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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - Perfect Dark Returns!

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Did you enjoy then new Trailer?

Loved it! 30 60.00%
Its okay.. 13 26.00%
Hated it 7 14.00%
Ryuu96 said:
StuOhQ said:

Dug the trailer, but "episodic" means it will be Gamepass only until there is a proper release for me. Can we just get a AAA campaign upfront please? Multiplayer and additional missions in a "seasonal" format would be okay.

Episodic rumour is now apparently 'bullshit' and was apparently just speculation anyway.

Insiders were also convinced it was 3rd person (it's not) and it wasn't Joanna Dark (it is) and some said it wasn't in the Perfect Dark universe (it is), insiders have been very unreliable on this one, Lol.

Given the wild contrast in the rumours, makes me wonder if some red herrings were let out just for the lulz.

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I don't go with rumors, personally.

Anyway, we know almost nothing about this new Perfect Dark as yet, but I can already tell from the interview that I like the development team and trust their intentions.

I don't really expect this game to be as groundbreaking as the original was back in the day, but it doesn't have to be. I've waited so long for a new entry in this franchise, believing it was long dead, and then lo and behold, out of absolutely nowhere, BOOM, there it is! I was floored! The mere thought of a new Perfect Dark game has me in nostalgia overdrive right now just by itself! So yeah, the task here is convincing me not to buy it rather than the other way around.

I just became even more glad that I went with a Series X first. Seriously. Cannot wait to see more of this!

Jaicee said:

I don't go with rumors, personally.

Anyway, we know almost nothing about this new Perfect Dark as yet, but I can already tell from the interview that I like the development team and trust their intentions.

I don't really expect this game to be as groundbreaking as the original was back in the day, but it doesn't have to be. I've waited so long for a new entry in this franchise, believing it was long dead, and then lo and behold, out of absolutely nowhere, BOOM, there it is! I was floored! The mere thought of a new Perfect Dark game has me in nostalgia overdrive right now just by itself! So yeah, the task here is convincing me not to buy it rather than the other way around.

I just became even more glad that I went with a Series X first. Seriously. Cannot wait to see more of this!

Whats really interesting is that it isnt a cross gen game either. Curious to know if that will change as time goes on, or if it will remain a Series X/S game.

Azzanation said:

Whats really interesting is that it isnt a cross gen game either. Curious to know if that will change as time goes on, or if it will remain a Series X/S game.

Maybe it's elitist of me to say this, but I kinda hope it stays full next-gen, personally. I mean both for selfish reasons and also for the sake of the mini-fridge and speaker. Give people more and clearer reasons to upgrade. I mean they don't need a lot of those reasons right now while there's a shortage of mini-fridges owing to the most hardcore gamers buying right away as usual, but y'know, by say next fall when it starts being more about average gamers...I think more incentive to upgrade starts to become key.

Jaicee said:
Azzanation said:

Whats really interesting is that it isnt a cross gen game either. Curious to know if that will change as time goes on, or if it will remain a Series X/S game.

Maybe it's elitist of me to say this, but I kinda hope it stays full next-gen, personally. I mean both for selfish reasons and also for the sake of the mini-fridge and speaker. Give people more and clearer reasons to upgrade. I mean they don't need a lot of those reasons right now while there's a shortage of mini-fridges owing to the most hardcore gamers buying right away as usual, but y'know, by say next fall when it starts being more about average gamers...I think more incentive to upgrade starts to become key.

Its fine, if it makes the game better than i am all in. At least now they wont have excuses not to be able to do great A.I on the newer CPUs. Even though the N64 did amazing A.I on a CPU you will find better in watches.

twintail said:
Chrkeller said:

I loathe trailers that show zero gameplay. I got zero idea what I am suppose to learn about the game.


As cool as it is to have Perfect Dark back, just what is the point of a trailer like this. Should've been more bombastic. But I assume MS is going to have an event where they show off 1st gameplay for the last year of CG/ in game announcements they've had.

So, there's that to look forward to at least.

The difference between this trailer and lets say an E3 trailer is that no one asked for it, we got something out of nothing. This trailer is to get the hype going and the wheels rolling. We officially know its legit now. Hoping we see gameplay soon, however the game is probably still is a long way off. 

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twintail said:
Azzanation said:

Its fine, if it makes the game better than i am all in. At least now they wont have excuses not to be able to do great A.I on the newer CPUs. Even though the N64 did amazing A.I on a CPU you will find better in watches.

The difference between this trailer and lets say an E3 trailer is that no one asked for it, we got something out of nothing. This trailer is to get the hype going and the wheels rolling. We officially know its legit now. Hoping we see gameplay soon, however the game is probably still is a long way off. 

The issue I have with this is not so much the trailer itself, but rather that it is just another MS reveal that is just so devoid of anything tangible for the audience.

Like, if MS had done a better job of their new game showings this year, I wouldn't see this trailer as a problem. Like you said, it's to get the hype going. And that's a fair point because ultimately what these sort of trailers can do.

But another one? It just feels so night and day compared to what Sony and Nintendo are doing. They aren't free of these sort of reveals either, but they have a lot more gameplay-esque reveals that do a better job of starting the hype cycle.

I do believe they have a bombastic gameplay based event coming some time, so I do look forward to that, whenever it is. 

I cannot see the issue with announcing a game especially by surprising there customers without showing gameplay. We might be different here, I don't look at past or present trailers and think to myself "Hmm just another trailer" I see this as "We have a new PD in development! and it seems to be in really good hands with The Initiative." 

I am also a huge Metroid Prime fan and all Nintendo showed was a heading, nothing else, even after 2 years.. it doesn't bother me as much as it would others, as long as i know its coming, that's all i need. Plenty to play and distract me until they arrivals.

Last edited by Azzanation - on 12 December 2020

Finally Microsoft understands. I don't get how they were going into a gamepass future without thinking of first party titles. That will be mandatory, and i'm glad they are doing so. Feel like a Banjo game might be in development now that they let it be in Smash and that they are reviving franchises players want.

The last PD game was painfully average at best.

Nogamez said:

The last PD game was painfully average at best.

So does that mean this one will as well even though they share practicely nothing in common? What was the point of this post?

I'll wait and remain very skeptical, Rare haven't really made a great game in two decades or so. Their last properly good game was Perfect Dark on the N64. The trailer tells me nothing either, but I'll keep my eyes on this project and I always enjoy a positive surprise!