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A favorite gaming blogger of mine said it best when he likened this to being the Game Boy Color to the OG Switch's "Game Boy." It definitely makes more sense through that lens, though I will still probably wait until it inevitably replaces the original model and drops to $300 in a year or two before making the investment. There's no particular issue with my current Switch other than it could be a bit brighter (and it has a small crack on the corner of the screen that kinda irks me), which makes an upgrade urgent for me right now. With the weak kickstand and smaller screen, OG Switch is not really ideal for tabletop gaming either (at least the more complex games). But while I like that concept, I rarely do tabletop gaming anyway. 

I will say that, given that I play the Switch in handheld mode 85% of the time, that this does hold more value to me than it would most. I like the fact that it'll have a bigger, far clearer (and I'm guessing more vibrant) screen which will adjust to the surrounding light, not to mention an actual heavy-duty, sturdy kickstand. It's a half step up to the inevitable "Switch Pro." Pretty cool, but I really hesitate to even spend $350 on it.

Last edited by DarthMetalliCube - on 13 July 2021


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