbase to buy Switch 2. Then I will need to wait and see if Switch 2 will be more like what a PS5 is for PS4 or more like a Switch U. If it's a smooth transition, I'm buying after some months in the market, if it's not... well I hope they release a handheld version eventually so I can buy a cheaper version to play some games, but won't be my main console anymore