I just watched some to all of all eight Silver Age Disney films to see which ones I liked and which ones I didn’t… while high (Cannabis). Usually the ones I didn’t like I switched off after 20 minutes, or paid little attention after that point. But I was glued to the screen for the ones that I did like :D
The Silver Age of Disney began in after 7 years of what is generally regarded as weaker films than the “Golden Age” (Fantasia, Bambi, Pineecheo, Snow White, and I think one more). It is the longest era of Disney, running from 1950 and ran until 1967.
Cinderella (1950) thumbs down - I actually watched the whole thing (well, not really, wasn’t paying attention a lot of the time), but there was too much fluff for my tastes. It felt like a Golden Age Disney film, and I’m not a big fan of that era (Fantasia aside… Fantasia is stunning).
Alice in Wonderland (1951) Thumbs up - while this is stereotypically the “get high and watch” film, I think it falls short of a few other Disney films. Because t this one is filled with drug references from colourful psychedelic hookah smoking caterpillars, to eating various grow and shrinking mushrooms and tabs, to sugar which is obviously cocaine at the mad hatter’s. I rank this one fourth.
Peter Pan (1953) Thumbs up for the first half, down for the second - The first half of it is brilliant, the story dealing with their parents is a decent beginning, but then it gets really fun with the animations and stuff (Now I know why Tinkerbell is a Stoner icon). Solid story! Also, Peter Pan appears to be an aspiring flirtatious womanizer who looks like an ass, and flirts with every woman in Neverland, making Wendy and Tinkerbell jealous—and simultaneously doesn’t seem to realize any of it. But then something happens in the middle of the film just gets really slow, and heavy on cartoony stuff, racism, and gay pirates. Probably the most entertaining part of it is “I can’t believe the racist turn this film took” — and I’m not saying this to be preachy, I think even people entertained by cartoonish racism while on cannabis would still be like “WTF? How long does this stupid shit go on for? Uh, I’m just going to watch Chipmunk Adventure again.”
Lady and the Tramp (1955) Thumbs up - this one was great, whole way through except one song with dogs howling at the pound before a dog execution. Which… while high, felt like it went on for 20 minutes - even though it was probably 2 or 3. This one was third for me.
Sleeping Beauty (1959) Thumbs up - This one is so fun to watch while high. In my opinion, it tops Alice in Wonderland. It’s probably my favourite of the bunch. Maleficent is way over the top evil - lots of Satan and Lucifer in her. Also, the film has a lot of Christian and Germanic folklore, and well as Greek and Roman mythology referenced. There was only one other contender for the top spot… easy to guess…
The 101 Dalmatians (1961) Thumbs up - and this is that contender. Hard to compare since this film to Sleeping Beauty because it’s different enough, but also of very high quality. The animation work in this is some of the best in 2D animation, ever. Cruela, again, a very over the top evil villain. Between her and Maleficent, I think these are the two best Disney villains of all time. Jaffar, Scar, and other later ones feel derivative… and maybe too sane, less fun, less involved, to be as fun. Plus I like the sarcasm in this film—the snarky “Cruella De Vil” song is one of the best in Disney.
Sword in the Stone (1963) Thumbs down - I watched the whole thing, and did not enjoy it. Much like Cinderella, it wasn’t holding my attention. Filled with fluff. Also the most cartoony of the bunch.
The Jungle Book (1967) Thumbs down - It had promise, the opening was good, but then the film gets fluffy very quickly, and felt a lot like Sword in the Stone from that point on, so I ended it about 20 minutes in. The film felt a little cartoony, and too much like a Golden Age Disney film, which most will probably love, not me.
Last edited by Jumpin - on 05 February 2023