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Forums - Gaming Discussion - What's your favorite main series Final Fantasy game?


What's your favorite main series Final Fantasy game?

Final Fantasy I 13 1.59%
Final Fantasy IV 29 3.54%
Final Fantasy VI 140 17.07%
Final Fantasy VII 261 31.83%
Final Fantasy IX 110 13.41%
Final Fantasy X 99 12.07%
Final Fantasy XII 47 5.73%
Final Fantasy XIV 16 1.95%
Final Fantasy XV 27 3.29%
Other 78 9.51%

Tactics on the ps1 is amazing. Often over looked.


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Always FF VII for me. The others in particular order are VI, VIII, IX, XII and XIII.

hinch said:
Branko2166 said:

Have only completed Final Fantasy VIII and XIII.
Needless to say 8 was my favourite. Triple triad could almost be a game in its own right, OST was God tier and junction system was underrated. The more realistic graphics with the story focus being on teen/young adult characters really appealed to me at the time. I suppose it helped that I was a teenager myself when I played it the first time.

As for XVI, I hope it is more like FF7 and 8. Hope that they allow you to overpower your characters with the right tactics. 

Also would prefer a more linear experience for the story portion of the game as well.


Kinda is. SE released Triple Triad Mobile back in 2015, on iOS and Android. But yeah its addictive and fun.

I remember the game fondly. However looking back, the story and cast isn't it strong suit nor is the draw/junction system mechanic. I mean drawing magic for hours on end to build stats/magic power isn't my idea of fun anymore lol. Still, the music was great and basic gameplay was all there. Idd about TT, that is still the best mini-game in any FF.

The option to speed up the game 3x in the remastered version helps make the drawing of spell a bit less tedious and gives the overall game a better flow but I still hate that you're making yourself weaker by casting magic and that in general magic sucks (Aura rules though!).

Signature goes here!

That's pretty cool. Takes some of the grindyness away.

Might have to give the Remaster a go at some point. I'm just hoping someone will make an Ai enhanced texture mod for that version.

Chrkeller said:

Tactics on the ps1 is amazing. Often over looked.

Tactics is great but is it a main series Final Fantasy game? I always considered it a spinoff.

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I ask the people who played FF VI and VII and voted for VII: why do you think that VII is better than VI?

I completed both (VII in 1999 and VI in 2015) and I really can't understand why VII should be better than VI. I mean, everything is better in VI - story, characters, battles... I think it's a subjective opinion, but what are your arguments?

siebensus4 said:

I ask the people who played FF VI and VII and voted for VII: why do you think that VII is better than VI?

I completed both (VII in 1999 and VI in 2015) and I really can't understand why VII should be better than VI. I mean, everything is better in VI - story, characters, battles... I think it's a subjective opinion, but what are your arguments?

Both games rank in my Top 10 of all-time but I put VII ahead because I do enjoy to story in VII a bit more than in VI. The materia system is superior to the espers of VI in my view and that makes battles more enjoyable in VII. VII's end game content is incredible with the Weapons (Emerald and Ruby), chocobo breeding/racing, secret summons, getting master materias, final weapons and limits breaks, the Gold Saucer (Battle Square in particular). On the soundtrack front both are amazing but I'll say Dancing Mad is better than One Wing Angel (so a win for VI here). So it's a close race but VII comes out ahead for me.

Signature goes here!

Final Fantasy IX. Has been for some time now. I think a vast majority of the games in the series are good, though.

It's a good excuse to whip out my list:

1. Final Fantasy IX
2. Final Fantasy VII
3. Final Fantasy Tactics (I know it's a spin-off but I like it enough to feel like it belongs among the mainline games)
4. Final Fantasy XIV
5. Final Fantasy VI
6. Final Fantasy X
7. Final Fantasy IV
8. Final Fantasy XII
9. Final Fantasy XV
10. Final Fantasy VIII
11. Final Fantasy V
12. Final Fantasy X-2
13. Final Fantasy
14. Final Fantasy II
15. Final Fantasy XI
16. Final Fantasy XIII
17. Final Fantasy III

siebensus4 said:

I ask the people who played FF VI and VII and voted for VII: why do you think that VII is better than VI?

It's not, it's my favourite.

Hmm, pie.

7 as its the only one i played through, however i heard 6 was just as good or better. But 7 is my anwser so far.