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Forums - Sales Discussion - Spiderman (PS4) has sold over 20m units

HoangNhatAnh said:
Otter said:

So Sony are not making any fanfare regarding the 20m milestone, so probably more 1st party games will quitely pass the threshold if they haven't already

They will potentially have 4-6, 20m+ selling exclusives by the time PS4 is discontinued. They're selling 1st party titles at near Nintendo levels

So 20m units solds are at full $60?

Selling at nintendo levels, only talks about how many copies of games are sold, he never mentions price.

You do, to imply that its better to sell games at high prices.
(which it is, for the company bottom line.... as a consumer, it isn't, good games at cheap prices = awesome)

(basically its a console wars reply, because you dont want others to sell "near nintendo levels" of 1st party games? This is like Apple people bragging about spending 1,000$ on phones, when other phone makers, sometimes sell better hardware for a 3rd of the price)

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HoangNhatAnh said:
Otter said:

So Sony are not making any fanfare regarding the 20m milestone, so probably more 1st party games will quitely pass the threshold if they haven't already

They will potentially have 4-6, 20m+ selling exclusives by the time PS4 is discontinued. They're selling 1st party titles at near Nintendo levels

So 20m units solds are at full $60?

Where did you read that?

Everytime we get a Sony first party update we don’t have to mention Nintendo

MasonADC said:
Everytime we get a Sony first party update we don’t have to mention Nintendo

Where there is truth to that, the OP did put nintendo in very good light.
"near nintendo levels" of selling well.

Every nintendo fan should feel proud to read such.
The fact that one got triggered enough to start debateing price of game sales, in this thread is the odd part.

JRPGfan said:
MasonADC said:
Everytime we get a Sony first party update we don’t have to mention Nintendo

Where there is truth to that, the OP did put nintendo in very good light.
"near nintendo levels" of selling well.

Every nintendo fan should feel proud to read such.
The fact that one got triggered enough to start debateing price of game sales, in this thread is the odd part.

It’s odd that the same conversation gets brought up everytime time and I can’t say once have I seen it bring anything meaningful from it 

Around the Network
MasonADC said:
JRPGfan said:
MasonADC said:
Everytime we get a Sony first party update we don’t have to mention Nintendo

Where there is truth to that, the OP did put nintendo in very good light.
"near nintendo levels" of selling well.

Every nintendo fan should feel proud to read such.
The fact that one got triggered enough to start debateing price of game sales, in this thread is the odd part.

It’s odd that the same conversation gets brought up everytime time and I can’t say once have I seen it bring anything meaningful from it 

ofc it wont, both sides have their favorite peice of plastic box.

Nintendo fans think expensive sold games, is good, because it means you potentially have resell value in it, if 10-15 years down the line you sell your collection.

Sony/Xbox fans, perphaps arnt as worried about selling things, and enjoy that often theres good deals on games, so they can pick up high quality for cheap price.

Both sides debateing their points, and reaching nowhere (convinceing the other) isnt surpriseing.

I view it abit like Apple Iphones vs Android users.
The iphone guy will brag he spent 1,000$ on his phone.
The android guy will brag he spent half that, and it runs as well as the iphone.

Their both bragging about their phone, and how much they cost, but apparently for differnt reasons.

JRPGfan said:
HoangNhatAnh said:

So 20m units solds are at full $60?

Selling at nintendo levels, only talks about how many copies of games are sold, he never mentions price.

You do, to imply that its better to sell games at high prices.
(which it is, for the company bottom line.... as a consumer, it isn't, good games at cheap prices = awesome)

(basically its a console wars reply, because you dont want others to sell "near nintendo levels" of 1st party games? This is like Apple people bragging about spending 1,000$ on phones, when other phone makers, sometimes sell better hardware for a 3rd of the price)

Even then, I'm not sure sony would change anything. Having a wide array of software thrive on the platform is what gives Playstation its consistency and why its FY19 profits were reportedly the 2nd highest in video game history.

Ideally you want a combo of both mega selling first party and huge selling 3rd party, pirce cuts help find that balance imo 

Nintendo are THE benchmark when it comes to 1st party game sales. Using benchmarks to contextual the size of an achievement is pretty normal, especially on a sales forum. Its why AC Vahalla outselling COD in the UK was news. And the 20m mark was something thought  reserved for Nintendo or multiplatform titles until rumours of GOW passing 20m happened last week.

There are more Nintendo comparisons to be made

The exponential growth GOW and Zelda (BOTW) have seen this generation mean BOTW2 and Ragnarok could make a fun sales battle if they both arrive Q4 2021.

Last edited by Otter - on 18 November 2020

Otter said:

There are more Nintendo comparisons to be made

For example the exponential growth GOW and Zelda (BOTW) have seen this generation. BOTW2 and Ragnarok could make a fun sales battle if they both arrive Q2 2021.

BoTW2 should win that, by a large margin.

JRPGfan said:
Otter said:

There are more Nintendo comparisons to be made

For example the exponential growth GOW and Zelda (BOTW) have seen this generation. BOTW2 and Ragnarok could make a fun sales battle if they both arrive Q2 2021.

BoTW2 should win that, by a large margin.

I'll revisit this once we get a better look at them and some firm release dates